Pivoting can be challenging and bring up a lot of emotions. Changes to your relationships, your physical health or overall wellness can unleash some deep issues to tackle along the way. Host Adam Markel talks with Jonathan Mitchell, aka “Jhonny K”, an award-winning singer/songwriter and the podcast host of Unleash Greatness. This amazing personality assists people with tapping into their greatness – a greatness that is already inside of us. Part of that is achieving self-value by being authentic to oneself. Another part is the importance of resilience in rising from the low moments and appreciating your capacities and the resources available to you. Be inspired to unleash your own greatness with Jhonny K.
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Unleashing Your Greatness With Jonathan Mitchell
I feel good at this moment. I feel very much in my body. I don’t know about you but I don’t always feel like I’m in my body. I feel I’m much more in my head at times and not at all consciously aware of what’s happening inside. I also think that it’s a valuable practice for myself and for everyone to sense what they’re feeling. We don’t always have time in the day. I don’t always have time in my day to take a breath, create a little space in my mind and a bit of space even in my body to be able to feel what’s going on, what that little ache and pain might be, and where is it coming from and what’s the origin of it. This is a lot of origin stories for everything that’s happening and showing up in our lives. I would say, all green lights for me and that feels good. I hope that’s where I’m meeting all of you. That you’ve got green lights happening in front of you and if not, if you’re stuck or you feel that you’re not quite in your body and you’d like to get there, take a deep breath. I’m going to do that as well before I bring on a wonderful guest to talk about something that may bring up some emotions for a lot of you. In fact, it may yet bring up emotions for me.
I expect because it’s a difficult topic, a part of lots of pivots in our lives and sometimes those pivots are the ones that we’re designing. It could be that you’re in a relationship that you don’t feel as the most positive and you want to create something new. You’re pivoting out of that relationship or you’re pivoting into something that feels better in the relationship area. Sometimes, it has to do with our physical health and wellness. Sometimes it has to do with our career, with our business and with the job. We’re going to talk about some of that. I’ve got a great guest. His name is Jonathan Mitchell. By day, he trained sales teams across the world in the processing system, scripting and work ethic. By night, he is a singer, songwriter, producer, performer whose songs can be heard on Fox News, Pac-12 Sports Network and various other commercials in retail nationwide. I can tell that we’re going to have a wonderful time discussing some deep stuff together. He’s got a lot of other hobbies, a lot of other things he’s interested in and I want to dig right in. First of all, welcome to the show, Jonathan. Thanks for being with us.
Thank you for having me. I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time. I’m a fan.
What’s not written in that brief bio that I read in your introduction? What’s something that you’d love for people to know about you?
There are many things. I grew up in Idaho. I was in the middle of four girls and I’ve seen every chick flicks that’s ever been created. Not by choice. I got outvoted, but it’s good. My saving grace is that my dad owns a tire mechanic shop up in Idaho Falls. My saving grace was him taking me to work when I was a kid to help me, not that there’s anything wrong with being feminine, but he’s like, “My guy’s going to be a guy.”
He was like, “I’ll take him to the shop.” It’s funny because I’m getting a new perspective here because we have four kids and three are the most glorious young women and our son, who’s awesome. To be the little prince in the midst of all these princesses was interesting for him. They would dress him up and do all kinds of things to that poor kid, but I’m having a little internal laugh about that.
Is he the oldest? The youngest?
He’s a third of four.
Poor guy, tell him I feel for him.
He’s also had a great education. He knows more about girls and women with three sisters and a mom than I knew or had experience with growing up with myself and a brother. I think he has a sensitivity that’s quite a bit different, which is something beneficial for him as a man in the world. He’s got a steady girlfriend and a great relationship. In part, that’s a credit to the fact that he understands that gender better than a lot of young men his age certainly. That’s a good thing. I’m sure that’s paid dividends for you as well. Jonathan, I want to talk about the pivot that proceeded to what you’re doing. I know you had a change of career and as we’re chatting, that pivot was not by choice. Sometimes pivots that happened to us are by default because something happens. We’re not planning for it. We don’t expect. Sometimes we design them, but this was not the design version, was it?
Focus on your strengths, but do not ignore your weaknesses. Share on XNo, it wasn’t.
Why don’t you take us back? I’d like to get into the belly of the beast because there are a lot of people who are going to be able to relate to the thing that happened as open, honest, vulnerable as you feel being about this. Let’s go back in time.
I neglected to tell you this has happened twice. The first time was years ago, I was in a sales job and the company made some leadership mistakes that caused the sales team to get laid off. I was one of them. At that time, I was not embittered but I was like, “I’m going to control my own destiny.” I went into music full-time. I did that for 4 or 5 years and then I got married. My wife was like, “I love you do music.” She is supportive of me doing music, but she needed to have a constant income because the music was up and down and never consistent. I went into the business world again, but back in the sales and the time that I told you about was the first job I got. I was there for a year and a half and almost the exact same happened where they redesigned the sales team. I had a choice of either moving to Toronto or staying in Salt Lake and getting laid off and severance. My option at the time was having to stay, which was hard because I was still in this place of trying to be, not that my wife and I don’t know each other, but I wanted to be that person who supported the family and takes care of things and be the man. That’s where I grew up with wanting to and I want it to be that.
After that happened, it took a hit on my value as a man. It took a hit on what I felt like my wife was feeling and thinking about me that she wasn’t willing to tell me because I know she didn’t want to hurt my feelings. My own value, as far as my skillset and if I had something to give to the world because this is the second time it happened. Being that way, I was like, “This keeps happening in sales.” I love sales. I have a great time with it, but part of it was like, “I need to do something more than this.” I went into more of the training world, both leadership development, and sales training. I still do sales training because I love it. That shift happened because it came down to saying, “What do I like and love that I’m good at? What is going to be around that I cannot have this happen again and grow into?”
Doing a lot of studying and stuff, that the learning and development came up to something that I love. I’ve been a life coach for years and I thought, “What is the life coach version in the corporate world?” It’s learning and development. It’s training. Using that background, I went into a role where I was doing that full time and ever since then, I am doing my MBA and focusing on leadership development and training. I’m in a spot where rewind to years ago, I never thought I’d be in a place where I have ten direct reports over 150 retail stores internationally reporting to me. I never saw that coming. I’m happy to get as vulnerable and raw as you want because I had a lot of feelings that happen when it happened.
I don’t think we could have planned this. This is wonderful synchronicity. You grew up with four sisters and your dad had a business. He was running a business and nobody gave him a pink slip. I’ve never seen a pink slip. I don’t know where that term originated. Somewhere along the lines, people got fired with a pink slip. The acts didn’t fall on him. He was an entrepreneur. He had his own challenges. We all know business owners have. That was your model and he took care of things financially. This was the way the bar was set for you. As men, this is not a conversation we have a lot, but we’re genetically programmed, if not through our gene pool, it’s certainly out there in the things we see when we’re growing up that one of the roles of a man is to provide and to protect the family. When something like that happens, it’s an assault on your gut. You can call it lots of things, worthiness, self-esteem, confidence. What was going on for you? I appreciate you going into this because it’s not something we talk about all the time.
For the women and the men who are reading this, it’s important to know that this shit happens. I got fired from a job. I’ve had a couple of jobs. I remember my first job out of college, I was working for a publishing house. Turned out ironically that this big publishing house, I’m not going to name them out loud, but I hated my boss. She was all over me and I was probably terrible at my job. In hindsight, I probably wasn’t prepared for this to be the assistant to somebody in the role that she was in. Nonetheless, it was awful and I quit. I left. That was the first attempt at being in the business world and that was a failure. I didn’t plan on leaving six months into my first job at a college. That was a good excuse for me to go back to the beach and be a lifeguard and a waiter and a number of other odd jobs along the way. After becoming a lawyer and starting my own law firm and having a lot of success for eighteen years in that role, I pivoted out of practicing law because it was killing me in a different way. Similar to you, I have a larger calling.
There’s something more that I could be doing with myself. I take a chance at leaving a steady career, business, income, etc. and I go to lead another organization in a more traditional role in the personal development space. Six years into that experience, the stakeholders in that business look at me and they say, “You are no longer a fit. You’re out of here.” I get the ax then. One of the hardest things about those experiences, and it was for me was, “What does this say about me? What do I do with it? What do we do with the feedback?” That’s what it is, you would be getting certain feedback from the universe that we don’t plan on. We don’t necessarily want. What do you do with that? Take us into that spot. What was going on for you, if you can recall?
It’s heavy, but I’ll go there and fill it out for you because I don’t mind going there. It’s important to know. I don’t know if we, as men talk about it enough and we’re open about it because it’s not a topic that’s pleasant or fun. I think for me, it was the second time it happens and the first time it took me back and pissed me off honestly. This next time, I wasn’t angry. It was more disappointed in myself that I wasn’t a doctor or a CEO. There’s something wrong with me internally that I’m not in a place where that could happen. That’s where I went. I started for a little while and focused on the wrong things thing. There are many things wrong about me and I have these mental lists of, “There’s this wrong.”
Going through life coach training for so long, trying to real and authentic with yourself and understanding your weaknesses is important. It’s easy for me to get stuck there and to focus on that until I started saying, “I’m going to step outside myself for a second and I’m going to talk to myself as if I was coaching myself. What’s the stuff that I think is good? What’s the stuff that comes naturally to me that other people are like, ‘How do you do that?’” I was like, “I just do it,” because internally, I didn’t value what I was good at as much as I found out later that other people value. Once I found that value, that naturally, I could jump out of it, but it took me time. It wasn’t an easy process to discover my own value, especially in a place where I felt like I was a value list.

Unleash Greatness: Trying to be real and authentic with yourself and understanding your weaknesses are important.
That’s when somebody is telling you that. You’re not valuable enough to continue paying you.
My dad, my parents, my family, my wife, everyone’s super supportive. No one externally was saying, “You suck,” but when you get laid off and it’s the second time it’s happening, you think yourself, “Maybe something out there is trying to tell me that I’m maybe not as good as I thought I was.” There’s a healthy balance between looking at the things you to work on but I’ve steered away from that to go to strengths. I’m not ignoring my weaknesses, but I want to focus on my strengths and be like Gary Vaynerchuk. I love that guy because he talks about double down on your strengths, instead of focusing on all the weak spots. I came to that place myself where I had to be in a place where I was allowing someone else to tell me what I was good at because I wouldn’t before. I was stuck in this, “I suck” mode. I had to be open to the fact that someone who was being honest about what I was good at and not trying to be nice to me. I had to let my ego go and be open to that and be willing to try something not necessarily new but in a different way. I never thought I’d be a training person in the corporate, but once I stepped into, it was like, “This is awesome. This is perfect.”
The benefit of hindsight is always a great thing because it’s easy to look back down the staircase and see that even though we’re blind as we were walking or groping our way through things in our lives and to get to where we are, then we look backward, all those stairs were even in the midst of the dark. They were all perfectly sequenced. Everything was aligned in the perfect order to lead us exactly to where we’re standing. At any given point, maybe earlier on in the process and even midway through it and even sometimes right before something breaks in our favor, if you’re asked, “How are things going? Do you feel things have been in your favor that these things that seemed as obstacles or seemed as to have blindsided you? Who were these things working to your benefit?” We probably have said, “No.” He’s been honestly going that whole adage about everything happens for a reason. It’s total bullshit. At this moment, it’s total crap. What were some of the things you did at the time because you were focusing on the wrong things? That’s probably what most people do at that time. I’ll go back to my own experience right after you share yours, but that’s an important thing. What were you doing at certain points that enabled you to keep going and find some of the guidance and even the passion that you have for what you’re up to?
Fortunately, at the time, because of being through a lot of the emotional healing training and life coaching training, I had a lot of mentors that I could lean on that I knew would be honest with me in a way that was brutal but necessary in both good and bad. I reached out to a few people and said, “I’m trying to figure this out, talk to my dad about what he thought and things that happened to him.” I tried to glean on what other people were thinking, what they went through and ask them, “What do you see me doing?” I went to the people who knew me best in different roles and I found this pattern of the strengths that they felt that I had.
That’s a great question, by the way, “What do you see me doing?” I know people probably taking some good notes on some of these things. That’s one I’d write down. Asking people who know you well and know you a long time.
I had some life coach people who would tell you not to do that because of external feedback. Sometimes other people’s limiting beliefs can hold you back, but at some point, you have to be willing to be open because you never know who’s going to say something like, “That’s it.” Some people said, “I see you being a rockstar. I see you doing this.” I was like, “I appreciate it, but that’s not it.” You look for the feedback that resonates. As soon as I felt that, I was like, “That’s it.” I had to be open to that.
We have a truth meter inside ourselves anyway.
Being a musician, being in the in tune thing, the tuning fork, when you hit a chord, you can go into any room and you can find the note of the room and it resonates. You can feel the thing vibrate right there. This is getting into the energy musician, physical world that I believe in, but I personally believe that I resonate on different frequencies and that there’s a frequency higher than where I am that’s calling me to raise myself up. My job is to rise to that frequency in my relationships, with my money, my job and my need. I was in that spot by saying, “I want to lift myself to the next frequency. What is it?” As I was going up asking people those questions, I know what that feels like the inside of me to have that resonance.
As soon as I felt like, “That’s it. I don’t know exactly what’s going to lead me, but that is the feeling I want to follow.” Growing up with four girls, I’m emotionally in tune, which I’ve found not common with men. I have nothing against sisters. I love them. I’m glad I had them because they helped me date or otherwise, it would’ve been a mess. That internal knowing of my soul and being in touch with that was what led me down the path of training. I love where I am, but eventually, I’d like to do my own thing and launch my own company. That’s the goal, but it’s the step at a time of saying, “Where am I at? Where can I grow and following that inner tuning fork?”
I remember when I got the ax from that position. To be clear, I was the CEO of the company when that happens. When your partners tell you they don’t believe you. They don’t believe in your leadership anymore. It means a lot of ways to put this. It’s not like you even look further up the chain of command. I was at the top of the chain of command. It was the people who own the company that I was in partnership with that said to me, “No, this isn’t working.” After the fog, the haze, the disbelief, the shock of something like that happens, for everybody, it’s the same. When you lose your job, there are a million things that you could focus on that are going to be impacted by that. There’s a lot of, “What -iffing?” We do a lot of what -iffing about, “The money’s gone. It’s not coming in. What does it say about me or my prospects for the future? It’s a million a thing. What are my friends, family, and people think? What do I think?” All that stuff.
When there is space for gratitude, everything else going on in your life doesn’t matter anymore. Share on XI remember the fact that I had already pivoted out of something and wrote a book about it and how to process was helpful. It was one of these funny moments where I remember being outside my house and going out for a walk. I knew I needed to move my body. I knew I am a physical person as we all are. When I’m not moving my body, things get stuck pretty quickly internally. My mind will become my worst enemy if I’m not exercising. I don’t walk or swim or do something to get energy moving. I’m outside and I had this crazy urge to listen to the audible version of the book that I had written. This book, Pivot: The Art and Science of Reinventing Your Career and Life.
Did you speak the audio?
I did. I delivered the audio in a booth for four days. I don’t know if I closed the loop on this, the first publishing house that I worked for, the one that I quit, became the publisher of my book. That’s one of those funny, full-circle moments. I go out on this hike in these beautiful canyons behind our home. I start walking and I said, “I’m going to do it. If it’s good enough for other people, if it’s a thing that I’ve talked about that would help people in situations like this where it’s either you’ve won a pivot, which was my first situation, or this other one that I hadn’t experienced much about, that you get canned or whatever, some other thing happens unexpectedly. I’ve got to eat my own cooking.” It was agonizing. It was brutal. It was uncomfortable to listen to my own voice, giving me and spitting back the advice about what to do in a situation like the one ii was in, but if it didn’t do exactly what it was supposed to do. It became much a process of creating space for higher wisdom to show up. That’s where mindfulness work, meditation or stillness practice or even walking to clear your head, for that matter. It is effective because we have a lot of answers inside ourselves. We always have all the right answers inside ourselves, but we’re not always tuned in to the station that would play those for us inside.
It’s perfect. I talk about that all the time. I love it.
If you can get that tuning right, I’m old enough to remember when that’s what a radio was. You turn the dial and if you’re a little bit to the right, you are missing the frequency. A little bit to the left, you miss it, but you get it right on 95.5 before it was even digitized. It was like this little bar that would move along. I think that’s 95.5 but you didn’t know for sure until you could hear with your ears the clarity of that signal. We do have that internal signal, but we’re busy and being assaulted all the time with everything from what’s happening in these apps, that we’re constantly looking at to all the beings and the pings of our phone and the colors that light up for us to go down these rabbit holes of this email and that email and that link that we click.
All this stuff that takes us out of a present moment where if we were tuned into ourselves, dialed in, they were nothing but answers in there. That’s what I’ve found. That’s why this day, I do and I’m doing exactly what I want and every other thing that I wanted when I first started to explore what a pivot was. Those things I’m living more clearly than even when I was running a company that was teaching that stuff. It’s interesting how that comes the way it does. Jonathan, I want to ask you two additional questions. One is about resilience. How do you define resilience and how important was resilience in the process of going from that low moment in that inflection point in your life to where you are now?
I used to think it was being positive. It does have some positive to it. I would say that resilience is more about being in alignment and staying in alignment as opposed to being positive. Since I define it more as alignment, I look at everything in my life, my relationships, my work, school, everything as is it in alignment with me or is it not? The more I have found that I eliminate my time and places that I shouldn’t be at or relationships and I do the things I’m with the people I spend the time listening to, watching, playing, whatever with the stuff that feeds my soul or lifts me up or brings life into me, the abler I am to deal with the crap that happens I don’t have control over. I try to find anything in my life.
If after a while and I noticed, I take a look saying, “This last week, I feel like this relationship was draining me.” I either need to redefine that relationship, set up some boundaries, or it may be time for me to be done with it. I used to wait for months. I don’t do that anymore. It’s like a week by week basis. If this isn’t working for me, it’s gone because I know eventually, I’ll get to the point where I’m burned out. I’m done and I’m not resilient. I could get a flat tire on the way home and it’s the worst thing in the world, but now, I was like, “It’s okay. It’s a flat tire.” It doesn’t bother me. I think the more I’m in alignment and paying attention to what’s in alignment is what helps me be resilient with whatever that may happen.
Oftentimes, the things that are the proverbial straw that breaks our back are these things that are totally insignificant. They’re not important things, but it’s that one more thing. It’s that one last thing that we’re already exhausted. We’re already depleted. Our patience already has worn thin and then somebody cuts us off on the road or some other thing happens and you can flip out. You don’t even know, but it wasn’t about that thing or you come home and it’s that one more thing that creates the explosive argument or the explosive risk reaction. It’s not about the response at that moment, it’s a reaction. It was never about that, but it’s because that other stuff, what you described is that the alignment is off.
When the alignment is off, think about it, this is funny, your dad was in this business. If a car’s alignment is off, the wheels are misaligned. What happens on the road? You’re all over the place. You take it off the steering wheel and you drift to the right or you drift to the left. That’s much the case with us. When we are out of alignment, that’s exactly what’s happening. We’re drifting. In fact, there was a great book. There are two books that are coming into my awareness. One was Outwitting the Devil. This wonderful Napoleon Hill book that he wrote sometime after he wrote Think and Grow Rich in 1937or 1938. The book wasn’t published until many years later, 2011 or 2012. In the book, without getting into the details, it talks about the impact of drifting. The drift, as he called it, could be well related to what you described as being this misalignment. I see that as being a key ingredient in becoming resilient.

Unleash Greatness: Resilience is more about being in alignment and staying in alignment as opposed to being positive.
This other thing that you mentioned makes me think of a book called Karmic Management. There are three authors to that, Christie McNally, Michael Roach, and I always forget the third author, but it was an amazing book. In fact, at the beginning of my tenure as the CEO of this company, I gave out some books. One was this book Karmic Management because it was all about how it is that we treat people, how it is that we see our vendors, our contractors, our employees, our competition for that matter. Could you see them as your karmic business partners? If so, how would you treat them? The premise of that book is pretty interesting. In the beginning, it says that the first rule in everything in life is to stop doing what doesn’t work. What you described checking in and feeling whether something’s aligned or to use your words. If something is bringing life into me, I feel more enlivened by someone else’s presence, by that relationship, by that routine, by that whatever it might be, that could be in business or personal things. That’s creating more alignment for you.
It’s working. There are things, people, or situations that are sucking the life out of you and creating that lack of alignment in you, that’s not working. It’s ironic that that business book was talking about this because often, we are continuing to do things or tolerate things in our lives that we know don’t work and we somehow expect that it’s going to get better. It’s going to change. It’s like, “What are you talking about? It’s not likely to change. It’s not likely to be any different.” The fact is, if it’s not working, stop doing what’s not working. They say that’s the first rule in the book and everything will always go back to that one rule. You’ll stop doing what’s not working. I appreciate that wisdom from you, Jonathan. That’s pretty cool. What’s one ritual that you have that has either created resilience or helped you to maintain that resilience in your life?
The ritual I do every day, I used to think that feeling negative emotions was a negative thing and that I shouldn’t be experiencing negative emotions ever. I’m on the other side saying, “It’s part of this experience.” My ritual is at night, I analyze my day and I took a look at, “What are the negative experiences, emotions, doubts, fears, anger and whatever the negative things I see?” I do this energetic dump before I go to bed. I believe in God and I imagine this is how I do it. I imagine him right next to me with a bag. I look at my body and say, “Where in my body do I hold anger, fear, whatever it happened during the day?” I dump it all in the bag and once I’m done, I imagine God healing the life force inside of me that’s distorted and putting it back inside of me, so I’m filled up. After that, I imagine that night, I imagine whatever positive experience in the future that I’m trying to tune into and then feeling gratitude for that experience in the future. I didn’t use to do that. I used to focus on the gratitude and the good stuff and had all this yucky stuff. I was like, “I’m feeling it. We’re be releasing it and then be letting it be healed and move forward.” I do that every night in bed before I go to sleep.
You think about it as if you could continue to fill a container endlessly. You fill a container and not leak and not have it overflow. If you don’t have any room, if there’s no room left in the container for anything new, what are you going to do? It’s one of those things, where you go, “Okay, it makes sense.” People are going, “That makes so much sense. It’s scary how much sense that makes.” You’d want to dump things out the garbage. You take your garbage out at home, when it fills up or before it fills to the top and is overflowing. You take it out so that you have a room, that cleared space to fill to allow things to fill in. I don’t mean necessarily having dumped the garbage out so you can put more garbage in. Without space, you can’t get anything new to fit in there because it’s up to the brim. Even that process, filling your head with what you’re grateful for. If there’s all this other stuff that you’re not grateful for, resentment, anger, hurt, whatever it might be, there’s not a lot of room for gratitude. It is cool that you shared that process.
I’m not sure if you’ve heard of this one, but when we’ve been in Hawaiian and work with some people there, we were fortunate to hear of a ritual that’s done. It’s with kids, primarily. They have this ritual involving these bowls like coconut shells. Coconuts that cut in half and they call them light bowls. The object for the kids is to whatever’s going on in the day, if there’s something that they did wrong, they get reprimanded for something at school, made a mistake, didn’t follow the rules, every place where they feel bad about something that happened in their life that day, they put a little stone, a little rock and put it in this bowl of light. At the end of the day, they empty the bowl. The next day when they wake up, they have this clean, fresh, new container, this new bowl of light.
Everything from the prior day is gone. All that garbage like you described is out of there. They have a fresh beginning. That’s an incredible ritual, the one that you described. I know there are some people are going to think, “Before I go to bed, I’m going to take an energetic dump of all that yuck and get rid of it.” I’m a God guy too. To me, let God take it. God can take it easy and allow that to happen. Forgive it, bless it, and all the rest of it so that you’ve created space for gratitude. You can feel gratitude and know there’s a place inside your body for feeling good and feeling appreciative of everything from your breath, your life, your health, your family, your money, all of it. Jonathan, I’ve enjoyed having you on the show.
Thank you, I appreciate it. I’d love to have you on mine sometime. We need to get you on.
For our community out there, I hope you loved this. I hope it’s been beneficial to know a couple of bald-headed bearded guys. Take this information that’s meaningful to you. Somehow, you heard something you were meant to hear. I feel like there’s never a coincidence. All this was perfectly orchestrated and intended by the divine. I’ll remind everyone that when you wake up, it’s also perfectly intended as it’s supposed to be. There’s a truism or something I remind myself of when I take my first breath of the day. That is that there’ll be people taking their last breath at that exact same moment. If you have any doubts about how intended and intentional it is that you are alive and well and breathing, think about the fact that there are an alternative and the one you got is the one you want.
That’ll allow you to be grateful. In addition to what Jonathan has said that if you don’t have a lot of other stuff that’s filling you up, the yuck of the past and the yuck of the negative emotion or negative thoughts that we are focused on sometimes. There’ll be room to feel grateful at that moment. You’ll be able to say these words that changed my life and I get to share them with people a lot. It’s a blessing for me to do that. Those words are, “I love my life.” Four simple words take a few seconds to say and perhaps if you have space to feel the gratitude that’s all a part of those words, then it won’t matter what else is going on in your life. It won’t matter what else might be your focus at that moment. You can experience those words and believe it because it’s true. I appreciate all of you. I appreciate you, Jonathan.
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About Jonathan Mitchell
Award-winning singer/songwriter and podcast host of Unleash Greatness, Jonathan Mitchell focuses on assisting people on how to tap into the greatness already lying in wait inside.