We Are Honored…
…to collaborate with so many heart-centered and impact-driven individuals and companies. Learn about their experiences below.
Speaking Testimonials
Adam is a keynote speaker whose mission is to elevate the performance of your team or organization. Whether his keynote addresses resilience or other aspects of leadership, he’ll exceed your event goals and your attendees will walk away with actionable learning to sustain their performance for the long-term.

We are 2 weeks post meeting and the energy remains high. People are speaking about the meeting as transformative…that was our goal…notably
your ending!!

Adam is a high energy and dynamic speaker that kept our managers and team engaged with an impactful message that far surpassed our expectations.

If you want to transform the lives within your organization, Adam is a guy who can help
make it happen.

Adam’s session with us was terrific – compelling, high-energy and thought-provoking. Folks really got into it and told us later how much they appreciated the interactivity. Three weeks later, I’m still hearing ‘thank you’ from our members!

Adam’s talk about leadership and resilience provided a great foundation for the conference, inspiring attendees to engage in a productive and interactive learning experience. His high energy presentation was insightful, relevant and reinforced our key messages and goals.

Everyone really enjoyed Adam’s engaging keynote! The energy he imbibed lasted well into the event, nearly doubling the engagement over past meetings! Our group is historically very quiet and somewhat introverted; I was impressed with how much participation he inspired.

Adam’s words were extremely impactful and his resilient leadership message was the ideal way to end our conference activities.
Success Stories

“It has allowed me to step outside of the box I was playing in and STOP playing small and show up in the world on a larger level… “

“Since working with Adam my company’s exposure, clientele and revenue has more than doubled. Working with Adam has opened doors and created game changing opportunities for me and my message to reach larger audiences and have a greater transformative impact on all those my company comes in contact with.”

“Wow! Working with Adam as a facilitator and a teacher — master feels like an understatement. He brings so much compassion to everything he does. There’s this full integrity and love that surrounds every word that comes out of his mouth. It’s so supportive! It’s just beautiful. I’ve never been in another teaching experience that has been so profound! “

“If you’re looking to follow your heart, reinvent yourself, create more wealth, lose those extra pounds, quit your job, start a new business or end one that you are no longer passionate about, I highly recommend working with Adam Markel! He’ll guide and support you every step of the way. This I can guarantee! Everyone should experience him at least once in their lifetime.”

“Before taking the incubator, I felt alone and like there was no one in my life who understood and supported what I was working to accomplish. After completing the incubator program, I feel a connection with a community of people who understand, they’re supportive, AND they’re realizing success! Thank you! “

“Before taking the PIVOT program the steps of having a plan to make big changes in my life and following through seemed overwhelming and unwieldy. After PIVOT, it is has become a manageable and flexible process for breaking the actions and steps into smaller pieces. Additionally the PIVOT process has taught me to evaluate the successes and failures of those small steps to make continued refinements to my larger goals. “

“We honed in on what it is I’m meant to be doing and how I’m meant to be doing that… and I now have a new sense of direction for my business and personal life. The return on my investment has already come back 10 FOLD! “

“The Heart of Enrollment is an ABSOLUTE MUST to help crack your shell of fear, anxiety, limited vision or whatever’s holding you back from fulfilling your passions. Adam Markel is a world class, heart centric, teacher whose real world expertise will help find the shortcuts you need to expedite your success…”

“You’ve discovered a very special group here at The PIVOT Incubator Community ….Adam Markel and the entire team at Pivot provided the third leg of the stool for me …. the scarcity mindset I was raised with severely impacted my trading / investing as I tried to correct the financial mistakes made over decades by ‘professionals’ entrusted to manage my portfolio. “

“Working with Adam came at a pivotal movement in my career. He teaches you how to reinvent yourself while remaining focused on your current circumstances. My organization and our client base has grown 1000% over 15 months. My pivot moment was when I realized I was right where I was supposed to be and it’s my stepping stone to a larger platform of service. “

“Wow! I’m not even sure what to say. Working with Adam Markel has been huge! After a year of interacting, but never formally working together, it was time for me to take the leap and commit to training – to speaker training – with Adam. And oh my gosh am I ever glad I did. Why guess when you can learn from one of the globe’s masters? During our time together, Adam was instrumental in guiding me to write the most powerful speech I have ever written. His practical knowledge combined with his heartfelt teaching style were just the catalysts I needed to move myself from “she’s a good speaker” to “who the heck is that up there on stage??” status. If you are looking to master on-stage presence, effective communication and impactful messaging, do not hesitate to work with Adam Markel! “

“The PIVOT coaching program is so INVALUABLE. It’s the only program of its kind that I know of. I received the guidance, support & processes I needed to make my Pivot a smooth one. Adam Markel is a heart-centered, awakened individual full of business & personal development experience. So I was able to draw on all of that experience. Adam through the program enabled me to see & harness my own power. I received personal coaching from one of the industry’s leading teachers such as when specific fears or limiting beliefs showed up during the course of my pivot. I have already made my money back many times over. In addition, there have been numerous unquantifiable benefits that I’ve received through the program. For example, I found the Pivot community in my coaching program to be an amazing group of like-minded individuals, some of whom are now my life-long soul friends & collaborators. “

“Before the Pivot Incubator, I felt a strong pressure to immediately drop out of the legal profession to start my more heart-centered career as a coach and trainer. After going through the Pivot Incubator I feel more centered, grounded and trusting in the Pivot process, which has been much more gradual than I thought it would be. That growing faith and trust in the process, along with a very supportive and loving community has made the Pivot Incubator invaluable for me.”

“Since working with Adam my company’s exposure, clientele, and revenue has more than doubled. Working with Adam has opened doors and created game changing opportunities for me and my message to reach larger audiences and have a greater transformative impact on all those my company comes in contact with. Adams’s mentoring style has influenced greater confidence, clarity, and effectiveness in my ability to lead and facilitate keynotes, trainings, masterminds, and other speaking engagements.”

“Adam’s mentoring program has been PHENOMENAL! He has helped me grow to that next level in all aspects of my business — both coaching and speaking. It has been session after session of breakthroughs. From nuts and bolts details including my website and lead magnets to keeping my mindset in optimum state, Adam is THE BEST! Truly one of the best (if not THE best) investments I have made in 2020! Thank you!”

“All I can say is “Wow!” Adam’s virtual program for learning how to get on TedX stages and deliver a winning talk has been MASSIVE for me. It has taken a “good” version of my talk and inspired me to create something that is now epic. PLUS, I have already made it to the final cut for two TedX events and I’m just getting started with the application process! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Adam and your entire team have been amazing to work with!”