It feels different when you are helping others succeed and attain happiness. Join Donna Steinhorn in this episode as she shares the story that led to the critical pivot of her life’s purpose. Donna is an executive, mentor, life coach, co-founder of Serendipitous Events, co-founder of the non-profit Coach Initiative, and a board member of the Transformational Leadership Council. She dives deep into the importance of finding your true passion and transforming people’s lives.
Show Notes:
- 05:03 Introduction
- 16:18 Helping People Change
- 30:45 Adjustments And Pivots
- 41:12 Stories
- 44:01 Rituals
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How do we leverage continuous uncertainty to thrive in this unprecedented new world?
The answer is to build the resilience we need to power us through the challenges we face so that we become “Change Proof.” Prepare to tackle the future with confidence by reading Adam’s latest book Change Proof: Leveraging the Power of Uncertainty to Build Long-Term Resilience.
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The Right Pivot To Living A Meaningful Life With Donna Steinhorn – REPLAY
Our theme is self-mastery and wellness. Donna Steinhorn is an Executive, Mentor, and Life Coach with many years of corporate and business experience. She divides her time between her one-on-one clients, developing and leading conferences and workshops, and multiple projects. She’s also the Cofounder of Serendipitous Events, which produces the invitation-only Conversation Among Masters and Camelot annual events, and the Cofounder of the nonprofit, Coach Initiative, whose mission is, “To be the central gathering point where professional coaches can volunteer their experience and expertise in support of global projects that focus on the betterment of the human condition and uplifting the human spirit.”
She’s also a Board Member of the Transformational Leadership Council founded by Jack Canfield, so leaders of personal and organizational transformation can support each other in their contributions to the world. Some of the things that we discussed were her journey from working in HR to learning about self-development and its power, behavior, and how people adapt and change to questions to reframe change you’ve assumed was negative, what is the creative opportunity in change, what does it enable you to do, as well as her experiences with some of the people she has worked with and the lessons she has learned from them.
Donna, I am so happy to have you join us.
Thank you for having me here, Adam.
We’ve been in a drought. Like so many things in life, you can see the cycles. If you live long enough and have enough perspective, you can see the trends and the cycles in things. We were in a trend and a cycle of drought in Southern California for many years. We’ve gotten enough rain that there are only a few spots in the entire state of California that are not officially out of drought. Mother Nature has delivered the rain that was so desperately wanted and needed as well.
Even though I love the sunshine and all that kind of thing, it is beautiful to see the cycle repeat itself and to know that there are so many living things that are feeling very blessed by all the rain that we’ve gotten. It’s good to be out of drought. We go through cycles of drought and floods when all the channels are producing, and then other times when some of those channels, including the channels that bring us our money and other things, are lacking at points in time.
Donna, it would be wonderful if you could set the stage for a little background on yourself. I know you’ve been involved in business, either directly as a business owner and entrepreneur but also in coaching so many executives and other folks over the years. I would love it if you’d set the stage by sharing a little bit about your personal background and history.
started out life in Corporate America out of college. I did a lot of HRN training. I learned that people could learn new habits, learn to change, and began watching and observing the patterns that people had in their lives and when the patterns worked well and when the patterns didn’t work well. I started reading personal development books when I was fifteen, so I got started in the industry early while I still had my own businesses.

Pivot: It’s fascinating how people behave the way they do and what helps them to change.
At that point, I was working from home. My children were in high school, and I suddenly realized that in a few years, they would be out of high school, and life was going to change whether I wanted it to or not. I had a moment of, “What’s next?” I’ve always been a person that did a lot of things. The change was a normal part of my life. I lasted in most jobs for three years. In the 1st year, I was learning, in the 2nd year, I was coasting, and in the 3rd year, I was bored to death. That’s because none of them spoke to my soul. I would bounce from something to something, but I would always find a way of taking what I had been doing and bridging it up into something new that included perhaps what I had been doing.
It was the mid-’90s. I had this moment of having no idea of what was next. In the past, I always had multiple ideas of what I wanted to do. Suddenly, I was going to have a lot of freedom, and I had no idea. Someone mentioned to me that there was this thing called life coaching. I had known about coaching because even back in the ’70s, when I was in Corporate America, top management often had a coach. It was usually a perk. It was expensive, and it was not discussed. It was hush-hush because it was to either teach them some soft skills, teach them presentation skills, or polish them up, so they had a better image.
It wasn’t talked about, but I knew about coaching. When someone said there was this thing called life coaching, my ears perked up, and I said, “How do you do that? Isn’t it expensive?” She said, “There’s this woman in Wisconsin. She charges $25 a session, talks to you over the phone and coaches you.” I thought, “That’s worth a try.”
I contacted the woman, and we had our first session. I was underwhelmed. We had a 2nd and 3rd session, and I realized at the 3rd session that in the last 2 sessions, I had been coaching her. A light bulb went off over my head that this might be something that I could do. I seemed to be rather good at it. I had been coaching people all my life. In those days, the internet existed. I did what I do, which is I got on the internet and started researching coaching. I came up with about three schools that taught coaching at the time.
I did some research, picked one, and attended it. It took me two years to get through the program. It was intensive. I got involved in another organization that was led by a man by the name of Thomas Leonard. I started working with him along with some other people, and the rest is history. I became a coach, worked with Coachville and started my own coaching organization. Here we are now, many years later, happily still at it.
I would love to unpack that. You were in a situation where you were not certain what your future was going to be like or what you were going to be doing. You’d learned along the way that you were going from flower to flower, pollinating. I loved that three-year cycle of the 1st year you’re learning, the 2nd year you were coasting, and the 3rd year, you were bored. Did I get that right?
If you want to become a coach, you can start by researching. Share on X
You did. Sometimes, it didn’t take that long. My shortest job lasted six weeks.
We have that in common. I have had a lot of jobs. I was a junior high school English teacher, a lifeguard, and a waiter. I went back to law school and all that thing too. You got to a certain place where the kids were leaving, and you were looking at what this next phase and stage of my life were going to be. Was there anything you could look back on and say to yourself that you did something that set you up for that successful light bulb moment, or was it one of those things you can’t explain?
I started reading personal development books of Maxwell Maltz and several others when I was fifteen. I’d always had an interest in the patterns of people and how people changed and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Nowadays, it would be brain science. I’ve always been fascinated by people, how they behave, and what helps them to change. Change has always fascinated me, how people adapt or rebel. That was already there at the bottom. Even in my first corporate engagement, even though I wasn’t hired as a trainer, about a year in, I went to the training department and said, “I love what you do. I love attending. Can I apprentice to you at times?”
The whole concept of helping people change is something I adopted early on in adulthood, so the seeds were there. When the person said to me, “There is such a thing as a life coach,” it was a baby industry at that point. Those seeds began to take root, so it was always there. It was that light bulb moment that helped them grow faster. The fact that the woman I spoke to was so bad had inspired me.
Sometimes, the things that inspire us are examples of what not to do or what doesn’t work necessarily. We realize, “I could do that, and I could do it more effectively or better.” You turned around a situation where you could have gotten a judgment like, “Coaching is bogus. I wasted my $25 for each of these three sessions, and the whole coaching thing is a joke.” You didn’t make that judgment about it.
You started reading. One of the nuggets that I would pull out of that is that you were a reader. You were a learner. You were curious, in other words. That idea of reading is a big deal because a lot of the people who are listening to a podcast do not read books. It’s great because people are listening to a podcast that might not otherwise get some access to this information. The podcast is a great vehicle. Listening to a podcast is the equivalent of seeking an expression or an outlet for your curiosity.

Pivot: Sometimes pivots happen because something occurs and you have no choice but to pivot.
I love reading. Because technology is what it is, I don’t just read books physically. I read them, which I love to do, mark them up, dog-ear them, and make them unusable for anybody but me, but I also love to listen to books on Audible. It was a pleasure for me when I was asked by Simon & Schuster to read. It took four days, and I lost my voice doing it, which is shocking because of all the training that I do, and I never thought I would lose my voice speaking a book into a microphone.
Four days later, I spoke the book, and now it’s in Audible. Reading, listening to books, and listening to podcasts are the key ingredient. For anybody reading this, this is a good sign for yourself, no matter where you are in your own process of change and managing change if you’re seeking inspiration, as Donna did by reading those personal development books.
The other thing that is important is you followed your curiosity. It’s one thing to be curious, and it’s another completely different universe of skillset between a person who is curious speaking and one that follows their curiosity to do the research and then starts to explore it in a deeper way, which sounds like exactly what you did.
I am insatiably curious. I can’t control that curiosity. If we’re at dinner discussing something and something comes up, and nobody knows the answer, I admit I’ll pull out my phone and google it so that I have the answer right away. I’ll leave that so that when I get home, I can dig deeper. I want to say it’s not necessary to even read a book if you’re curious. There are so many articles on the internet if you’re not a full-book-length reader.
If there’s something you’re curious or you want to learn more about, you can always set a Google Alert. Whenever there’s an article or something that comes up or news or anything related, you’ll get an email, and you can go and dig deeper, so you don’t even have to do a whole lot of research. Google will do it for you if you want.
Every single day, whenever that word or the term is used, you get access to all, whether it’s articles, blogs, or anything. It all comes up in that feed, which is amazing.
Change is fascinating. It’s interesting to see how people adapt or rebel. Share on X
As a professional coach, I’m curious about my clients. I try and teach them to be curious about themselves, or an amazing thing happens, and you get that light bulb moment. More often than not, it takes curiosity about yourself and delving into yourself.
That in itself is a big step. I can’t say this enough because we are constantly teaching it so much that the world is in this state of profound change. I personally believe that change is constant, and the rate of change is exponentially greater every day. People are having some challenges with that change.
There’re two types of change that occur, one that you plan for and one that you don’t. The thing that changes, and you’re not expecting it. You’re terminated from your job, your business goes south, the economy is changing, the political scene is changing, or a health issue comes up. I got an email out of the clear blue from a producer in New York that is creating a pilot show with a major network.
They did some research and sent me an email saying I would be perfect to be the host of the show. It’s all about people reinventing. That came out of nowhere. I didn’t expect it. You could spin that. You could say that’s positive. I look at these things as often as possible as neutral, which is not easy because when you’ve got something that seems like a bad news situation or a change that you’re not wanting, it’s very easy to get into a place where you frame it as being something that’s going to cause you harm versus something else.
What was triggered for me was this question that when you’re in that space of not knowing because you realize that change is on the horizon because you want it or change has shown up on your doorstep, and you didn’t expect it, there is a very specific question that everybody can ask themselves. That is, “What is the creative opportunity?” Do you agree with that?
I was going to say either 1 of 2 questions saying the same thing that I will ask people. One is, “What is the opportunity here?” The other is, “What does this enable you to do?” Sometimes, we’re not sure what the opportunity is, but if you say, “All right,” now you’re out of a job. What does that enable? “I have more time.”

Pivot: It takes curiosity about yourself and delving into yourself to get some clarity on what it is you need to pivot around.
If you have more time, what does that mean? Sometimes, 40% of the time, people have no idea. They are so out of touch with what they want, need, or value that when you ask them about an opportunity, what this enables, or even what it is you want in life, they have no idea. The question is, “What is it you don’t want?” Opportunity is a good question, but sometimes you have to go further.
It’s very interesting that you brought that up because Abraham Hicks is the person who originally said this. We’ll never forget the statement that she made, which was, “When you know what you don’t want, you know what you do want.” It’s a profound exercise. It is something that we lead people through as part of this pivot process that we teach. It’s more powerful to know what you don’t want in life because it gives you great clarity about what it is you do want.
I’m inspired by what I’m learning to ask you to do something which we didn’t prepare for. In all transparency, I ask Donna. I said, “You’ve got incredible experiences of working with and coaching people in business and other areas of life.” We’ll get Donna sharing some of those stories well. If somebody were on the line with you, almost every place I am honored to be at is being a speaker or a part of a group.
I get to ask this question of, “How many of you are reinventing some aspects of your business or your life now?” It seems like almost every hand goes up. I don’t know if you’ve been noticing that in any of your communications with folks, but it seems very prevalent that the people are in the midst of great change now. What to do next? Without knowing the details, are there some general principles you would coach them into?
It depends on what they’re pivoting around, whether it’s a relationship, personal, business, or life transitions of other kinds, going through a divorce. There are all kinds of things. One of the things that I will often ask is to have them describe to me an ideal day. If they could do anything tomorrow, what would they do if it was something that would happen, not just a vacation day? If every day could be the same, start out the same, have the same rituals, and have the same things in their life, what would that look like? Most people have that fantasy, which can easily become a reality with a little adjustment. That’s one of the questions.
Another question I might ask is, “Tell me about an ideal vacation,” because that takes them out of the fear of not knowing what they want. Most people can tell you what they like about vacation, and then I say, “What about that do you wish you could do on a daily basis?” Take people out of their current situation, whatever it is, a bad relationship, a job they’re unhappy with, or a job that they’re happy with but want to do better.
A lot of people are so wrapped up into the identity of their title that they lose sight of their life. Share on X
It’s not always a negative. It’s sometimes positive. If you can take them out of the situation they’re in where they’re confused, or they keep trying to do the same things over and over again because they feel that that’s how it should be, and you put them into a fantasy realm where they can relax and be comfortable and not worry whether it’s the right answer or not, very often, you will be surprised with what they come out with.
Part of that is because they have some limiting beliefs that are working in that mix. You are pulling them out of that habitual way that they’re thinking.
It’s limiting beliefs and story tapes that they run through. A lot of people I find have this story about what their life should look like. They should want to climb the corporate ladder, or they have a job that they’re happy in, but they’re not making a lot more money, and they’re not getting a higher title. There are a lot of should’s that go on as well. It’s limiting beliefs, old stories, and old goals, or it’s living life according to other people’s prescriptions.
There are two questions, “What is the creative opportunity? What does this enable you to do?” It could be that you’re being birthed into something new and bigger, even better for yourself. It’s new, different, and uncertain. With uncertainty, people automatically have fear associated with what’s uncertain or unknown. Is that your experience?
It’s not always bigger and better. Sometimes it’s smaller. Many years ago, I was working with someone who was a partner in a firm, not a senior partner but a partner. The work that he was doing, he did not like it. It was labor-intensive and boring. He had so much to do that he was never acquiring new business. Therefore, he wasn’t climbing the partner ladder.
At the point that he came to me, he had been divorced and was now getting remarried. He wanted to make sure that this new relationship didn’t go the way the first one did and that I could give him strategies to last seven years until he could retire because he was miserable. As we worked together, it turned out that the first marriage had ended because he worked so many hours, was never home, wasn’t a good spouse, and wasn’t a good parent.

Pivot: Very often, when people are miserable at work, they’re striving for something that they think they should have.
He was afraid that would happen again because he was still working many hours. I asked him what he wanted to do in seven years when he retired. He wanted to move to Martha’s Vineyard. He and his new wife were going to retire there. I asked him what was stopping him from going there now, and the light bulb went off over his head. The only thing that stopped him was that he was a partner in this law firm. He didn’t have to be.
He sold his partnership back to the firm, moved to Martha’s Vineyard with his new wife, apologized to his first wife, opened a storefront law firm, and is happily working in Martha’s Vineyard. He didn’t need to climb, become a bigger partner, and work more hours. He needed to do what his soul needed. He needed to be nurtured by being in the environment he wanted to be in. All he needed to do was figure out how to do that.
Having been in the practice of law for years, I’m sitting here nodding up and down thinking to myself, “Do I know that guy?” I might know that guy. Randi and I have had a house on Martha’s Vineyard for a lot of years and know a bunch of lawyers there. I was a pretty unhappy lawyer at the time when we bought that house. It’s reinventing away from the grind, the rat race, and the incessant quest for more money to buy more things.
I hope everybody is getting this. It’s a place where you have more happiness and success, however you define that. It could be more peace, better relationships, or better health. Sometimes the road is not in having a bigger job or paycheck but in simplifying and getting back to something that is more of a calling from the soul than necessarily buying into the should’s or the stories we’ve been programmed with for many years. You said you had another client that also had a story where they were simplifying their life.
Very often, when people are miserable at work, they’re striving for something that they think they should have, but it’s not what they want. If you can get them in touch with having more of a life, they can have a lot of clarity as to whether they want to climb the corporate ladder or they should stop and do the best job they can in the job that they’re in and focus more on their life than they do on their corporate life.
A lot of people are so wrapped up in the identity of their title that they lose sight of their life. I had a client who did exactly that. They didn’t get the promotion that they had been striving so hard to get and became even more despondent and unhappy. When we started looking at what they wanted, what they wanted was a vacation house to get away from how miserable they were at work. While they didn’t quit work to live full-time there, they are in the process of developing a business that is portable so that they can quit their corporate role, transition into their own business, and then travel or live out of there. They recognize that corporate life is not serving them.
Sometimes you need help, whether it’s from a professional or someone in your life. Share on X
One of the most important aspects of this is that people can maintain their hope for a better future. Where it gets to be difficult or when people get despondent is because there seems to be a lack of anything that would lead to a new way or a better way of living for them. For me, I was the proverbial workaholic and unhappy for many years. I couldn’t see a path to anything different. I looked at the people that were in my profession, and they were only grayer or had less hair than me.
I wasn’t always bald. I wasn’t bald when I started practicing law. Looking many years down the line at what could be my future and would likely be my future, if you look at your mentors and things, you’re likely to turn out like that. I was unhappy with what that would look like. These folks were not happy, and they had health issues and poor marriages. None of the money that was accumulated was an answer to those deeper issues and that suffering.
For me, what I found was that at a certain point, I was able to create a plan B that took two and a half years for it to materialize to the point where I knew that I was going to stop. At some point, I would be able to stop doing what was no longer serving me or what was causing me suffering, and I would be doing something else. That’s part of what is impactful and why coaching, the work that you do, is so important.
Where we are at any given point in time, we can lack clarity, especially when it comes to the evolution of our work life and careers, even the evolution of our own personal and spiritual development. We can be lacking in clarity or a bit lost from time to time. I agree with you 100% that clarity is the first step.
What does it then take once you get a clear vision? How do you get into momentum? How do you create a purpose-driven plan for yourself? It sounds like some of the folks you’ve been coaching along the way have had that same thing where they had to gain some clarity. They used you as an incredible resource for them in uncovering and discovering clearly what it is that they wanted, even if what they wanted might be whether to move to an island and create a simpler version of their life.
The clarity came first, and they had to work through that clarity piece. For me, it took a long time to get clarity. You can’t rush that because if you move to strategy too quickly or move to the planning stage before you have a clear vision, chances are you’re applying a Band-Aid solution to it. Has that been your experience with folks as well?

Pivot: Design your life in a way that you enjoy your relationships.
It either takes a long time and lots of books or takes the help of a coach, trainer, or workshop to begin to get the clarity. Not everybody needs to leave Corporate America and do something else. Very often, clients will come to me, or a corporation will hire me because there’s somebody who wants to be promoted, and they’re not doing what they need to do to be promoted. I don’t mean they’re not doing their job well, but there are other aspects that are happening, or somebody will hire me individually, and there are things going on that they are not addressing. They don’t have clarity about what that is, or they can’t see in the mirror what’s going on.
We look to see what their attitudes are and where are their limiting beliefs stopping them from breaking out of old patterns and moving ahead and getting that promotion. I had a client who I am still in touch with who had been trying to be promoted for years, and she was threatening to leave. They didn’t want her to leave. She was great at her job, but she lacked some interpersonal skills. We worked on that. There are things that you can do, management skills or sales skills. There are lots of resources out there for people who want to build their business or climb in Corporate America.
That’s a beautiful distinction. There’s a question that came to my mind that I heard years ago. It’s this one, “What don’t I see?” Part of what you’re saying is that when you’re within the same occupation or the same career path, it could be that there are things that you’re not seeing, and the purpose of reading books, getting a coach, and being in workshops and seminars is that you’ve got blind spots.
One thing we know for sure is every result you’ve got so far is the effect of your best thinking, meaning our best thinking has gotten us every result so far. If there’s more that we’re looking for like we want to be in a better position within a company or somehow we want to move our career forward or anything that’s on that list of goals for ourselves, there are blindspots that we’ve got. They would not be blindspots if we could see them, so we need to ask the question, “What don’t I see?”
Sometimes, you need help, whether from a professional or someone in your life. I read something in a blog where the person went off and asked all of the people around them what they saw and heard that she didn’t see in herself and got a lot of interesting answers. It was a big a-ha for her.
Managing change, you can do it elegantly. You can do it in a graceful way. You can resist it, and you can struggle with it. The struggle is possible, and struggle is optional. If there are ways to manage change in an easy, elegant, and graceful way, what are the common elements of managing it in that way and among people that have succeeded?
Rituals are extraordinarily important, even for small things. Share on X
By succeeded, I mean folks that have been able to overcome challenges in life to move themselves to higher levels of performance, raising their consciousness, raising the bar in terms of what they’ve been able to do with their professional lives, what they’ve been able to do in their personal lives, with their families, and any number of ways that people who have been successful have been able to overcome difficulties that other people might not be able to overcome.
When I looked at that in my own life and studied it in other people who’ve been successful in sports, business, and other personal pursuits, there’s been something of a common denominator. That thing that I’ve discovered is rituals. When I say rituals, I’m not talking in a religious context. When I think about rituals, I think about master habits and the distinction from ordinary habits. Ordinary habits are things that we do by habit, by the unconscious. They’re involuntary.
I read that around 45% of the things that we do, think, say, and the actions we take are involuntary. Whereas a master habit or a ritual is something we choose to do. We consciously elect to make that a practice in our lives. Therefore, it has more of a sacred quality to it. Do you have rituals and things that you practice consciously that have helped you to be successful and maybe even have helped some of your clients to be successful? I would love you to share some of those things with us.
Rituals are extraordinarily important, even for small things. Very often, I will encourage clients to have rituals for their morning routine and their bedtime routine because it helps set up their day for success and their night for better sleeping. I try to do that for myself as well. I have a nighttime ritual that includes reading and a little internet, but at a certain point, the internet goes off. I turn the light down soft. We often have lavender or some other aroma therapy going. I have some soft music going, and I’ll read for a little while. I find if I do that habitually every night, I sleep much more soundly and fall asleep much more easily.
When I don’t do that, it’s either because I’m watching TV and got involved in something that I’m watching, or I get involved in a book and don’t want to put it down. If I don’t do my ritual, I don’t do as well. I find that that’s true for my clients as well. When they’re able to do their evening ritual, the next day works much better because the night does. It’s the same thing through the morning. I have a ritual around my cup of coffee. I try to get up early enough, so I have half an hour just to meditate or listen to music while I drink a cup of coffee, but I don’t read email or look at the news first. I don’t do anything that would start my day off negatively at all. I try and do positive rituals in the morning.
I heard it on a podcast with Tim Ferriss. He said, “If you win the morning, you win the day.” That’s been true for me. It’s true for a lot of people that the morning time is key, so I have a gratitude ritual. It is so important to me that whatever those rituals you start your day with, they’re conscious ones. They’re not things that you do habitually, like picking up the phone, checking email, and turning on the TV. If that’s a part of your ritual to do and you want to do it, that’s different.

Pivot: My success statement isn’t about money or power or fame. It’s about enjoying how I’ve set my life up to be.
I have a gratitude ritual as well. I try and do five a day, but it’s not a part of the morning routine. It’s more part of my afternoon routine.
Rituals are personal. What works for one person isn’t necessarily the right recipe for someone else. When you elect to create these rituals, in essence, you’re creating your day. You’re going about a deliberate process to create the day that you wish to have from beginning to end, like the bookends of what you do in the morning, what you do at the end of the day, and the meat or sandwich parts in the middle, putting it all together.
For me, it’s gratitude at the beginning of the day and forgiveness at the end of the day. The last thoughts that I put in my brain before I go off to sleep at night are thoughts of wanting to ask for forgiveness, give gratitude, be thankful for forgiveness of me, any things I might have done during the day that there were trespassing in any way upon anyone else, and asking and being grateful to the universe for the forgiveness that is there for all of us.
That’s the thought that goes in before I go to sleep, wake up, feet on the floor, and grateful for the day. I was with Michael Beckwith, and he was sharing part of his rituals, which was great. He said when he wakes up in the morning, he gets into that space of gratitude, and he’s quiet. He sits quietly and asks God for his assignment. He specifically asks the question, “What is my assignment?” and waits quietly to be guided, whatever it might be that comes up for him. I thought, “That’s a beautiful ritual.” It’s fascinating that we all have different rituals, but the commonality is in this design feature. It’s a life by design versus a life by default.
What’s important is how the rituals fit in with what you consider to be your success. You mentioned that. It occurred to me that my success statement is, “I know how successful I’m being by how eager I am to wake up and greet the day.” The morning ritual is what helps me because I look forward to my morning ritual and my day because I’ve designed my life to enjoy most of the parts of my life, my work, and my relationships. My success statement isn’t about money, power, or fame. It’s about enjoying how I’ve set my life up to be, and my rituals help that.
It’s an art. The more the days I get, the more I am blessed to have another day in this life, and the more I’m convinced that living successfully is an art. There’s an art and science to successful living. That’s part of what we’re talking about. We’ve talked about careers and people who are simplifying their lives. There are others that are wanting to pursue their goals and dreams in a bigger way, within their career space or in other places, creating plan Bs for a new venture, new business, etc.
It’s clear we’re here to be the expression of the abundance and the infinite possibility of the universe, of the divine. It’s the extent that any of us are not happy to greet the day, where you’re not enthusiastic about the day, this profound gift that you’ve been given. That’s a wonderful thing to take notice of.
I went through too many years of putting my feet on the floor in the dark with my beautiful wife asleep next to me, putting my feet on that floor, and feeling dread and anxiety about the day ahead. It was that dull but persistent pain that caused me to question, be curious, and follow that curiosity, which has led to all these other magnificent iterations, this version 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 of this life for me. Be more awake. In that process of being more awake, we can be guided to further development and expression of ourselves and our reason for being.
Donna, I cannot thank you enough for spending time and sharing a little snippet of the wealth of experience you have in your own personal experience and in that experience of guiding and coaching people professionally and personally. I would love it if you would share with our audience to know more about you and maybe even be able to utilize your services in the future. What’s the best way to reach you? Is it a website that we can go to?
The best one is my website. It is
Donna, it is a pleasure.
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