A loss in the family, a failed relationship, a debilitating illness. These are just some of the everyday realities that have an impact on our lives, shape our personalities and radically change our viewpoints. If the face of these types of negative things, how do you stay grounded and continue to move on? Authorpreneur, speaker and wellness guru Lucas Robak tells the story of how he remained resilient in the face of life-changing circumstances. Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, he shares how keeping a positive attitude gave him the purpose and the tools that allowed him to embrace his reality and use it as a platform to educate and inspire others.
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The Positive Attitude And Its Gift Of Resiliency with Lucas Robak
I have a great guest on the show. I can’t wait to introduce him but I wanted to start with my expression of gratitude for this moment and my appreciation for being here now in this and all of you that are consuming, that are a part of this lovely community of ours that is expanded and grown. It’s beautiful and something I feel so blessed to be a part of, to be able to be a voice in this community. Hopefully, a voice of reason but a voice of what’s real and true at the moment. That’s certainly what inspires me to be here and to share some things with all of you. I feel blessed and grateful. With that, I’m happy to make an introduction to a wonderful young man.
His name is Lucas Robak and he’s spectacular. He’s somebody I met a few years ago and was so taken by his authenticity and his sense of humor. His story is remarkable because he is a leader and stepping into his own greatness as a leader and as somebody that will have a tremendous impact. He’s already had a great impact in the world but will have even greater influence because of who he is in the world. I will share a little bit about that and we’re going to dive right in. You get to hear it from himself. He was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, MS as it’s called. Rather than being defeated by that, he was empowered by it and motivated to create more value in the world and he has continued to do that.
He has formed an incredible foundation and an organization called The Wellness Fair. He is the President of the Health and Wellness Network, an organization that’s part of the area that he lives in Southeast Wisconsin. He is a bestselling author. He helps other people become bestselling authors as well. He created a company called Authorpreneur Academy. I’m going to talk a little bit about his book. He has several books but the book that I have is called I Am and it’s a children’s book for positive thinkers, with these incredible illustrations. It has an incredible message. I bought a dozen or so copies of this so that I could give it to my nieces and nephews and anybody else that I cared about. It says here ages zero to five, which I always find funny because I’m past the age of five and I love this book. It has an incredible value for me as an adult or as a wannabe adult. It’s incredible like the gentleman who wrote it. Lucas Robak, welcome to the show. Thanks for being here.
Thank you very much for having me, Adam. I greatly appreciate this opportunity. Before you even get started, on the next print of that I Am book, I’ve already made the correction. It’s from baby to adult. The reason why was after some parents are like, “My child is six years old,” and I’m like, “Are you serious?”
Lucas, I would love it if you would share a little bit more. I’ve said that you have a company that helps people become bestselling authors. You’ve got an incredible event you do each year called The Wellness Fair. You are an organizer and an activist and all of that. What’s not a part of that introduction? What’s not a part of your bio that you would love for people to know about you?
There was an actual conscious pivot that took place to create each of those businesses that I do. To make a long story short for The Wellness Fair, after I got diagnosed with MS, I started researching how to successfully live with it rather than turning myself into a hypochondriac and researching all the horrific things that could happen one day. It came apparently after a couple of weeks that it’s all Eastern medicine, natural, organic, healthy living. It’s essentially the lifestyle that we should all be living to begin with, but we’re not. Whether it’s MS or any type of chronic illness or whatever it might be, it’s all-natural and organic. I figured that was something that I wanted to be a part of. I dove headfirst into the health and wellness world here in Southeast Wisconsin and in less than a year I became a leader of a community. I shifted the focus of where it was going and grew it into what we know of as The Wellness Fair. It was mainly getting diagnosed with MS and realizing that what we’re taught is not how to live a chronic illness successfully. That realization was the pivot that had put me in that direction.
I invite our audience to go on YouTube and check out the episode that way as well because you’ll see Lucas. He’s young vibrant, healthy, and happy. Lucas, when was this diagnosis made? You’re doing terrific. I’d love for people to have more context around when you were diagnosed with MS. If you could set the stage for that and tell us that story. Take us back to that very pivotal point time in your life. That would be terrific.
I’m getting chills thinking about it. First of all, when people get diagnosed with MS, it’s takes a long time for them to diagnose somebody. I got lucky that the very first time I went in with symptoms, they diagnosed me within 24 hours. Looking back and now knowing more about what MS is and what it can do to the body because people force the information on me. I’m not going off and researching it. People just tell me, which I think is hilarious. In high school I had symptoms. In college, I had symptoms which created a lot of animosity between my girlfriend and me. I lost my vision. I had bowel and bladder problems. I figured my body was like my car where you keep driving it sooner or later it’s going to fix itself. That’s what I did for many years. My doctor diagnosed me with chlamydia. My girlfriend and I were both like, “You’re cheating on me.” She’s like, “No, you’re cheating on me.” That ended pretty abruptly. It turned out that it was a basic symptom of MS that I still experience now. All it was is that I can’t finish or start peeing. To start peeing and to stop peeing takes a lot of effort, which I’m not going to go with details more about that.
We’re probably okay there. You’re in college and this is the symptoms that are showing up. We can all at this moment imagine how difficult that situation would be. To not understand where or what and then to have a doctor tell you it’s one thing that indicates you’re not faithful to your girlfriend. You end up in beef about it and broken up. That’s wow.
Needless to say, I don’t see that doctor anymore. There were other times too like here’s me making excuses. Part of my story is that one of the reasons why I believe that I’m skinny is I used to work out exercise all the time. I found myself falling asleep either in the gym or right afterward. People are like, “Exercise gives me so much energy.” I’m like, “You’re a liar. I don’t believe that. Come work out with me. I will show you me passing out in 30 minutes.” Many years later I’m getting back around to working out. It was Memorial Day weekend of May 2014 when I got diagnosed.

I AM: Children’s Book for Positive Thinkers
I was at my sister’s graduation in college in Colorado. I was blaming my fatigue and my symptoms on the altitude. When I got back, I started to feel numbness and tinglings on the left side of my body. I’m assuming that you’ve had one of your limbs fall asleep like an arm or a leg, that was my permanent reality. When your arm falls asleep, I kept my left hand in my pocket because it didn’t work anymore. I had a manual car. My left foot is on the clutch. It took a whole lot of concentration to be able to use my left foot, let alone drive. It got very painful. I was using walls, other people’s shoulders, whether if they were strangers or people that I knew to use as a walker to keep my balance.
Door frames had this crazy knack to jump out of nowhere and hit me. I couldn’t just walk through a door. I had to balance off like playing a little pinball going through a door frame. I got sick of it. I decided to drive to the hospital and I parked in the farthest parking lot that you can park at the hospital that I went to. Instead of walking into a door, I walked into the ambulance entrance. After a CAT scan, the night-shift neurologist told me that I had MS. I’ve never heard of it before but then they held me for three days to do a bunch of tests like lumbar puncture, blood tests, MRIs, a ton of different stuff. I was able to at least walk out of the hospital at that point, which was nice because once I got there, I wasn’t able to walk that well anymore.
I’m taking that in for myself and I’m sure other people are taking this in and imagining what it would be like to get that diagnosis and to hear that. What was happening for you other than the shock of it, which maybe that’s all that was happening at the moment? What was it like being told you’ve got something, especially something you have never heard of before? I’m sure they were giving you some sense of what it meant. Were they telling you what MS is?
The doctors tried to tell me but they speak in doctor language that nobody else can understand unless you’ve spent a very long time reading Latin. I had no clue what they were saying. The nurse was my translator and she did a very good job explaining it using metaphors and stuff. “We had the myelin sheath,” and all of these big Latin words. Everything was right over my head. It was a very empowering moment for me. I didn’t see myself as a victim. I still don’t see myself as a victim. I still see MS as one of the most beneficial things that happened to me in terms of what is it that I can now do with my life. I saw it as a tool. I saw it as a very positive moment while it was happening. Looking back on it, even the people that visited me in the hospital like my parents, some of my friends, my aunts, they came to visit me. We had a whole lot of fun for those 72 hours that I was laying in that hospital bed. I was in the stroke unit because that’s where the neurological unit was. I was on the stroke floor and I was considered a fall risk because by that time I wasn’t able to even use a walker on my own. I would be wheelchair-bound.
Were you still in college?
That college instance was in 2004. I got diagnosed in 2014.
That’s ten years later.
I’ve had symptoms for several years.
You’re in your early 30s. You end up in the emergency room. You can’t feel your limbs. The analogy of when your arm or your leg falls asleep, with anybody that’s ever had that experience, which probably everybody knows it’s incredibly painful. You can’t use that limb. It’s as if it’s completely useless. It’s tingling and numb and it hurts. This is your existence until you end up in that emergency room, then you get this diagnosis. Thankfully through a translator, through a nurse, you’re finding out what this is about. There is something else that you share, which I want to reverse back because this is not a typical thing at all. These days we do a lot of talking about the topic of resilience and how you create resilience.
We found through research and through our own personal experiences and others that I’ve worked with, that there are three things involved in resilience. When you speak to people who’ve been resilient, they’ve got these three things in common and you’ve identified the first one. Here you are in a situation that for the most part, it would have wigged out, depressed, upset anybody. I don’t know anybody that wouldn’t have been blown over by this news and everything. You said this was empowering. Can you go back to that for a second so we can understand a little bit how it is that you could feel empowered? What was going on in your mind and what was somehow different about that situation so the rest of us can learn from you?

The Success Principles(TM): How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
Many years before that even happened, I attempted suicide. Because of that, without any medication or therapy, I was able to take myself out of depression by using my thoughts. I did a lot of research. Bob Proctor was pretty much the person that saved my life. I don’t think he knows it. He probably doesn’t know that yet. Maybe I should write him a letter soon.
Bob is still alive and doing well and he ought to know this for sure. Maybe we will send Bob a copy of this interview so he can hear it directly from you.
After I attempted suicide, I started learning as much as I could from Bob. I had no clue what I was learning. I felt like that was the right material to learn. When I got diagnosed with MS after implementing those tools for several years, I was in that positive mindset, that positive mentality, knowing that only good comes from every situation. It’s a matter of how faster is it going to take you to see it. For instance, in Jack Canfield’s book, The Success Principles, he mentioned Candy Lightner, who is the Founder of Mothers Against Drunk Driving. MADD was created solely because her daughter was killed by a drunk driver. It’s a horrible thing to happen and now a lot of drinking and driving laws are changing. It’s a matter of seeing only well in every situation.
For about a few years, before and even up to that point, even still now, you’re helping me with this though you don’t know it yet. I was trying to find my speaker platform. I’m trying to find who it is and what direction it is that I should go and everything like that. All of a sudden when they were telling me this, not having a clue what multiple sclerosis was and they were saying that, I’m like, “That’s my platform.” I get excited. It’s like, “Now I know. I can go and do this. I could be the spokesperson, etc.” My mind started racing in terms of all the possibilities that were now open to me solely because I was able to pinpoint what was happening to me. I have a label that I can work with versus keep driving the car and it will fix itself sooner or later. I know exactly what’s happening as long as I can manage myself a little bit more too.
At least for you it was an empowering thing to at least get a label for it. A language to describe what was going on with you.
When faced with life-altering news, don’t dwell on the challenges it’ll give, but shift your focus on how you can successfully live with it. Share on XMultiple sclerosis beats chlamydia every day.
At some point, your speaker platform is developing as we speak. The story of a girlfriend who left you thinking you had chlamydia when as it turned out you only had MS.
It’s only MS. It’s not contagious or anything.
What are you running for? You can’t catch it. Where do you go from there? You’re in the hospital. You have family around. First of all, is your family surprised at that moment that you have this positive attitude about this pretty ominous diagnosis?
It’s a little bit of a funny story. I went in on Thursday night. I gave a speech and I sat on the table with my hand in my pocket while I gave the speech instead of walking around and falling over. Right after it is when I drove to the ER on Thursday night. I called my mom on Friday afternoon. I waited until after I got my diagnosis to call her. After she got over with that, she was surprised by my positivity. She was very upset that I waited as long as I did to call her, especially since she’s right there as well. It was a very positive room. The nurses all said, “I love coming to this room.” It was a lot of fun. We played different games because with MS, I had active lesions in my brain and my spine. To tap the activity, I take steroids. It’s not the anabolic steroids like I’m taking steroids and I’m not getting any bigger.

Positive Attitude: Taking a bad situation and reframing your perception of it also changes the way other people perceive it.
Those steroids mess with the blood sugar a little bit. They would take my blood sugar levels and we would take bets. Everybody in the room would take a bet as to what the blood sugar level was. We had prices and rules where you can’t go over at all. The nurses got in on it. I’m not going to mention their names because they didn’t want me to mention their names ever. It was a lot of fun. Another thing that made it fun was because I was a fall risk, there’s an alarm on my bed. If I got up on my own, this loud alarm would go off and the nurses would come sprinting in. When I got to go to the bathroom, I would push the call monitor versus me sitting up. I stopped using the call monitor because if I wanted them, they would get there a lot quicker if I sat up and the bed alarm went off because I fell out of bed. That made it a lot of fun too. They were good sports with me as well.
It was like your own nurse Olympics, how quickly they could get in here. Lucas, you get out of the hospital. First of all, not to make too little of this because truthfully, I don’t think there’s a possibility of making too much of this. You took the situation you were in and you reframed it. That’s at least the language that we apply to this particular characteristic, this trait of resilient people and resilient leaders as you are one of those. There are people that look at a situation and it’s not like they are Pollyanna as my father-in-law used to say sometimes. They’re not ignoring the reality. You aren’t ignoring the reality. You aren’t saying, “I don’t have MS. I have chlamydia. They got it backward.” You weren’t making up a different diagnosis. You knew exactly what you were told. You weren’t questioning the fact that this was something going on.
You were looking at it in a very empowered way and in a very positive way. You’re framing it in a way that was of a certain energy that not only was your family able to deal with what I imagined was a devastating bit of news that they received. Even the staff, the nurses, the personnel, people that are around these situations all the time, they know when they walk into a room and it’s dark and it’s depressing and it’s awful news. It’s like there’s particular energy, then they got this guy over here who’s been told he has MS but meanwhile he’s creating the nurse Olympics. You will get the prizes right on his blood tests and things. It’s a completely different energy. You took a realistic approach to something but also applied a level of empowerment. Is that the word you would use for your mindset at that moment?
I chose to look at it in a positive light. I do acknowledge that I have MS. I’m not naïve or ignorant to that fact. It’s because now I know that I have it. I know the symptoms that I have is MS. I know how to handle those and I can avoid them now too because before I have no idea what’s happening. It’s a good thing to know that. For me, it’s also a phenomenal marketing tool. We were talking about this before we started the interview. Multiple Sclerosis is like no matter who you are, you’re able to use it in whatever way that you want. Any disease, with any positive or negative thing, as long as you look at it a certain way, you’re able to use it. That’s one thing that I’ve learned from your level one part of enrollment was use it. That was one of the best takeaways that I could take away from that weekend, use it.
It’s interesting because we all have many things about ourselves that we would think to have to remain private. They’re something that we call the dirty little secret. You’re taking that speaker training and determining that your dirty little secret was something that could be your strongest marketing tool or the strongest point of connection between yourself and other people. There’s such transparency. Your vulnerability is real. It’s something we can all identify with the feeling that we would hate to be given that diagnosis, yet we all have our own stuff too. Your attitude and the way you approach life is so much healthier and more positive and interesting to be around than people that maybe don’t have MS or something like that.
A positive mental attitude is the distinction between feeling empowered and seeing yourself as a victim. Share on XYou couldn’t have planned this any better. The second thing or the character trait that resilient people have in addition to being able to find the creative opportunities and see the sunshine in a situation or the positive side of a real situation like yours. The second thing is that they find the meaning in things. They search for meaning. It’s like Viktor Frankl’s book, Man’s Search for Meaning. We all have to find the meaning in our lives, the good, the bad, the ugly. Even to the tune of finding the marketing meaning. It’s the ability to take something painful and use it in a way to serve. I know that when you talk about using MS for marketing, what you’re talking about is to get people to be more aware and to take better care of themselves. I prefer if you shared a little bit about the work you’re doing and how it is that you’re planning to use MS or are already using it as part of your platform to bring about more awareness and understanding of these things.
I’m extremely transparent with my health. When I do things with other functional medical practitioners, I’d tell them I’ll waive the HIPAA Law. I will sign whatever I need to sign so that you can use me as a real-life example versus metaphors and made up facts and made-up stuff. A lot of people are using me as examples like when I go see a chiropractor or an acupuncturist and massage therapists or whoever it might be. I waved my HIPAA Law for that. Another thing too is a lot of people told me and they still tell me over the past few years, it’s almost like a conspiracy that’s going on. They say that if anybody should get diagnosed with MS that it should be me.
At first, I would be super sarcastic in my response like, “If anyone should have cancer, it should be you.” The reason why they’re saying that is because of the direction that I’m going and the positive mindset that I have and how I’m using it. How I use it in my stories like when I’m telling a story and when it comes to The Wellness Fair and connecting accredited wellness professionals with people that desire complete well-being. I use MS as a tool in terms of, “Here’s my story. After I learned about MS, that’s how I learned about natural medicine. That’s the direction that I’m heading now. You should join me because this is something that we should all be doing, to begin with. Not until something horrible happens. Let’s make sure that it doesn’t happen.” When it comes to authors and working with entrepreneurs, first of all, people love making up excuses. They would rather come up with an excuse than do something. I was a master of that in college too. People would call me up and be like, “Lucas, I need an excuse.” I’m like, “I’ve got five, choose one.”
When it comes to your business, it’s a whole different story. You have business owners that are making excuses and so I use my MS saying, “I have MS and I got this done. What’s your excuse?” It’s very hard to top that. I use my MS in that way to motivate them or they probably demotivate some people but it’s a way for me to say anybody’s able to do it. Children are able to become published authors, which is something that I’m working on, as well as somebody with a chronic illness is able to do everything from start to finish on his own and trying to figure it out and experiment along the way. If I can do it, you can do it.
My story doesn’t top that at all. I simply sometimes say to people, “I speak for a living and yet I’m an introvert. I travel and I’m in front of audiences, of new people and strangers all the time, yet I’m an introvert.” I don’t have the same cred as you when you say, “If I can do it, you can do it. I’ve got MS.” It will be something you’ll be able to say as your public speaking and you’re the face of your foundation more and more as well. It does resonate with people. There are a lot of people out there who tell themselves a story that because they’re shy or they’re introvert or they don’t see themselves as having this charisma or something. They can’t get out and be a voice, speak a message, create a legacy and impact the world and using that tool to impact the world in a positive way.

Positive Attitude: People love making up excuses. Rather than come up with an excuse, why don’t you actually do something?
It’s great leverage. More power to you that you use it in that way. You’ve already ticked off these first two things. I said from our research these three ways that people typically create resilience. This is looking at people in many different situations. Without me saying what the third one is or at least what the research tells us is the third thing. I’m curious, if there was a third way that you’ve been resilient, a character trait or a way of being, what would you say the third thing is? The first one is that you’ve framed your perception positively. You reframe things well. You’ve found the meaning in your situation very quickly. You’ve continued to find more meaning in the MS than in something else like, “Why me? This is unfair,” or any of the other stories you could make up about it. What’s the third thing?
I wish I would have known there was going to be a quiz. I know it’s in your book. I’ve read it and I was like, “I love this.” I even marked it and put some notes on it but I can’t remember the third thing. My guess is persistence, tenacity, ambition, action, overcoming. I know I could find it in the book.
This is so much fun because there wasn’t supposed to be a quiz. I apologize. I’m putting you on the spot. As opposed to what might have been written in the book or something. I’m curious about you. Are you on board with the fact that at least the two traits that we can detect that have created resilience in you are that positive attitude and your ability to find meaning in your situation? Would you agree with that?
If there’s a third one and there might be ten, is there something else that you’ve done consistently over the last several years or so or at least even from the few years since your diagnosis that you would say has contributed to your being resilient and to bounce back?
Choosing to look at unfavorable situations in a positive light gives you the ability to use them to your advantage. Share on XMy vision of the future, as well as the one phrase that came from a movie, it’s like, “Keep on, keeping on.” It’s like the consistency and the persistence but I should have studied.
I’m the one studying because this is great for everybody and it’s great for me as well as part of ongoing curiosity. This is a big thing for us these days because in the world that we’re living in, we don’t have too many things that we could say or wrong and too many things to count or catalog. The world is changing rapidly. In the midst of all this divisiveness and division and all that stuff that’s negative, there’s also a world that’s rapidly changing through technology and other things. Disruption is ever-present and change is ever-present. To be resilient from our standpoint and cultivating resilience is not something you’re born with.
That’s the research as well. It can be learned. Epigenetics is a big factor in this. How the environment and our proximity to people who can show us what resilience looks like. That’s why I’m so thrilled that you’re on the show. The people get to hear who you are and what your message has been. The third thing that we’ve found is resilient people have rituals for self-care. They have rituals to take great care of themselves. I’m assuming because I’ve known you a little bit. We’ve met and you came to our home for a couple of days for a workshop and things. It’s not like we’re strangers. I think you really take good care of yourself. Am I off-base there?
A little off-base when you use the word, really. I take good care of myself. I wouldn’t say really well. I’m working on the really part. I take good care of myself and it’s getting a lot better, especially after my diagnosis has been night and day.
What does that look like for you? What are those rituals for self-care? If you could share those with us?

Think and Grow Rich
This is something that I got from Bob Proctor in one of his videos. It’s the most powerful habit that you can do in the morning. Every single morning, I express gratitude for ten things that I’m grateful for. What I’ve done is I’m expressing gratitude towards ten things I have yet to achieve. I’m already grateful for the things that I’m working towards. The reason why I’m doing that is there’s a study by Dr. Patrick Hill and Dr. Nicholas Turiano. It was a fourteen-year study with 12,000 people. With that amount of people during that amount of time, some people are going to pass away. They found that the only people that passed away were the people that showed a sign of low life purpose.
By having that purpose and working towards it, you’re going to live a happier, healthier and longer life. It’s what they’ve found. I was like, “I’m going to start being grateful for the things I’m working towards,” which is also something that Bob Proctor teaches. I’m taking it to the next level type thing where everything that I’m grateful for is something that I’m working towards. Throughout the day also, from the movie, The Secret, they talk about the gratitude stone. I always carry around a gratitude stone. Every time I touched it, I give something that I’m grateful for. I use that stone to give something that I’m grateful for at this moment. I use that for being grateful for that day.
The other rituals that I have are right after that, I send love to three people that are bothering me. What I’ve found is that I’m sending love to the same three people almost every day. Every once in a while, it changes but it’s the same three people that are bothering me. One thing that you wrote in your book about the story with Keith Leon and how he changed his day from planning as well as something that Bob Proctor teaches is sit in silence for five minutes and ask Spirit for guidance for the day. Spirit is either energy, God, whatever word you use for God, Allah, Yahweh. You’re asking Spirit for guidance for the day. After that, I read for a little bit. I always read out Think and Grow Rich in the morning. I loved Napoleon Hill. My goal within the next couple of years is to memorize that book. I’ll have a smoothie and this is where the really part comes in is I should work out. If you looked at me, you’d know I don’t.
Yoga, that’s what I was going to say to you. Yoga is going to be the real thing, Lucas.
I started with planks to keep it simple. I just have to stay there for a couple of minutes but baby steps.
Finding your purpose and working towards it will give you a happier, healthier, and longer life. Share on XYou fulfilled for sure for me what self-care looks like because that’s a very intentional beginning of the day. I’m with you on many of the things you said about beginning with gratitude. When you were saying it, I was holding up a stone. I have stones all over my desk. It’s crystal, stones, rocks that we found on the beach, shells, pieces of wood, natural things from nature that when I hold them in my hand, I feel closer to nature. I feel closer to Mother Earth and God and Spirit, to all my brothers and sisters.
I think what you said as well about sending out love to people that bother you, what a concept. Everybody tomorrow when you wake up in the morning, you’re going to send out love to three people who are irking you. We had a guest on the show, Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith. We had a great conversation about starting the day with an assignment and asking the Spirit for that assignment. It’s similar to what you said, you can ask for that guidance, ask to be guided. It doesn’t matter what you think that source of guidance is, that’s not even the point. It’s not a religious thing. It’s a place of asking. I don’t believe you can ever ask a question and not receive an answer. I believe it is cause and effect. There is always going to be an answer to a question that’s asked and the only question is when. That’s the part I never know. That’s the timing thing about it.
Lastly, with Napoleon Hill. I’m such a fan of his work and I say something to myself pretty much every day for many years now. It said this, “I ask not, Divine Providence, for more riches but more wisdom with which to accept and use wisely the riches I received at birth, in the form of power to control and direct my mind to whatever ends I desire.” That’s out of that book you’ve been reading every day. To have that whole book committed to memory, I wanted to interview you at that point as well. I imagine you will be more of a transformed individual.
I have talking points committed to memory and a couple of quotes, but when it comes to the whole thing, I got a lot of studying to do on that.
Lucas, what a blast. I knew it would be so much fun to have you on the show. You can find out more about Lucas Robak and his book, I Am, his children’s book and his other books he’s got going on, as well as the work he’s doing in The Wellness Fair. What are the dates for The Wellness Fair?

Positive Attitude: Our bodies are designed to heal themselves, so let’s allow that to happen.
The Wellness Fair is on the third Sunday of October every year in Southeast Wisconsin. Sooner or later, we will expand. Our aspiration is to be an international organization.
Share a little bit about the fair. I believe you’re sold out when it comes to your vendors, which is cool, but you’re going to be looking for sponsors and others. Share what this fair is about.
The 2019 fair is already sold out. The fair itself is to connect accredited wellness professionals with those seeking complete well-being. We have a bunch of different vendors and then we also have five speakers who compete one month before in order to win that slot. Somebody will say, “I want to speak.” You first have to become a vendor and then you have to compete for it because I don’t want to pick it. I get a panel of ten judges that elect the speakers. I’m thankful every single year. I’m so grateful that I came up with that idea to have a panel of people choose instead of me. Every single vendor is different in terms of what it is that they’re able to do for somebody. It’s all-natural and organic.
The reason why we use the word wellness instead of holistic is that holistic is saying, “No Western medicine. I’m not going to work with you if you’re on Western medicine.” Wellness is saying, “Keep taking your medication but let’s do this and possibly one day, you might be able to take yourself off that medication.” The Wellness practitioners are the chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, yoga. There’s a lot of out of this world type stuff like Colorpuncture Therapy where they use crystals and colors and light on your feet. It’s unbelievable. I have some pretty amazing results with that. CBD is becoming the new wave of the future. Some shops are opening up here in Wisconsin. They’re finding legalized CBD at least. Now we’re bringing that in.
It’s a way to learn about everything that’s out there that we don’t know about because how Hollywood portrays acupuncture and chiropractic is not even close to what it actually is. If you experienced it or talked to somebody about it, it’s nothing like Hollywood. The entire idea of it is a wisdom chair and help people become more aware of what’s out there and to connect with somebody right away to start that healing process. Our bodies are designed to heal themselves. Let’s allow that to happen.
I know you’re looking for sponsorship. For people that are reading this that may have some interest in getting involved, whether as a vendor or as a sponsor for The Wellness Fair, there will be full information about it in Lucas’s website. You can reach out to him. What a blessing it’s been, Lucas. Thank you so much for being on the show.
You’re welcome, Adam. Thank you very much for having me as a guest. I appreciate it.
For everybody, as we wind down thinking ahead of time what that morning ritual will consist of and look like for each of us. When we woke up, we had certain choices. We could feel a variety of different ways. We had the choice to wake up and put our feet on the floor and dash off to the bathroom or the nearest coffee station, to pick up our phones, to start thinking about perhaps things that are not as we’d like them to be or worrying about money or responsibilities or feeling obligations. We had all those choices that were available to us when we woke up. We also had the opportunity in that waking moment to realize that it was not a guarantee that we would get another day. It was something of a surprise, a blessing, something that we don’t have to take for granted. I always remind myself when I’m having that moment, maybe I woke up and I didn’t sleep well. Maybe I was up in the middle of the night or I was tossing or my back was hurting me when I woke up or something. I always get myself to a place where I can imagine as I’m taking that deep early morning breath. It’s filling up my lungs and feeling it.
There are people in this very moment who are taking their last breath. There are people breathing in right now who will not exhale. That was the same when I woke up. It’s the same for all of us. When you are waking up as I fully expect that we all will, even though there’s no guarantee it will be another miracle. We get to experience a miracle right out of the gate. In that moment when you take your first miracle breath of the day, realize there were people who are taking their last breath at that moment. That means that the moment is special. Whether you feel it or not, it’s something sacred and even holy about the fact that you’ve been given another day and that you have an assignment. There’s something important for you to do in the world. That’s the reason, the meaning, the purpose behind getting that extra day. That energy of feeling grateful and feeling appreciation for yourself. You could take ten seconds and sit up in bed, put your feet on the floor if you can. What a blessing that is to be able to say out loud these words or think them even, “I love my life, I love my life.” What are the words, Lucas?
I love my life.
Those are the words. Have a beautiful rest of your day whatever you’re up to. I’m sending you lots of appreciation, love and peace.
Important Links:
- Lucas Robak
- The Wellness Fair
- Health and Wellness Network
- Authorpreneur Academy
- I Am
- The Success Principles
- Mothers Against Drunk Driving
- Man’s Search for Meaning
- Think and Grow Rich
- Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith – past episode
- www.LucasRobak.com
- www.TheWellnessFair.org
- www.Authorpreneur-Academy.com
About Lucas Robak
After flying multi-engine airplanes in college, today Lucas admits to owning more books than he has shelf space for.
As a certified master practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), in 2014, a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) empowered and motivated him to bring more value to the world. Instead of learning what it was, he chose to research how to successfully live with it and become the organizer for The Wellness Fair within ten months of being diagnosed. He is now also the president of The Health & Wellness Network of Commerce Southeast Wisconsin Chapter (HWNCC-SEWI).
Once upon a time Lucas was reading a book to a friend’s son and decided anyone can write a book. To prove this, a year later parents began reading his first book to their kids, “I AM – Children’s Book for Positive Thinkers.” This fun experiment found its way into Bob Proctor’s personal library and is being read to Jack Canfield’s grandson.
After proving anyone can become an author, he also published others including The One Minute Authorpreneur – Making a Kick-Ass Frozen Pizza From Scratch – I Am, I Do, I Have – Master Your Life Quote Workbook Series — Natural & Organic Healing Book Series — and the Amazon #1 bestseller “It’s the Worst Book Ever Written.”
After publishing 75 people around the world for fun, Authorpreneur Academy was born where his first client became an international bestseller and Amazon #1 New Release within six months from the first conversation. He’s a contributor to numerous publications like Addicted 2 Success, Good Men Project, and Thrive Global. Lucas also has been interviewed on many podcasts and TV shows.