When we think about making a change in our lives, it is too often that we focus more on making big, radical changes. Rarely do we count the small things, the micro changes, as making a difference for us. In this very special episode, Adam Markel takes on the hot seat to explore with us his bestselling book that praises the small changes we make in order to realize our dreams and goals, Pivot. He talks about the beauty of taking the risk when making changes and taking the mistakes that could come from them as lessons. Without discrediting the hard work that comes to play, Adam then taps into organization resilience as well as the individual resilience of leaders to utilize change to its fullest. Appreciate movement one step at a time, moment to moment, because as the popular quote goes, slow and steady wins the race.
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Pivot: Building Momentum To Reach Great Goals Through Small Changes
My guest and I want to help you thrive, which means achieving at a high level, but also being truly happy. By truly happy, we use the ancient Greek definition of happiness, which is the experience of joy while in pursuit of your potential. My guest embodies that as well as anyone I know, you’ll see it from him. Adam Markel is an international speaker, bestselling author and executive business mentor who works with organizations and individuals to create high-performance strategies and resilient work cultures that lead teams forward in times of change. After building a multimillion-dollar law firm, Adam reinvented his career path and becoming CEO of one of the largest business and personal growth training companies in the world, overseeing more than $100 million in sales.
As a transformational speaker, Adam’s unique style combines practical business strategies with personal development insights to create a learning environment with lasting impact. His bestselling book is Pivot: The Art and Science of Reinventing Your Career and Life. He hosts The Conscious PIVOT Podcast, where he shares his insights on pivoting in the fast-paced marketplace. Adam is the Chief Executive Officer of More Love Media Incorporated, a company that works with individuals and organizations to build work cultures of greater inspiration, resilience and connection. On a personal note, Adam and I first met through the Transformational Leadership Council and The Association of Transformational Leaders.
We have both had the opportunity to be surrounded by some of the greatest speakers, authors, teachers, trainers in the world. One of the things I noticed about Adam, whenever I’m with him is he embodies being present. Whenever I’m in a conversation with him, I feel like he’s fully present and fully with me. In this world, we don’t see that from a lot of people. Adam, I admire that about you and I know that we share a strong commitment to being excellent fathers. You shared some great news about your daughter and congratulations on that. I know we share that commitment to excellence in parenting. Welcome, thank you for being here. I’m thrilled to have this opportunity.
I am, too. This is both pleasure and business. It feels like I’m going to sit down and talk to an old friend, which couldn’t be any easier and any more fun.
We’re both blessed in the sense that we get to overlap a lot of business and pleasure because I speak for both of us that we both love what we do so much. I shared your bio and some of the things that you’ve been up to. Your personal story is amazing. I love to call you the recovering attorney, but is there anything else you would want to share about your personal journey that has taken you to where you are?
That it’s ongoing. Often, for people that are listening to our podcast and reading things, it’s all about our growth. It’s about a commitment I suppose, a constant and never-ending growth. It’s sometimes the case where I even think that if I’m listening to somebody that’s done a bunch of things that are worthy of the accolades and all that stuff, that they’re happier than me or they’ve got to that place where it’s all working. That’s a bit of a myth and a misnomer, not to say that we aren’t happy. I’m quite happy, but I also have days and times in the day when I’m not happy, I don’t feel great, I don’t feel on track or any of the other things. I don’t love the guru dim that sometimes is associated with thought leadership. I would say I’m a work in progress and I expect that it’ll be the case until my last day.
Sometimes it’s one of the hardest things about putting yourself in the position of being a teacher is people perceive that somehow, you’ve got it all figured out. I know that I don’t feel that way on a consistent basis. I’m thrilled we have a mutual friend in Jack Canfield and I worked with Jack for a long time. It was one of the things I admired most about him. Even at the level of achievement that he’s achieved, he’s still the first one in the front row. If you’re presenting, if I’m presenting, he’s the first one with his notepad open, ready to learn and grow and continue to improve. I totally concur with you about that.
We must make small changes in order to realize our dreams and our goals. Share on XI love that about Jack.
Of all the people I’ve ever met who could easily take a day off and rest on his laurels and let everyone acknowledge everything that he’s accomplished and everything, he certainly has the level of accomplishment to do it, but that’s not who he is. The book is Pivot and I believe there’s a lot of similarities to your concept of pivoting and my concept of excellent decisions in terms of helping people get to where they want to be. What do you mean by pivot? What is the concept of pivoting and why it’s important?
The book, the concept and all of it is continuing to evolve, which is wonderful because the pace of change has since slowed up. In fact, it’s only getting quicker. Pivot is how I look at how we are making changes in our lives and in our business lives, in particular on a moment-to-moment basis. Some of those pivots are larger. They’re more macro pivots. The majority of which are micro or small pivots. The essence of the principle is that we must make small changes in order to realize our dreams and our goals. More often than not, the reason that I believe a lot of people in a lot of businesses don’t realize their dreams and goals is that they opt instead of making small changes on a consistent basis. They opt for either trying to make a radical change because they think that’s the only way that they’ll be able to effectuate change by something significant. More often than not, they opt for the status quo instead.
There are a lot of things that perpetuate us, believing that making changes is risky and that we are risk-averse and making mistakes is also something that can be costly. There are consequences for mistakes and we’re trained from the time that we’re tiny beings that mistakes are wrong and bad. It’s something that is a part of our programming. We often will opt for the devil we know versus the devil we don’t, and that is the death of any organization. It could be a rapid death or a slow death, but it is indeed a spiral downward for any organism. Anything that stays still for a length of time, ultimately, entropies become toxic and dies. It’s interesting because it is a part of the cycle of life anyway, entropy, things moving from order to chaos and then chaos back to order. There was a natural process involved in that. The pivoting is learning how to make these changes in a moment-to-moment so that you’re constantly moving toward the goal as opposed to accepting what is.
It sounds like there’s a focus on those small steps and being willing to take those small steps as part of the strategy of making a pivot. In some cases, the pivot itself can be a major change.
Pivot can be a mindset. That’s the wonderful thing about the word that I love. It is adaptable to different contexts. Your mindset is a thing that we’ll either run in the patterns and in the grooves that we were established early on or you get an opportunity to challenge those ways of thinking and to be moment-to-moment. The thing about pivoting that I hear from people that seems to be useful for them is in looking at it in a similar way to something like the Butterfly Effect, even the Law of Small Differences it’s been called or what Buckminster Fuller used to call the Law of Precession. There’s a ripple effect of things that when you make any change to the input in any system, the output changes automatically. There’s no way you get the same output if you’ve changed something in the input.
If the things that are not working in some area of the business or some other area, or even your personal life are not altered, if there isn’t even a small change to that input than the output, it will likely remain the same. That’s a definition of you do the same thing over and over again, expecting different results in that sense. Many of us do that out of fear and out of habit, and we don’t have to. It’s not even natural. It’s the order of the universe. The tide flows in, the tide flows out. Nature is the greatest example of constant change. It’s nothing’s ever the same, yet we’re trying to keep everything the same. We want to make sure we stay in the same house, have the same standard of living and health. We want our face to look the same entirely and it’s constantly trying to make something that is fluid static. It’s no wonder that we’re in such pain all the time.

Pivot: The Art and Science of Reinventing Your Career and Life
I get what you’re saying about the nature of all this work, the conversation at its core is about change and the willingness to change versus the resistance to change seems to be natural. I’m curious from a former basketball player’s perspective, is there a connection at all to the concept of the pivot to sports, in particular, basketball?
It’s the thing that birthed the idea for me. That’s funny you said that. My dad was a basketball player. I was crumbing ballplayer even though it would have meant everything to me at the time to have been taller and better on the court because it would have gained the approval of my dad in that one important arena. He was serious about basketball and I was serious as a spectator of it for a lot of years too. I picked an awful team from my dad. To this day, we both still root for the New York Knicks. That’s been a decision.
That’s been painful.
It’s their many years of pain, but the concept being is when you see a basketball player that’s stuck on the court. Let’s imagine that you’re in that situation, in some business area or some other areas of your life. You feel stuck. When a basketball player is stuck, they have an opportunity to do a pivot on one foot. It’s legal in the game to take one foot, the back foot and then rotate around. You can pivot on that foot 360 degrees. You can pivot to 720 degrees. You can keep going around in circles if you like, but that’s legal holding the ball, pivoting around. What that does for the ballplayer on the court is it allows that individual to see the whole court as opposed to if they’re holding the ball, then what ends up happening is all the defense collapses around them. It’s impossible for them to do anything of value at that moment, whereas when they pivot, they might see another of their players dashing toward the basket and they can pass the ball. They could shoot. There are other options available when they can see the entire court.
I don’t know how many basketball players are reading, but it is a powerful metaphor in many ways because there’s that metaphor of having that one-foot set. When you are going to make a change, it’s good to keep one foot grounded in what’s already working and what you have in place in the foundation that you’ve built. That idea of pivoting and looking around, seeing what your options are, starting to move a little bit before you take off running in one direction. As a former basketball player, I hadn’t even thought about it from what you said about being stuck. You get the ball and the defense comes running at you. You can feel stuck in it. That’s the way life is. Sometimes you feel stuck, but you don’t have to go into a crouch and hold onto the side of the ball if you can. You can pivot, look around, see what your options are and then get into motion. In that space, it’s a powerful metaphor.
We see what sometimes happens too when ballplayers panic at that moment and, instinctually, grabbed the ball harder and then the defense gets over there and puts their hands on the ball. The ref then blows the whistle because it’s a hell ball, a jump ball or when one team or the other gets the ball is the result of other rules. It’s one of those things where we think our options can be limited and there are ways for us to see that. As my wife reminds me, and she does remind me about this all the time, she’ll ask, “What’s the creative opportunity?” That’s the question she’ll pose to me in any challenging situation where we might feel stuck. The question becomes, “What’s the creative opportunity now?” To find the creative opportunity requires vision. That’s what pivoting in basketball gives you.
It gives you a vision and it also gives you vision in other areas too. It’s interesting too that it’s one of those analogies that people tend to go to get the visual because they get the basketball thing or they get the Law of Small Changes. I usually will say that with Buckminster Fuller, he would talk about these big tanker ships. At the beginning of their development, these huge ships had an important problem in that they couldn’t turn easily. They weren’t agile. Think about big companies, for example. They are not agile and certainly not as agile as a little startup. Someone did something incredible. They invented something called a trim tab. It is a tiny little rudder. The big ships had this big rudder and they weren’t agile. They couldn’t turn quickly or easily and these are massive rudders but still couldn’t do it.
We often will opt for the devil we know versus the devil we don't. Share on XSomebody said, “Why don’t we put a little rudder on the big rudder?” The little rudder is called a trim tab. They put this little rudder on the big rudder and the little rudder turned the big rudder. It turned the big ship. He goes, “That’s a massive behemoth of a thing that isn’t agile.” All of a sudden, you put this tiny little trim tab on that rudder and it makes the thing more agile. It can turn more quickly. When I speak to organizations that way, I say, “Anytime you think that you’re too small to make a difference or some little change in the organization can have a profound impact, you have to think back to Buckminster Fuller’s example. That’s a clear explanation of how little things can have this huge impact and make a big difference.” I remember speaking to this company, Henkel, a German consumer product company which had been around for 100 plus years.
The CEO was blown away by that. He comes up and it couldn’t get it out of his head the idea of being the little rudder. He was seizing on that idea that we can all be that little rudder. That’s one of those examples that people tend to like. The other one was that in my pivot, I’m pivoting from being an eighteen-year veteran legal professional lawyer, still recovering. I feel I’m fully recovered. I’m recovered that I get invited to speak to law groups because I don’t come in with any angst. I’m not upset. They come to me, “How do you get out of the law?” I’ll tell them that regardless of whether you’re looking to get out of a certain profession, that’s not what the book is about. That’s not my message. If I’d have known when I was a lawyer what I already know, I probably wouldn’t have left the law. I don’t mean that to say that what I’m doing or what I had done isn’t what I ought to have been doing. It was absolute and perfect.
It is just that I was stuck. I was the guy holding onto that ball for dear life. The dear life was I’ve got houses, cars, four kids, durables, and goldfish. Things that I’m responsible for as a heavyweight on my shoulders and it felt debilitating. I couldn’t see the court. I did not have a vision for what could be done differently or what creative opportunity existed. For me, instead, I didn’t jump ship. In my TEDx Talk, I talk about this moment where I was in the hospital having what I thought was a heart attack. It turns out to be an anxiety attack. I could come out of the hospital and look up at the sky and I say, “Thank you, God.” I realized I got a second chance, but I still didn’t know what to do to avoid the midlife crisis and instead create a midlife calling. Instead, I did what you said earlier, Robert. I kept that one foot planted. That was smart.
I didn’t scuttle my business and my life because I was miserable or confused at that time. I kept that foot planted, grounded, and I kept the thing that was working alive. I equate that to an experience that Randi, my wife, and I had in Cape Cod. We have a house there and we are driving over this body of water. There’s a drawbridge where tall sailboats come through. This was years ago, right around the time I was writing a book and we noticed there was construction happening. We stopped and pulled over and asked what was going on. That Army Corps of Engineers guy said, “We’re building a replacement bridge because this one probably can’t survive another nor’easter.” I thought, “This is a killer example of what pivoting is all about.”
We’re still driving over the old bridge and they’ll build a new one. I went like, “That’s a perfect example.” Sure enough, they built a new bridge. When you’d driven over a boat, then they tore down the old one. There’s only luck would have it. It’s funny for the story and millions of dollars to the town, they started building again. We pulled over, ask the question of some other person. They go, “This bridge we built was not the permanent bridge. It was a quick fix, a temporary bridge.” We have millions of dollars on a temporary bridge and they’re building the permanent bridge right alongside the temporary bridge where the old bridge was.
They did that and tore down the other one and go, “This is even better.” That’s much of what we do in life. It could be that we’re building this new bridge, we’re pivoting and we’re building this temporary bridge and it won’t be the permanent one. That’s the real, lasting lesson. Go back to the first thing I might’ve said at the beginning was that we’re going to be pivoting our entire lives and to think that you’re going to build the one bridge, it’s going to last forever. It’s a recipe in any business, organization, or situation. It’s a recipe for disappointment.
A couple of things I want to circle back to is with this basketball metaphor. We’re talking about the natural reaction, which is to feel stuck and to hold on tighter in all those things. Sometimes people feel wrong about that, but part of what I hear you saying is there’s nothing wrong about that. It’s human nature. It’s what we do. I used to coach little kids and it’s what they do when the defense comes charging. It’s human nature to hold on tighter and go into the fetal position, whatever it is. There’s nothing wrong with that, but there’s this powerful awareness in that and there’s another rule in the game called, “No, you can pivot. You can’t take off running, but you can keep one foot in place and you can pair that.

Making Small Changes: Pivoting is learning how to make these changes in a moment-to-moment so that you’re constantly moving toward the goal as opposed to accepting what is.
You can look around. There are other options. There are other opportunities.” To me, that’s such a powerful part of the metaphor. The other thing I love and you said this from the beginning when you were talking about what pivoting is, it’s this whole thing about small steps. Sometimes people feel like, “I can’t make a difference. This little thing won’t make a difference.” There’s a Margaret Mead quote about how not only do those things make a difference but in fact, those are the only things that ultimately make a difference. You have to do it one step at a time on little pieces. I love the emphasis on the small steps and be willing to do what you can do and not feel bad about the fact that you can’t solve the whole thing.
Slow and steady is a term that comes to mind. It’s not necessarily the sexiest thing and maybe some people don’t have the patience for the slow and steady approach to stuff. Dr. King said something. I will try to quote him because I would put it too. “It’s this idea of life is like a staircase and it’s dark on the way up. We don’t know what it all looks like and how every step was perfectly aligned to get us to where we are until we are at someplace looking down the staircase.” It’s scarily true.
As a recovering perfectionist who wants to have all those pieces in place, I go, “I’m still trying.”
You got to be good in the dark.
One of my New Year’s resolutions is to embrace the messiness. It’s going to be messy. It’s going to be a temporary bridge. The other one’s going to fall and it’s going to be messy, but to get to where we want to go, that’s the way it works. I’m still looking for the other path, but if I find it, you’ll be the first one I call. A lot of the work that you do is with leaders and this whole conversation about pivoting and the importance of pivoting and how to pivot and why it’s valuable. Why is it important and valuable for leaders?
It’s interesting to me too that I’m in the book. There’s a chapter that’s all about resilience. I used to believe when I was writing the book that the big circle was the pivot and the little circle inside of it or one of the little circles inside was resilience. I feel it’s the other way around, that the most important skills are the ways of being that produce high-level results. The business is one area, but also in your personal life is that we must be resilient. Part of the equation for being resilient in the face of change, in the face of everything that’s going on in our world, that we also have to know the skill and be an expert at the skill of pivoting. Not necessarily the other way around that the skill of pivoting, which also requires resilience.
It can be either way. It’s semantical, but resilience is one of those key areas. When I’m speaking to leaders these days, more often than not, I am blending those two principles. This idea of pivoting is fundamental, how it is that you utilize change to its fullest. Ultimately, it’s like your health. The people say, “It doesn’t matter how rich you get. If you don’t have your health, you have nothing. Nothing matters if you don’t have your health.” I truly believe that’s the case and resilience is like health. If you’re not around, if the organization isn’t around, if it isn’t a resilient organization, if the people inside that group or organization are not around, nothing will matter.
Resilience is not about endurance. It is about how you recover. Share on XThe idea of organizational resilience and the individual resilience of the leaders, the senior-level people, managers, down to anybody that’s got hired on an hourly basis, it doesn’t matter. The culture has to be one that promotes resilience. I usually start those talks by sharing a story called The Three Whistle Story. When I was nineteen years old, I was working as a lifeguard at Jones Beach on the South Shore of Long Island, New York. We lost somebody who was on an adjacent beach. We heard these three whistles ring out on the beach. Speech signaling meant that someone was missing and it was going to be a search and rescue situation. We all mobilize and we get into our search pattern and swim through these breakers and get out from a straight line to start a pattern search for this missing person swimmer.
We’re in this cold, dark Atlantic Ocean and we’re diving ten feet down and swimming into the current coming straight up to get air. We do this for more than an hour and we don’t find him. We have whistles again to come out. The captain of our particular beach sits us down and gives us a good talking. This guy didn’t even go down on our beach, but he said, “Nobody goes down in our water. Nobody goes down on our watch.” We had been in a moment of silence for this missing man and he hits us with this serious statement. He finished this by saying, “At this beach, at this field, you either make the save or you die trying.” I’m nineteen years old. That’s the context of my work environment, life and death.
The expectation from the leader, the CEO of that field is you’re going to make a save where you don’t come out of the water. They do not come out without somebody. I worked there for seven summers. I could feel the emotion even as I’m sharing this many years later. Seven summers at the busiest beach in New York. Hundred thousand patrons were there on a Saturday, Sunday. People got bused in from the boroughs and lots of people who had never been to the ocean before, didn’t swim, the inner-city kids and the like and we never lost anybody. Seven summers we made hundreds of rescues a day, all summer long, with twenty lifeguards at the most and we never lost anybody. Part of why I tell that story at the start of the talk is because we were on guard and part of our impeccable record was that we were in shape.
Robert, we took great care of ourselves and we were encouraged to take great care of ourselves. We would work up an hour in the stand and the lifeguard’s in for an hour and then we were down and out. We are covering, eating our lunch. Sometimes in the lifeguard shack work, lifting weights or running on the soft sand or something or in the dory rowing and practicing. We were in killer shape and that’s how as a crew, the singular vision we had, which was never to let somebody go down on our watch. The fact that our crew was all about having each other’s back, it was a got your back culture versus a watch your back culture.
Those types of things created this great resilience in us. It’s through that resilience that we were able to perform at levels that we could never have performed without that resilience, and certainly, couldn’t have ever covered that span of the beach without women. The odds were ridiculously against us. Twenty lifeguards on 100,000 people or thousands in the water at any one time. It was nuts, but it worked. To me, regardless of how many of the things you adopt strategically in business, work or don’t work, you’ve got to have a resilient workforce more than ever before. With political things going on, with changes in the global economy constantly, Mother Nature and state of perpetual change, you have to be at your best.
As soon as you said the word resilience, my immediate reaction was, “I need to put that right on my list of things I’m committed to this year, along with the messiness.” I asked myself, “What exactly does that mean?” The level of commitment that comes through in the story about you and the lifeguard team, to me, is part of resilience. What else would you say are the elements if someone that has a commitment to resilience or a leader who’s committed to building an organization that is resilient? What would be the elements? How would you define resilience so that your clients understand what you mean by that?
What I normally do is I’ll start by saying what it’s not. To begin with, and that’s quick, one of my favorite movies in 1976. This movie came out called Rocky. Everybody remembers it. The harder question is, how many Rocky movies were made? Since I tell that story, I know that there’s eight at this point. The other question I haven’t answered for myself is, “How many times does Rocky get knocked down in the first Rocky movie?” No one ever can answer that.

Making Small Changes: Think of resilience as holistic and meaningful. It’s mental, emotional, physical, and even spiritual.
It is somewhere between a lot and a whole bunch.
Here’s the thing, he gets knocked down and every time he gets knocked down, he gets back up. That’s how he wins our hearts. A mentor of mine shared with me this some years ago, “He wins our hearts, but he loses the fight and, in the end, he doesn’t look too good.” It was my South Jersey buddies be like, “He’s all banged up.” That’s the model of performance that many businesses are running on. It is this idea and resilience to them would mean, “You’d get back up, take a hit and get back up.” It’s all about endurance. The research is clear that resilience is not about endurance. Endurance and element of the equation on the physical side, it is, but more often than not. I’ll quote the Harvard Business Review study on this, “Resilience is about how you recover.” That’s a shocking thing for a lot of people in the business space, especially since 2008.
Our mantra at the beach was nobody goes down on our watch. The mantra in businesses is to do more with less. It is even to do more and more with less and less. The concept of it is, “How is it that you are able to make something stretch further out perpetually?” Can you stretch it out before the system or the thing breaks? When it comes to defining it, we first have to understand that it’s about how it is that we recover. That is not just physical recovery, but more often than its mental recovery. We like to think of resilience as holistic and meaningful. It’s mental, it’s emotional, it’s physical, and there’s even a spiritual component of it because often we have people who are not working in alignment with their highest personal values. Their personal value is family.
For example, they want to spend time with their wife, their husband, their kids, but they’re working all the time. There are no boundaries. There’s no weekend. That doesn’t end. There’s no line for anything. They feel internally torn and that’s exhausting. That’s something that debilitates people. It impacts their performance. There are many things that contribute to this, including the fact that people don’t sleep well and lack of sleep. Getting a good night’s sleep and sufficient sleep is a worldwide epidemic. I was in Tokyo, Japan where I got to give them the news that they’re the most sleep-deprived country in the world, the most sleep-deprived workforce other than Singapore. They’d go, “How is anybody going to perform at their best under those conditions?”
The Harvard Review article that I talk about compared to the highest performing athletes with the highest performing business executives. If you’re an Olympic athlete, would you treat your body? Would you treat your mind? Would you treat yourself the way you treat yourself if you knew you were going to be performing in the Tokyo Olympics this summer? Obviously, no. Why would we expect to get the best performance out of ourselves or out of our teams if our view of what will create that performance is faulty? Part of our training in those corporate keynotes usually is to point out some of these things and to let people have access to our resilience assessment tool. I’ll give you the tool if anybody wants to utilize it. It’s totally free. It’s Client.ResilienceCulture.com. We set up a URL for this, but it’s an actual survey. It takes about three minutes to conduct and to take. After three minutes, you’ll automatically receive not just a score, but an evaluation of where you are in those four quadrants, mental, emotional, physical and spiritually based on your answers to the questions.
There are four questions in each section and when we’re speaking to organizations, we’ll typically bring up the results because we have them take that assessment ahead of time. It’s impactful that in the actual presentation, we’ll address the results of the group that is there. Some of them are stark. The thing that we call the spiritual pieces is a biggie. Many organizations, many people, doesn’t matter what state of the country or even country in the world, this idea that we’re trying to get the most out of people for the least. What’s the least we can put in and get the most out of them? It’s a faulty paradigm and it doesn’t lead to longevity. It wouldn’t have led to longevity on the beach for us. It wouldn’t have led to an impeccable record. If we were exhausted up there, we would have missed people. It would have gone down and we would have quit, I’m sure because it was devastating that day when we lost that guy. It was devastating to know that there’s somebody that you could have saved somehow but didn’t. I know that it was a long-winded answer to that.
I know for myself, and I’m guessing for anyone who’s reading, this idea of resilience is a topic worth diving more deeply into. It is getting added to my list of things that I’m committed to. I’m clear about the value of that. I’m also aware that it goes back to the basketball conversation that when you do get hit, when you do get knocked down there, there is human nature. It’s natural to have a sense of, “I don’t want to get up. I’m dumb. I’m tired,” but there’s such value in resilience and being willing to get up and maintain your commitment. That’s something I’m going to dive more deeply into and invite other people to do that as well. I would encourage people to go to the book because I know there’s a conversation in the book about this concept of resilience. I do want to ask you a two-part question. What’s up for you nowadays? What’s next? What are you working on? How can people get in touch with you if they want to learn more and get connected with you? What’s the best way for people to do that?
Thanks so much for that, Robert. We’re working on another book, which is exciting and more dialed into the principles of resilience. That’s one thing. We do a lot of sharing this information on stages across the globe with organizations. The reason for me to want to speak to organizations is that the ripple effect, the precession from Buckminster Fuller is so much. It’s great. It’s on a large scale, how we see this message proliferate and speak to 500 business leaders who are touching the lives of thousands of other employees. You can see the impact is substantial. People can get in touch with us by going to AdamMarkel.com. They can find out more about if they are interested in having us come and present or want to speak about that resilience kit, the recovery map that we create for our organizations when we assess where they’re at on the resilience scale. We are happy to do that as well. There are all social followings and things. We have a podcast that people might also enjoy called The Conscious PIVOT Podcast. I love to keep the conversation going and I appreciate the relationship and the connection between us and that you invited me to come and speak to your community.
After reading, people can understand why it was such a perfect connection. The idea of excellent decisions and making decisions based on vision and values rather than stress and pressure is in alignment with the whole idea of pivoting and having resilience and all those things. It’s the same conversations, but slightly different languages. I’m deeply grateful to you for joining us and sharing your wisdom. It’s always fun to connect with you and I appreciate that. For those of you who are reading, we appreciate you joining us and continuing this conversation about making excellent decisions based on your vision and values rather than stress and pressure.
Pivoting, we know it is part of that process and with the intention of helping people thrive, Adam and I both share a desire to help people accomplish at a high level. That’s great, but also to be truly happy. There’s a reason why the word love is in Adam’s company name. I know from personal experience that he’s committed to people living a satisfying, love-filled, truly happy life and we use the ancient Greek definition of happiness, the experience of joy while in pursuit of your potential. Thanks, Adam. We’ll see you soon. To our readers, we’ll see you in the next episode of the show.