PR Max | Luck And Optimism


Is luck still evident today, or is it just a thing of the past? We see many people thriving in their careers, and we can’t help but wonder what their recipe for success is. Is it grit, optimism, resilience, or just sheer luck? Max Borges is the founder of Max Borges Agency, a 50 person PR firm that focuses exclusively on consumer tech clients. Collecting wisdom and motivational insights from his growth journey, he compiled his learnings and wrote his book, How to be Fan-f*cking-tastic. He shares with Adam Markel how he grew his namesake agency from a laptop on his kitchen table to a company generating $10 million in annual revenue. Tune in to learn more about how his optimism propelled him to rise through countless opportunities and achieve more success than he ever dreamed of.

Show Notes:

00:00:00 – Introduction

00:05:27 – Making a list of great quotes

00:08:00 – It ain’t rocket science

00:11:00 – Resourced and resourceful

00:15:11 – You need dead time to come alive

00:17:46 – Imagination as a way to guide us today

00:22:09 – Stripping away whatever the walls are

00:27:55 – Definition of resilience

00:32:37 – What resilient habits look like

00:35:47 – Working from home

00:38:41 – Opportunity to mentor people

00:41:03 – Conclusion: How do you love your life?

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How do we leverage continuous uncertainty to thrive in this unprecedented new world? 
The answer is to build the resilience we need to power us through the challenges we face so that we become “Change Proof.” Prepare to tackle the future with confidence by reading Adam’s latest book Change Proof: Leveraging the Power of Uncertainty to Build Long-Term Resilience.

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Luck And Optimism: Turning Your Life Around With Max Borges

At this moment, I am feeling very peaceful and appreciative of that peace. It’s a hard-fought peace at times. It’s an oxymoron or a contradiction in terms but peace, for me, is not negotiable. There are so many things that take me out of my peace in my own life, my own way of living and being, first and foremost and then there’s all that shit on the outside in the world like politics and other things that we are craving like social justice and other forms of equity, fairness, etc., that in the midst of some of those struggles, I find myself angry at times.

I am of noticing the level of my own anger rising at times and I did something about that. I went away on a retreat. It’s very lucky enough for me to get to go to Costa Rica twice a year. I didn’t go twice in 2020 for obvious reasons but I did get to go safely. I made it there. I made it back all well and good to a retreat center where among other things, I get to work with people individually on finding greater self-love and peace. I get to be facilitated by an expert shaman in Ayahuasca journeys ceremonies that we do in the evenings, which is a whole other topic for another day and another show, although who knows, maybe my guest and I will riff on that. I feel fortunate to have come back from that experience much more grounded. I haven’t felt angry in a few weeks. That’s probably good. Mission accomplished.

I feel blessed to be able to spend some time with a gentleman that I’m going to share with all of you. His name is Max Borges. He’s the author of How To Be Fan-f*cking-tastic!. It is a killer book. It’s a collection of wisdom, motivational quotes, statements and insights from his journey growing his namesake agency from a laptop on his kitchen table to $10 million in annual revenue. His optimism and positive attitude have led him to countless opportunities, both personal and professional that resulted in more success than he ever dreamed possible.

It’s a wonderful opportunity to chat with you, Max. I’m glad you could join us and be part of the show.

It’s a great pleasure to be here and what a great intro. I totally resonate with a lot of the things that you were saying. You brought up Ayahuasca and that’s definitely something that’s on my list of things to try. I’ve got a good friend that’s done it about five times and it changed him. I’m open to it. Thank you for that wonderful introduction.

My first question to you is what’s not a part of the introduction that I did share that you would love for people to know about you or one thing in particular that you want our folks to know about you?

Probably that it wasn’t always easy. My life’s been full of a lot of ups and downs that I have had to nail a lot of times in order to learn what I needed to know in order to finally reach the level of success that I always dreamed of.

It is a backing and filling process. There are no straight lines in the cosmos, I suppose. I would love to dig into the book. What was the inspiration for writing a book called How To Be Fan-f*cking-tastic!. I love the subtitle, 100+ Pages Of Practical Advice On How To Stop Sucking At Life And Start Being Fan-f*cking-tastic!

Over my lifetime, I have had so many great mentors and people that have helped me throughout my life and given me this great advice. I have always wanted to write a book so I started one night making a list of these great quotes that came to my mind, put them in book form and showed them to a friend. At this point, I had twenty and he thought it was great. I showed it to a few more friends. I got some great feedback. I thought, “Maybe I could turn this into a book.”

PR Max | Luck And Optimism

How to be Fan-f*cking-tastic – 100+ pages of practical advice on how to stop sucking at life and start being fan-f*cking-tastic


Over the next few years, I started developing more quotes based on experiences that I have developing, recollecting and remembering these quotes that are part of my principles, values, the way that I think and do business and the way that I conduct my life. I came up with over 100 of them and put them into a book. So far, the feedback has been incredible. People are buying it and then they’re turning around. They’re buying it for their teenagers and college-aged kids. It’s been rewarding to hear that positive feedback.

I can see that this is a great gift for somebody. When did the book officially launch?

I don’t remember the exact date to be honest with you but it was a few months ago.

Is the sales pretty good and strong?

The sales have been good surprisingly because I haven’t done a whole lot of promotion for it and yet people seem to be discovering and liking it. Word of mouth is causing it to sell.

This is maybe a little bit of a cheesy question or at least a question that might be tough to answer but is there a particular quote in the book that is your own personal favorite or maybe there’s 1 or 2 that you might unpack for us. The alternative to that while I give you a moment to think is I can randomly turn to a page or two and we can discuss a couple of these. I don’t normally do that with guests but I feel like this book is tight. There are some great language and concepts here. The strength is in simplicity but like all great things are simple, there’s also a lot deeper level that you can go to with it.

Things are not as hard as they look. If you just take that first step forward and start learning and educating yourself, you can do things you never thought of. Share on X

There’s a backstory on every one of the quotes. Which one is my favorite? It’s like they are all my children. One of my favorites is, “It ain’t rocket science, even rocket science, ain’t rocket science.” The subline is, “Ask Elon.” What I mean by that is I always used to take this attitude about everything is it’s not rocket science. You can learn how to do it. You can open up a book, ask some experts and some friends. You can figure out everything.

You can go to YouTube.

The only thing that you can’t do that with is rocket science but then Elon Musk comes along who did not go to school to be a rocket scientist. He reads a bunch of books and talks with a bunch of experts and has a rocket company. Now, even rocket science isn’t rocket science. It’s an inspiring quote for people to remember that things are not as hard as they look and if you take that first step forward, start learning and educating yourself, you’ll find that you probably can do things that you never thought of.

It would be challenging for me even if I knew all the quotes by heart to tell you which one is my favorite. There are so many. I’ll read a couple. This one is, “Smile, it pisses your enemies off.” That’s probably the New Yorker in me that is a little sadistic there.

Sometimes people want to get and see you down. Somehow they pick themselves up by seeing you down. That’s a way of like, “Don’t let them do it. Keep your head up and keep smiling because even though not everybody’s going to be on your side, you have got to be on your side.”

We all know how it’s supposed to go after that, “If at first you don’t succeed,” and it says at the bottom, “Fucking Google it.”

PR Max | Luck And Optimism

Luck And Optimism: Everything is not rocket science; you can learn how to do it. You can open up a book or ask some experts or some friends. You can figure out just about everything.


This is a message that’s come through in a few of the quotes in the book is, “It’s not about knowing everything. It’s about being able to find the answers, being able to find them in real-time and being able to find them fast.” Another one of the quotes is, “Life is an open book test,” and it’s the same thinking.

We go through school being taught to learn and memorize things and then we are going to be tested on what we know but life isn’t really like that. Life’s an open book test. If you are challenged with something, you normally get time to go and look up the answer, read a book, ask some experts, surround yourself with your mastermind alliance who you can reach out to and get some input on how to do things better. It’s about being able to learn, find the answers and not necessarily know the answers.

The two words that come up are resourced and resourceful. A lot of people don’t utilize either of those that they feel like they are under-resourced because perhaps they don’t have the money that they think they need to succeed in something. The fact of the matter is that there is the resource of education, mentorship, other people’s experience and many things that you can learn from in that regard that is priceless.

Some of the best lessons in life cost a lot of money. To be able to learn some of those lessons without having it put up that money is valuable but people don’t ask questions where they feel as though somehow or another to ask a question is indicating that they are dumb, not educated or that they should know. There’s all this ego involved in why someone won’t walk up to somebody that’s doing well, that they respect and simply ask them some basic questions about how it is that they were able to get to where they are and being less than resourceful.

There are the resources that people might not feel they have and then there’s this concept of like, “How resourceful are you in the midst of a pandemic?” There were more opportunities and more ways to thrive in the midst of chaos, uncertainty and adversity than I’ve ever seen before. The proof is in the pudding in so many different respects but if you weren’t resourceful then you are watching the carnage.

I think and I strongly believe that everybody is lucky but some people are better at turning that luck into something great than others. Some people are going to let those luck events pass them by because they are not optimistic or positive enough to go, “This is something interesting. Let me try this out. Let me go down this road a little bit and see where this might lead.” Successful people see those opportunities and realize, “This is a detour.” You can’t get too stuck on your path that you have set for yourself for your life, that you are not going to be open to these great opportunities that life gives you almost every single day that you’ve got to take advantage of and get what Jim Collins calls return on luck. You have got to capitalize.

Smile. It pisses your enemies off. Share on X

Where opportunity and preparation meet is the crossroads called luck.

Where opportunity and optimism meet.

I love this too, “Spend some time each day doing nothing at all. It is during this time that the best ideas will come. Scheduling nothing to schedule a time to think or to do nothing,” it’s a profound ritual that I was introduced to years ago.

We used to do it a lot more before the iPhone and now, we have got something to literally fill up every moment that maybe you might have been thinking and coming up with a good idea or a solution to some problem. You are in the elevator. What are you doing? You’re staring at your phone. You are on the toilet. You’re staring at your phone. The only time that maybe we’re not doing anything is in the shower and that’s usually not long enough to allow you to get some great ideas. You are on your phone until you go to bed and the moment you wake up. You are listening to a podcast on the way to work. You need some dead time to let your mind go and think through all of the challenges and opportunities that are before you so that you can come up with ideas and solutions.

You need dead time to come alive.

Meditation is important but I’m not talking about meditation because it isn’t about thinking. It’s going out and taking a walk or if you are a runner, it is not running with music or while listening to a podcast. Let yourself think. Let your mind go.

PR Max | Luck And Optimism

Luck And Optimism: Even though not everybody’s going to be on your side, you’ve got to be on your side.


My wife and I have been doing such great thinking together ideating about things in the hot tub. That’s a place where we don’t take our phones. It’s, “Where can you be phone-free on some level?” My recommendation would be, “Don’t take it into the bathroom.” I know you’re right. Lots of people are doing lots of tweeting at the highest level or at least they used to be.

My agencies did a study on Millennials’ Amazon buying habits and found that 30%-some of them had purchased something on Amazon while sitting on the toilet. We are using our phones too much and need to schedule that dead time. If you don’t schedule the dead time, it doesn’t happen by itself or organically anymore.

That’s the Law of The Cosmos anyway, that vacuum is always filled. There’s always a rush to fill a space. We know space is creative so how it is that you organize space, the opportunity and even quarantine ourselves for space for the creative ability or opportunity that exists in that space? I have got a book that’s coming out called Change Proof, which is all about leveraging the power of uncertainty to build long-term resilience. It’s a book about resilience, which I want to talk to you about.

I already know what the book after that is, which is a book about imagination. Because you’re in a creative business, in the marketing space, you own a PR agency but I imagine you do marketing as well or some element of it. I’m curious what your thoughts are on imagination. That’s a broad question. I’m looking at imagination as a way to guide us and to look at the future as a guide for the present, as opposed to looking at the past. It is conventional to think that our past experiences teach us and give us this wisdom to be able to know how to pivot at the moment.

My theory is that we are always going to be as adept, agile and able to deal with disruption in the present as our past has allowed us to form some wisdom to operate now. The thing that we are not prepared for is this unknown future. I think about the unknown future is the people that we are able to iterate things in the space where the past wasn’t going to inform them like a Walt Disney, people that were known for that imagination, Imagineering and visioneering. I’m curious about your thoughts on imagination and how much you use it in your business?

I have used it a lot in actually building my business, not just for my clients but thinking about my business in an imaginative way. One of the things that I have observed over the years is that, first of all, people are not afraid of failure. They’re afraid of looking stupid in front of other people. They’re afraid of being humiliated. When it comes to being imaginative and coming out with some crazy idea and by the way, every great idea starts as a crazy idea. You have got to be willing to humiliate yourself a little bit, put on the clown nose and be laughed at if you’re going to be truly creative. Otherwise, you’re going to limit yourself to only the stuff that’s safe to say without humiliation.

Life is an open book test. Share on X

That’s not where the great ideas come from. If you look at, for example, Uber. It was a terrible idea. Let’s think about it when it first started. You are going to have a stranger pick you up in their car. Two strangers are driving together in their car. How is that a good idea? That’s a terrible idea. When I first heard of Uber, I thought, “That’s weird. I don’t want to get inside in some stranger’s car.”

When you think it through and allow yourself to have that create a crazy idea and go, “How could this work? What if there was an app? What if all the drivers were rated? What if all of the passengers were rated? What if you could see exactly where your driver was on the way to come get you? What if you could share your location with other people so they always know where you are. What if you could see where your kids are if they’re an Uber driving somewhere so you can follow them at all times? How does that make it different?”

Suddenly, Uber becomes a brilliant idea. It’s the same thing with Airbnb. Are you going to let some stranger sleep on your sofa? It’s a terrible idea but when you think it through and you think about how the app assists that idea and makes it better then it turns into a brilliant idea. You have got to think of these crazy stupid ideas and think, “How can I make them not so crazy and not so stupid?” If you don’t allow yourself to live in that crazy place in your mind and share those ideas with friends and people who you trust, in a constructive way then you’re never going to get to that place where you have come up with something that’s imaginative and unique.

It is an old expression and you have probably heard it before. It’s the concept of thinking outside the box but the problem with thinking outside the box is the instructions for how to get out of the box are on the outside of the box. It’s stripping away whatever the walls are or the walls that hem us in. It is a big deal and in our work, we train speakers. We train people that want to speak professionally and those that want to get on a TED stage with an idea. One of the big things that are a challenge to many folks is not the fear of public speaking. It’s the fear of public humiliation. That’s at the root of why somebody won’t go there even though they have this desire to share something. They won’t go there because the risk of being humiliated is so intense.

A lot of times, we can have somebody in our life whether it be a spouse, a parent or a close friend that we think of in that situation. That makes us feel very uncomfortable because we think, “What if this person who means so much to me, whose opinion I value so much watches me? I don’t think they’re going to like it.” That can bring you down. That’s why it’s important to surround yourself. One of the quotes in the book is, “If your friends don’t make you better then get new friends.” Someone said, “You are the average of the five people that you spend the most time with.”

It’s critically important that you surround yourself with the right people who are going to support your crazy and imaginative thinking and support you when you are trying to do something that maybe you are not that great at yet but you are giving it a try so that you can develop, grow and have that support system that you need to be the best you can be.

PR Max | Luck And Optimism

Luck And Optimism: Sometimes people pick themselves up by putting you down.


It’s not easy. In fact, I love this quote from the book. It says, “If being fan-f*cking-tastic was easy, everybody would be fan-f*cking-tastic.” It’s funny because, on the other side of the page, it says, “Some people would rather sleep than be successful.” There’s this understanding that things that are simple are not always easy. A lot of what we are talking about is simple and we make it complicated. That’s what we do as human beings. We complicate things to make it easy for ourselves to not do something.

That happens all the time. My friends will say, “I got this or that idea,” but they never take the first step to research it. Taking the first step doesn’t mean making a commitment to starting this new business or to quitting your job. It’s just, “Let me look at it and see if this is even feasible or doable before I make a big commitment. The guy that started Netflix, before he started Netflix, he wasn’t sure if you could even mail a DVD in a regular envelope through the mail without it being broken. He had no idea but he didn’t go, “I don’t know. If that’s the case, I’m not going to start.”

He went to the store, bought three CDs, stuck them in an envelope and emailed them to himself. A few days later, he got them. They were all in perfect condition. Step one, done. It costs him a few bucks. It wasn’t a commitment. He didn’t say, “I’m going to start Netflix,” before he sent those CDs out. First, he sent them out, made sure that they weren’t going to break, the post office was going to do their job and then he started it. Most people don’t send those CDs to themselves. It’s such an easy step to go, “Is this even a good idea or not? Why don’t I just take a few steps to see if this is something?” They talk themselves out of it before they even know if it’s doable or not.

My dad used to send his manuscripts. He’s still plugging away at his writing at 84 years old. There are 310 pages of his book and still not quite finished but close. I remember as a kid, he’d take a manuscript and put it in a Manila envelope. I’d see him write his own name and address on it. I go, “Dad, what are you doing? Isn’t that to go to an agent, a publisher or whoever it is?” He is like, “No. I’m sending it to myself. This is my copyright protection.”

They call it a poor man’s copyright.

That’s what you get as recreation director for the city of New York on a $25,000 a year salary is you do a poor man’s copyright.

Everybody's lucky, but some people are better at turning that luck into something great than others. Share on X

I had friends that would do the same thing with cassette tapes of their songs. They would send them to themselves and that would be the copyright.

I was a lawyer for eighteen years. That’s pretty good proof. If I’m a judge and I see that some guys got that evidence of when this thing was created, it’s good. It’s evidence of something. I want to spend a couple of minutes talking about resilience because you’ve been in business and an entrepreneur. You started something from nothing and grew it. You got 50 odd employees or something like that. That doesn’t happen without a lot of pain, twists and turns, mistakes and tolerating to weather those mistakes, etc. First, I’d love to get your definition of resilience, as well as what it is that you have done both as a business operator and owner to develop resilience for yourself and within your organization?

The definition of resilience is the ability to do something new as if you’ve never failed before. I started my business when I was 34 years old. In the years leading up to my business, I tried starting lots of different businesses when I was about seventeen years old. Each time I started a new business, I felt like, “This is the one that’s going to make it. This one is the one that’s going to do it and make my dreams come true,” then it wouldn’t work out and I would find something else to do and try that out like, “This one’s going to do it,” and then it wouldn’t work out.

I wouldn’t look back on those as failures. I always looked back on those as learning opportunities. I can look back at every failed business that I had prior to the one I have now and tell you what I learned from it because there were important lessons from every single one of them. That’s critical in developing yourself in order to have a successful business. Some people like Mark Zuckerberg get lucky. Their first business is a huge success and they become a billionaire but that doesn’t happen for 99.99% of us.

Most of us don’t become successful in a business as a teen or in our early twenties. It takes a few more trips and falls, a few more failures before we have enough knowledge, experience and confidence to finally make something work. One of the quotes in the book is, “It’s never too late to do something great.” I mentioned a few people, for example, Ray Kroc, who was a salesman before he met the McDonald’s brothers. At 52 years old, started licensing the McDonald’s brand and turned it McDonald’s into what it is now, from 1 to 1,000 stores worldwide.

He was a salesman up until that point. There are so many stories of people like that but the ones that make the news are the ones of people who are younger and who don’t necessarily require as much resilience as those people who started businesses when they were older and needed to pick themselves off the ground quite a few more times.

PR Max | Luck And Optimism

Luck And Optimism: It’s not about knowing everything. It’s about finding the answers in real-time and finding them fast.


Even in the success stories, the ones that have been perhaps younger and easier, there are certainly moments along that path that requires, that call out a tremendous amount of resilience. The example of even Zuckerberg, I’m not going to defend Facebook here. I don’t have the best thoughts about that platform or even about him individually but to me, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. It’s a soft landing when you get $40 billion to your name. When you are involved at the level that he’s involved in, have the mission that the company has and want to succeed on behalf of stakeholders and everything else, you wake up in the morning, it’s a heavy load and responsibility.

You have got to be resilient because you can end up getting sick and dying at an early age. We all know that money doesn’t turn that around. Time is equal as it meets out in the same way to everybody. It doesn’t alter that eventuality. Resilience, to me is not a soft skill. It’s one of the most important things that organizations can develop. The best is when the leaders of that organization are modeling it for people around them. We are taught that. We are lucky enough sometimes that parents or others in our lives show us what resilient habits look like.

By that, I mean, habits that help to recharge. The way we define resilience is not how you endure but how you recharge. Not how you bounce back but how you bounce forward. You get to do it holistically. It’s mental recharge. It’s emotional, spiritual and physical recharging. I’d love to get a sense of, in your organization, if you’re that person and I don’t know if that’s the case or not. What do your rituals look like? How do you model these things for the people around you?

It’s an interesting question and interesting how you put it about making an example and the organization can then become resilient. In the beginning and I can think back many years ago when we had a client. It was Alienware Computers. We were a small company and they were a big client of ours. One day they got bought out by Dell and fired us. That amounted to almost half of our company’s revenue that I was about to lose in the next 30 days. At that moment, I had two employees who lost faith in the business and quit. I had to stand there in front of everybody and say, “We are going to come back from this. This is just a bump in the road. We can do this.”

I was saying it. I don’t know if I believed it but I knew I had to keep everybody looking forward to and being optimistic or we would never get there. We did come back. That year, the business grew quite a bit even with that loss because everybody plowed forward, got to work looking for clients, looking for new business and we were able to grow the business. That was one example and there are others where I showed that we can always come back from difficulty. It’s a matter of responding to it not with dread and fear but with optimism and action. That’s exactly what we did.

Now, I have got a management team that runs the business. I’m not involved in the day-to-day operations of the business anymore. They do a phenomenal job of showing resilience, even as a team and dealing with whatever challenges they are. We had a challenge when they announced that they were going to be doing the lockdown. We had to go from everybody working into the office to everybody working from home overnight. My team did a spectacular job of getting everybody online and working from home very quickly in hours, not days. We came back from that. Now, we are in a situation where the business is doing better than we were doing before the pandemic.

You need dead time to come alive. Share on X

People are doing better work working from home than they were working from the office because we found better ways to do it. There were fewer interruptions that you would normally have in the company and people could stay more focused and get in the zone more. Resilience is absolutely something that’s baked into our DNA. It can be learned not necessarily from a book but if you are part of a situation where somebody who’s leading you is resilient, you can learn what that feels like and then do it yourself.

The efficiencies that have been seen in a lot of businesses are remarkable because it’s the water cooler distractions. I remember when I was a lawyer constantly doing something. I had a hard conversation with an adversary or I was writing a brief for an hour. I got to get up, walk and stretch my legs. I ended up with my colleague’s office next door and we are shooting the breeze for 45 minutes. You go, “Do you know how useful that was for me to be able to get home for dinner on time to see my kids,” but those distractions are gone.

I want to circle back to something you said because when it comes to being a resilient leader, which is something you can learn and it’s something that you model. Modeling looks like what you said, “I believe in you and I believe in this business.” When you lost that client, there are a lot of people that are facing a lot of loss and many different kinds of losses, to be able to model for their teams, that they believed in their talents and abilities, etc. They believed in the model of the business itself is what people need to feel in order to be able to stick it out when things look dark.

They need to feel and hear it from their leader. They need to hear that you believe in them. That’s so important. A lot of times, people don’t hear that from their leadership enough. I’m a huge believer that people have way more potential than what they ever unlock. I believe that if I can help somebody through my example, words and encouragement unlock a little bit of their potential that they didn’t know they had that they are going to be much more successful than otherwise. One of the biggest joys of growing a business is having that opportunity to mentor people, coach people and help them see that they can do a lot of things that they didn’t think they could do.

That’s why I have got a lot of young people that didn’t have a lot of experience took on a lot of responsibility early on because I knew they were smart enough to do it. They might not have thoughts in the beginning but it didn’t take long for their confidence to go through the roof because they realized, “I can do this too.” I have never tried to act like I was the smartest guy in the room at the expense of somebody else. I’ve always held people up on a pedestal and said, “You guys are the important people here in this company and the smart ones who make things happen with clients and other parts of the business.” That makes a huge difference and it’s critically important to do it. Otherwise, you are not doing everything you can to help these people be the best people they can be.

One of the things I love most about what I get to do now is working with business leaders in a mentorship role. It’s tremendously fulfilling. It feels great. It’s always easier to help somebody else solve their problem to solve your own, to be perfectly blunt. I want to circle up the wagons here with one final question that is about the rituals that you’ve got and in a particular one. I gave a TED Talk some years ago about my one early morning waking ritual that changed many things for me and still to this day continues to change things on a regular basis.

That is waking up, feeling grateful and putting my feet on the floor. Instead of feeling the anxiety that I used to feel before I get going and get the coffee in my veins and all that, I feel that gratitude and I say, “I love my life.” Those four words come out of my mouth. It’s simple words but it’s not easy to pull off all the time. It’s like your book says being, How To Be Fan-f*cking-tastic! It’s like, “How do you love your life?” That was the question I posed in my talk. That’s my waking ritual. What is your most important ritual whether it’s the beginning of the day or elsewhere?

It’s not at the beginning of the day. I tend to wake up always charged and ready to start the day and excited about what is ahead of me. The ritual that has served me is, at the end of the day, making that one last call or doing that one last thing that maybe you’ve been procrastinating. I’m not involved in business development anymore but before, with my business, it was always about, “It’s quarter to 6:00. Who’s one more person I can call, one more client prospect that I can call and see if I can get some more business?”

I can’t tell you how many times that one last call got me a piece of business or got something accomplished that was important and special. That’s something I picked up from a book or some other sales motivational speaker. It’s something that I have always done and I always try to do. I’ll look at something and I go, “It’s almost time for me to go. What’s one last thing I can do so that I can feel good about what I’ve accomplished?

Max, I have enjoyed our conversation. As soon as you sent me your book, I go, “This guy has got a simpatico attitude. I can’t wait to meet him.” This has been a tremendous pleasure. I know our folks would love it. I love to get your comments. Leave a comment for myself and questions for me or Max. We’ll answer those personally. As always, subscribe and tell a friend. If somebody you know who is in business and struggling or is in between maybe, in a transition phase would enjoy learning some of the wisdom and experiences that Max has shared, please feel free to share this episode with them as well. Thanks, Max, for being a part of the show.

Thank you, Adam. The pleasure is all mine. I appreciate it. This has been a fun talk.


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About Max Borges

PR Max | Luck And OptimismMax Borges is the founder of Max Borges Agency, a 50 person PR firm that focuses exclusively on consumer tech clients. He is also the author of the book “How to be Fan-f*cking-tastic – 100+ pages of practical advice on how to stop sucking at life and start being fan-f*cking-tastic.