Learn Who You Are and Other Lessons from the Daily Grind with Colin Morgan
Colin Morgan is a professional golfer turned successful entrepreneur who now hosts the popular business podcast, The Daily Grind. He also runs the company, Plan 2 Profit, with his father Paul Morgan. Colin shares his most impactful pivot stories and success rituals, including when he came to the realization that golf wasn’t for him (despite it driving most of his life!). As a result, Colin believes that self-awareness and understanding who you are and “what you do” lead to better things. When Colin came face to face with this shift in identity, he realized that he’d never know where to start until he became more conscious and self-aware. Colin shares his journey of self-awareness and how learning who you are and what you are meant to do will drive everything.
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Learn Who You Are and Other Lessons from the Daily Grind with Colin Morgan
I’m super grateful in this moment. I got back from an exciting weekend retreat where I get together with other people that are in this industry of education. There are a lot of ways to describe it, whether it’s business development or personal development, people that are thought leaders, authors. We get together to recharge our batteries, to be together, and not have to be on, basically. There are a lot of people generating an enormous amount of energy in the world and they’re tireless doing it and they’re teaching and they’re sharing and it’s great to be able to go someplace and let your hair down. It’s good to have an excuse to chill because I can get wound up like everybody else.
In this moment, I am very grateful to be home, to be sitting in my comfortable chair about to podcast with a guy that I think it’s going to give you great value. He’s somebody I’m looking forward to learning from and getting to know even better. He’s a new friend. We have mutual friends and that’s how we got introduced. I love those synergies in life. It’s never, ever an accident. This is my personal philosophy; you can buy into that or not, but I don’t believe there’s any randomness that’s not a part of the universal law. The system of things, that creates all this beauty that’s around us. All this perfection that’s around us, and even the imperfection of what we might term imperfection or judge as imperfection is really perfection in its totality if you can pull back away from the picture, far enough to see more of the forest than just the trees.
I am grateful for that perspective. I’m grateful to be alive and breathing and as I’m taking this breath, consciously breathing in deeply and releasing that breath with a bit of a sigh. Maybe you want to do that too, because wherever you’re at, you can be at work, you’re driving or maybe it’s been a tough day or it’s the end of the day or whatever it is. It’s always great to take a few deep breaths. That’s one of the things we did when we arrived at our retreat. We were being facilitated. We all take turns in doing that kind of thing. We have speakers come in and teach us. We’re all perpetual students, which is terrific. One of the things that we were practicing was the breath, how important it is in any moment to be able to take a deep conscious breath and release the things that are in many ways blocking us. Where tension blocks us, stress blocks us, cortisol, the chemical that’s produced in our bodies when we are in fight or flight.
When we’re doing one of those two reptilian behaviors, the ancient wiring in our brains that have us running from fear, running from danger or standing in the moment to fight the good fight, that cortisol takes us over and it takes our energy. When we’re in that place physiologically, mentally, and spiritually even, there’s very little space left. There’s very little energy left for creativity. I am appreciative of the breath and the ability to release those things that are in my way so that I can have more access to the best unlimited potential of the universe and the creativity that’s everywhere.
I am grateful as well to have our guest. His name is Colin Morgan. He is a professional golfer who turned successful entrepreneur who now runs a company called Plan 2 Profit with his father, Paul Morgan, and hosts the popular podcast called The Daily Grind Business Podcast. Colin is an expert at utilizing storytelling in sales to gain new customers and ultimately increase sales. Colin, welcome to the show. Thanks for being here.
Adam, I’m super excited to be here. I love your intro because I do agree with you that we have a lot of tension, stress, anxiety and even excitement. I think a lot of those things can cloud our thoughts in taking in information and being present and calm, especially during an interview like this. It’s always amazing. Thank you so much for having me.
I’m sure people are curious to know a little bit more about you. If you’d share a little bit more about your personal background. Had you dreamed of being a golfer? Was at the thing that you wanted to do when you were seven years old? Are you still doing that? How long is that expected to be the case? You’re obviously doing this business podcast, The Daily Grind Business podcasts which I’m sure is also a passion of yours. I’d love to know more about you and then maybe we’ll start with one thing in the moment that you’re grateful for. Lead us down that path of where you’re at?
I am grateful for a whole bunch. I’m grateful for my health. I’m great that all my limbs are functioning and my mind works clearly. My brother-in-law experienced the big injury with his knee, so I’m happy to wake up and know that I’m in a good place for myself. In terms of more about myself, ever since I was probably three, four years old, I always dreamed of being a golfer. Sports have been a big part of my life. It’s what drives me for most of my life. That’s all I thought I would do with my life, to be honest. In terms of business, never was it in my head even though everyone in my family is an entrepreneur and they were entrepreneurs. For me it was different. I always want it to be a golfer and I pursued my whole life at doing that.
Then it came to a point where obviously things happen in life and things change and you come to realizations and conscious pivots as you call them. I had to come to the realization that this golf wasn’t for me. I still love it, I still golf, but in terms of competitively trying to reach the PGA TOUR, which I always thought that I would reach, that dream is over. For a number of years, it was a tough moment for me. It was tough to see myself doing anything different. For a lot of those times, I did struggle. I didn’t know what I was going to do. I didn’t know how I was going to do anything else. I didn’t know even where to start. It wasn’t until I became more conscious and self-aware and understood what I’m good at, what I’m not good at. Taking a lot of the things I learned as a professional golfer in terms of discipline and practice. Surrounding yourself with a great team and preparing your mind and body for around and for a podcast and for a business call.

Plan 2 Profit: It doesn’t matter what people think. It’s about what your life is and trying new things and developing as the person and in business relations.
A lot of those things I learned as an athlete I was able to then start transitioning and it started with self-awareness and that self-awareness led to being more open to allowing new things to happen in my life. I didn’t become afraid of telling people that I’m not a golfer anymore. I picked up a bartending job because I needed to make money. Getting over that understanding that it doesn’t matter what people think. It’s about what your life is and trying new things and developing as the person and in business, all those things are super important, but it stems from self-awareness. Then once that happened for me, it opened me up to realizing that I need to start self-educating myself. I don’t know everything about everything. To think a lot of people at something that they do.
They think that I know the answers to everything. I still have no idea. I change every single week, I change every day. It’s a positive thing to look back and say, “I wanted to do this with a webinar that I was doing and I don’t think it’s the right idea because I listened to someone and I heard a story and it made better sense to me.” Being able to make those pivots and changes is essential. It let me do what I’m doing with my father Paul, and ultimately starting The Daily Grind Business Podcasts, which I run five days a week and I absolutely love what I do. I’m able to speak with some amazing people like yourself and having Seth Godin on a couple of weeks and it’s an exciting time. All of that stem from self-awareness and understanding who you are and what you do. That will lead to better things.
There’s so much in what you said. I’m tracking where we’re one who want to explore a little further. I want to dive into something that not everybody spends a lot of time on. Frankly, Brené Brown was one of my mentors in terms of being more self-aware of what the heck vulnerability is and what it is and where it comes from the standpoint of even the research. Shame has a lot to do with our vulnerability. It must not have been an easy, as you alluded to be on a track heading to professional golf as a long-term career. Some of these golfers play into the senior tour. Obviously, it’s a big part of their identity. You said you started thinking about that as your identity when you’re about three or four years old. Lead us into that, when you realize this dream is not happening. That’s the extreme version of it. What was that like for you? Did it lead to some depression? What was it that helped you to shake the snow globe it gets all cloudy and then you let things settle and it becomes clearer? What was that process like for you?
From the day that I said, “This wasn’t for me,” I think it was a big buildup. For at least a period of time, things aren’t working. You’re not happy. I look back on it before we get into it and it’s funny enough where I always thought I wanted to be a professional golfer. I look back now and I’m like, “I probably didn’t.” That was something that my parents had invested so much time and money into me. I invested so much time and money into me. I was out of university. I go play professional golf, I’m working. Every single dollar that I’m making is getting put back into to what I’m doing and I’m not seeing any return. For a while you don’t ever want to admit that. You can tell your friends, “I’m great. My game’s awesome. I’m sharp. I’m so motivated.” It’s a matter of time, but in your head, “This isn’t for me.”
When I did come to that final realization, I was in Arizona. My brother had come down. I’m nine holes into this tournament. I’m four over, but I’m completely lost mentally and it came to a point where this is a four-round tournament and after nine holes I looked at my brother and I’m like, “That’s it, man. I can’t do it.” It’s too much, it’s too taxing on my body of what I’m doing. I stopped. I did play some tournaments after that, but that was the moment where I stopped and packed my bags. I went home and you go through that time of thinking a lot and it leads to depression. You do things that you know you shouldn’t be doing in terms of either drinking away your sorrows people call it or you don’t eat properly. You’re letting a lot of things go. You are stuck in this bubble that you think that what you’re going through is the worst thing in the world and it isn’t until you look outside and you’re like, “This little issue that I have in life is so small. It doesn’t mean anything when you look at the big term of where I am and how others are fighting through their lives.”
Being able to make pivots and changes is essential. Share on X
I’ve gone through more but I look at that and I’m saying, “I can’t treat myself as though I’m a victim.” I’m not a victim. I am healthy, I’m conscious, I’m smart. I can do whatever I want to do and I need to start doing those little things every single day. Have those little small wins in terms of get better at something. I still live by that. I want to get better at something, whether it’s my business or whether I want to get a little healthier. I want to eat clean. I want to speak to my parents. There’s something that I try to focus on every day in order to get better and those little small incremental steps got me out of that deep, dark spot. I started to become more clear when I started to reach out and look outside of my small bubble which I thought was my whole world and realize that there’s so much out there. There’s so many amazing people out there who can not only help you, but they can guide you in the right direction. You need those people, but until you understand that you need those people, they won’t be there for you.
You’re in that hole alone. We’ve all been there, we know what it feels like to be in that dark place. At times it’s ironic because looking back at those moments and it’s almost obvious. There’s such an obviousness to where you find your way out of the hole and you pointed to one that you’re not in the hole alone, it feels like you’re alone. It feels like that darkness is engulfing you and there’s nobody there to help, but the moment you’re seeking help or you’re open to receiving it, I think is even more the point because people sometimes seek help, I believe, but aren’t open to the receiving. They’re desperate and needy and coming from a place of victim-hood. When you do have that humility to say, “I want help. I want to have help and I’m willing to receive that help,” it’s like a switch. The lights come on and go, “This thing I’m making up is a hole, it’s like a set in Hollywood.” You’re on the set of this movie, like The Truman Show. You can’t see that from inside that dark place. Part of how you got out of it was incrementally. Was it a book? Was it a person? Do you remember what the catalyst was, the first domino that started tipping the others over?
At that time, my brother lost his job in terms of what he was doing and he was starting something from himself and he was down in this path of self-improvement and finding mentors and things like that. One day he came to me and he was like, “Why don’t you watch this video?” It was a video of Grant Cardone. He’s very intense, and it opened my eyes to what is outside of what I’m looking at. It was amazing to be able to look at someone who’s so confident and sure of what it is that they’re doing. You can tell when someone speaks and they’re sure about themselves, you hear it. You don’t have to question, “Is this person being real?” When they’re saying that, “I own five Ferraris and my business makes $10 million, is that real? This person behind this mic, is it a real person telling me a real story?” For him, his conviction and what he was saying was real and that one video that I watched led me to watch another and another. It led me down to watching other videos about different people in terms of not only business but life. It was that one moment where my brother was leaking something very small to me is what kick-started what I’m doing.
You mentioned self-awareness and preparation. Obviously, you’re in a different space now what you’re up to. I’m curious about the storytelling aspect of it and how it is that you incorporate storytelling into sales. What we’re tracking is the pivot out of what was a career choice made at three years old. It becomes a story in it of itself. When I was listening to you, I was thinking and I wrote down, “Golf story identity.” From some early age for you, the identity and the story that was being created about your identity was you’re a professional golfer, which took you along way except here it is, nine holes into a tournament and four over or four under. You go, “This is not my identity. If it is my identity, this is tough. There’s a lot more work than life should feel like in this moment.”
When you’re in that moment, you realize that and it may have been a little later than three, but I’d always been into sports. It’s that realization to know, to look outside your box. Your life is so small. It’s a bubble look outside of it. When you look outside of it, you maybe will not put yourself in the same situation that I was in.
The struggle with any business is obscurity. Share on X
The story piece is intriguing because now your work is about storytelling. Share a little bit about where that pivot has led you. What are you excited about in the storytelling piece?
I still work with my father, Paul. In the beginning, he was doing business plans. We were seeing some success and people that came through. They were succeeding with it. I think the struggle with any business is obscurity. How do you get yourself out of obscurity? Over time what we found is people don’t buy your products and services. They buy more who you are. When you’re trying to talk about what you’re doing or you’re trying to talk about your company or your services, people don’t care all that much. That like they don’t care as much as you do about your process. I go through that process, he gets people on the phone and we were selling around 30%. If we had ten calls, we’d sell three. I knew that we can help more people, we have to get our message across more clearly. I started to understand that and I’m obviously my sales process and what I’m doing isn’t where it needs to be, because obviously people aren’t hearing me.

Plan 2 Profit: People don’t buy your products and services. They buy more who you are.
I started to do some research and educate myself and follow some people. What I found is exactly that. People are more buying who we are as a company. I started to translate that more into our sales process, talking about instead of a business plan, this is a document that’s going to be flowing and you can actually use it going forward. When we understand that when people came to a business plan, they weren’t looking for a business plan, they’re essentially looking for money. When you start transitioning those things into what you’re saying and not, “Here’s a document, we do the financials. We do the written part and at the end you’re going to be able to go to a bank or an investor and it’s going to be awesome.” Be able to walk someone through and understand what their business is. “What are your goals? What are you doing? If you’re a startup, where do you want to be? Why do you want to be doing that?” Then creating a plan that is able to move and flow because in business things change. Things change on a daily basis.
What you think was working may not be working, but that’s being conscious. When you’re conscious and understand way things are working, but “What can I do now in order to improve upon this?” You don’t ever want to change when you’re like things work now they don’t now I need to make a change. It’s like constantly being able to improve and get better. That’s the goal. You never go through that and that led into storytelling and it goes in with the webinar that we do. It’s being able to break false belief patterns so what people are believing. Reintroduce new ones and the main goal of what we try to do and what I try to do is make people believe through storytelling that what it is that I do is exactly what they need and want. The only way to get that is through our vehicle that we have. If you can do that through telling stories and being compelling and sharing examples and it’s not being pushy in a sense of, “This is for everyone,” because it’s not. We work with a specific number of people because we know that we can help those people.
If you can tell a story in order to compel those people to go through and purchase your products and services, it’s only going to help them. You have a service. You are compelled to actually help somebody. I want to help somebody that I can help. Other people, “It’s not going to work.” Then obviously going through that process with them becomes much more enjoyable because they understand what it is that you do, why you’re doing it and they know who you are. They’re not going into it like, “I spent thousands of dollars, but is this going to work?” They’ve now built that it’s going to work and when someone believes that it’s going to work, it becomes much easier and a much more enjoyable process because it ends up most likely working for them.
I wrote down people are buying who you are more than they are buying what you do. I don’t want to say they don’t care about what you do because I wouldn’t be truthful if I said that because I don’t buy that myself. More often they’re buying, they’re buying you. They’re buying the story about you which is also important. It better be an authentic story. There are a lot of BS stories out there. It’s important from our standpoint. We do speaker training for people who want to be public speakers and that includes everything from leading a webinar or doing virtual trainings on Zoom or doing live keynotes and things like that. Authenticity is the key. To me more than anything else, the art and the science of public speaking is about you being who you are. Your true presence to be present and to be a presence on stage or in front of people.
The authentic you, that presence is your first and last job in between as well, that’s who you are. We love this as a collective global culture. We value stories. It’s the quintessential form of education from the very beginning. Even when at some point, we were telling our stories on cave walls. It’s exciting that’s the approach that you’re taking to this. Typically on your show, what’s the gist and what’s the goal? I’m going to be a guest on your show. I’d love to know a little bit more about what it is you’re looking to get out of those engagements with people.
Make people believe through storytelling that what it is that you do is exactly what they need and want. Share on X
I started the show because I thought getting out of obscurity, being able to share your message and your story and interview other people. There’s no better time to be an entrepreneur than right now because there’s so many different avenues. What we’re doing now, it’s a video audio podcast. It’s amazing how many people this could potentially be in front of. For me, my goal at the beginning of it was let’s get more business for my clients. Get my name out there, but now it’s shifted. It’s taken on its own world, it’s become its own business. I love to interview people like yourself and other successful entrepreneurs in hopes to inspire the next great entrepreneur. There are so many people out there who are either unhappy in their current situation. They’re stuck in that daily grind. They don’t know how to get out. They don’t know what they should be doing.
Hearing the story of other people who were in a similar position, they’ve all felt what you’re feeling and here’s how they got out of it. Here’s what they’re doing, here’s who they are. It opens your eyes a little bit to be like, “I can do this. I can take what I want and love to do and I can start doing it.” Those small steps will lead to what I want. That’s what I love about this show. For me selfishly, every day I get to speak with amazing people and I learned something every day. I have a notepad that I constantly write stuff down as I’m learning and listening because I understand that these people are ahead of me. That’s the beauty of it. They’re ahead of my listeners and they can provide that insight and information, which will hopefully take that one person out there who was unhappy and change that situation for them in order for them to start feeling that happiness.
We’re all in the process of reinventing. That’s because it changes the cosmic law for manifestation in the universe. New things don’t manifest without a change occurring in, and often it’s the death of something. It’s the end of something that signals and is the birth of something else. It’s that whole process. In fact, one of the things we were talking about was spiral dynamics, which blew my mind too because I had a whole lot of my own education in that subject matter. It informs the way I look at people’s pivots and the way that they are changing in their careers or their lives is sometimes a blind exercise, unfortunately. That’s why we have to have other people that assist you because otherwise, you’re blind in the process which makes it painful, frustrating, and longer than it has to be.

Plan 2 Profit: We’re all in the process of reinventing. That’s because change is the cosmic law for manifestation in the universe.
It doesn’t have to be as torturous or as long as some folks make it out. Especially now where tools and resources are everywhere for us. There’s no excuse that we’re in our own way. Entrepreneurship is very much not about being alone, it is about leveraging the tools of the universe that are everywhere. The last question I want to ask you, Colin is relative to rituals, because I would imagine that the preparation that it took to be a great golfer. You’re probably an under-par golfer and meaning for those of you that are not golfers, that’s good. Under par is not on their average. That’s better than scratch and all. There was a lot of preparation. What are the rituals that you have to prepare yourself for either the work that you’re currently doing or to be the best version of yourself in the moment that you can be?
Let’s talk about on a daily basis. This something that I like to do. I’ll wake up in the morning, whatever time that is and I try to keep it around 7:00, sometimes at 7:30, sometimes late but that’s life, we’re all human. I wake up and the first thing I do is I put my phone aside because I want to be not thinking about work. It’s more about myself and preparing myself like I did in golf. You practice every day for one tournament. For me it’s the same way I practice in the morning so that when I do turn on my work life I’m prepared and ready to perform, which is big. The first thing I do is I let the sports still, so I check sports and it gets my mind off of work. For me, that’s a way to check out and say, “I’m going to start my day off this way.” I looked at some sports next as I make a cup of Bulletproof coffee. I’d have a cup of coffee and I do my daily gratitude.
I look at where I am in life and I say, “What am I thankful for? How healthy I am.” Everything in my life, I take time to be thankful in the present, take time to be thankful in the past and in the future. What do I currently have and then what am I going to have and be thankful for those things? I think that’s something that’s truly important because I think that in 2018, it’s so easy to look online and compare yourself or look at someone else and say that they have more and you have less. To be able to be thankful for what you have and where you are in life, it’s powerful. Then I take that time to be thankful and I go through about 30 minutes to an hour of either reading or listening to a podcast and then I schedule out my day. I take time to look at the top three things that I need to accomplish in my day and in my journal, I write those out. What do I want to accomplish? What are the time frames that I want to get these things done? I ensure that I get those done first. Then I look beyond that and I say, “What else can I do?”
When you have so many things on your to-do list, then you do a half ass job at ten of them instead of doing a good job at three of them. Share on X
Sometimes I have ten things on the list, but sometimes I only get three, four down, but that’s all right because I got my top three done. That’s the key to it. When you have so many things on your to-do list, everyone has so many tasks to complete and don’t know where to start. Then you do a half ass job at ten of them instead of doing a good job at three of them. Once I started doing the like specifically three things for me, that’s what works. Then I started to find a little bit more freedom in my life and I can do things that I enjoy to do outside of work and outside of what I’m doing. I get to go watch a hockey game. It’s having the freedom of doing those things. That early morning routine of getting myself set up for the day, making sure that I complete the task that I need to complete, that’s truly important for me, and then being gracious and grateful for where I am and who I am.
That’s a beautiful recipe that you laid out. A couple of things that I want to follow the thread for a moment on. You’re putting the phone aside in the morning. This is a big deal. We were with a jock, Dr. Joe Dispenza. Joe’s work is cool, I recommend it. He’s done a great job of looking at the science behind how it is that we habitually do what we do. Why we feel what we feel, our emotions that create a lot of the doing in our lives. One of the things that I remember him saying was the habit of picking up that phone. Other people have talked about this, but for so many years I’ve left my phone downstairs. I’m married and my wife is the more responsible of the two of us. I don’t have to have my phone beside the bed because she does. If the kids were to call in the middle of the night, which they never do, but it could happen and people have gotten those calls in the middle of the night and we don’t have a landline anymore like so many people.
She’s got her cell phone right next to the bed. It’s not a thing about the cell phone being next to the bed or anything, but that idea that when you wake up that you start to put yourself right back into the grind, if you will to use your word or the rat race. It’s the idea that we’re habitually trained to use that device and we get things from it. We get a feeling of approval and appreciation. There are other things that are triggered through social media of an addictive nature. We’re producing a lot of our biochemistry by the reaction that we have to things that we read on Facebook or other social media platforms. Picking it up right out of the gate puts you right back in a pattern. Often that pattern is more about stuff in your head than it is about feeling and being authentic in the feeling space in your heart space. To have the phone be not the thing you start the day with, other than if it’s to hit the alarm, so be it. To be checking in email or your text messages or your social media stuff right out of the gate I think is a challenge.
The end of something signals the birth of something else. Share on X
The fact that you start with things like daily gratitude, that you cultivate appreciation, you’re also doing something that is for your enjoyment. You’ve got this ritual of looking at sports because it’s something you enjoy. It’s a good way to check in on the games and things and whatever. That’s for you. That’s an act of self-care, which is I think a great ritual to cultivate to care for yourself, whatever that looks likes. It’s this idea of tackling the three things early in the day. Many people procrastinate and put off those things until much later. I’m recovering procrastinator myself, at a certain point I don’t remember where I learned this, but that there’s a critical inch to the day.
Those can be represented by those two or three most important tasks. Put the critical inch at the front of the day as opposed to after I’ve cleared out my email, I’ve cleared my desk, I’ve done this errand or that errand, I’ve gone to the gym. Any of the other things that we would maybe put ahead of the toughest thing, which might be to make a phone calls, to spend some time with your accountant, your lawyer to make a sales call, whatever it is. I think these are all important rituals. I appreciate very much, Colin, that not only you have them but that you’ve shared them with our group.
To build on that a little bit, people view quantity as, “I’ve got all this stuff done.” I look back and I used to hit balls for five, six hours a day but my best practice days were 30 minutes long because I had a purpose to what I was doing and it was quality. I value quality over quantity every day.
Part of your preparation when you were a golfer was not necessarily to hit a thousand balls, but if it was 30 minutes of real focused quality practice time, that was more effective in your experience.

Plan 2 Profit: When you try to do everything, things lack quality.
It was. It’s not something that I did. I looked back and I wish I did that, but I look back at all the times that I did have success and it was during those times where I was focused on one thing. I’m going to work on my putting, that’s it. That’s when I had my results in golf. That’s when I used to win tournaments and things like that. When you try to do everything, things lack and it’s not quality.
This is a word to describe this and it’s a dirty word in my world and around our house. That’s the word busy. There’s a lot of busy people and busy makes for a lot of folks feels like you’re getting stuff done. If you feel productive then you must be productive somehow because you feel productive, but it’s a lie that we tell ourselves that somehow doing more means we’re going to be producing more of what we want. Busy leads to busy and I’ve changed that word for myself. I catch myself and I will literally spit if I say the word busy. Active and energized and engaged and dynamic, there’s a lot of other words that can describe how it is that you’re feeling or what your business world is like. I think more important that when you stop using that word busy, you erase it from your vocabulary. Instead you focus on those few things I could do and do them well. That’s what you’re sharing, as opposed to this broad array of things to get done and tick off a list. There are results change that you’ll see. Colin, what a pleasure to have you on the show. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and being vulnerable and your wisdom as well.
Adam, thank you for having me. It was an absolute pleasure. I hope that something I said will resonate with someone to make that positive conscious pivot in their life.
As I say a lot, it’s never an ending. I don’t believe in endings, just new beginnings. I want to remind everybody. I get to do this, this is one of the privileges of having both a reminder to myself, a reminder to all of you how important it is that we are immersed in gratitude. The gratitude is the thing that offsets that is a counter. I don’t want to use counterbalancing, but it’s something that brings us back to equilibrium. In medical terms, it’s homeostasis, this harmony inside of ourselves. How do we bring ourselves back to harmony when we are spending so much time in that fight or flight, that reaction mode? We produce that cortisol that is so debilitating to our bodies, our minds, and in other aspects of our being as well.
Gratitude is the answer. Having the habit of gratitude is so important. In fact, it’s the things that we appreciate that appreciate. If your money is appreciating in the bank, if your portfolio is appreciating, we know it’s increasing in value. The things that we actually appreciate and it’s a fun thing and miraculous in many ways to see. What is it that you are in appreciation for in this moment? I certainly am in appreciation for a Colin’s presence. Colin, did you want to say something?
I wanted to say thank you to you. I think what you’re doing is fantastic. Be gracious and be grateful for what you have and for everyone, there’s someone out there who’s going through pain or defeat or they have something in their life that’s eating at them and know that you are a beautiful person. You can do great things. This bubble and this thing that you’re stuck in, you can get out of it, coming from someone who was there and know that there are some amazing people out there. Just reach out, ask for help and you’ll get it.
To be able to be thankful for what you have and where you are in life is powerful. Share on X
I’m going to wave my magic one then, and here’s what my wish, my hope and my prayer is for all of us. Collin, for you, my wish for everybody in the world is that we all wake up tomorrow. We are not guaranteed to wake up. We woke up, that’s how you’re here. No matter what challenges you’re facing or have, we all have them. I know it’s hard to realize that, but we all have challenges and you don’t want to trade your challenges for someone else’s, but you are awake and that is precious because in this moment, even now as we take a breath, whatever you’re doing is you’re taking this conscious breath as I’m doing the same, there are people right this moment who are taking their very last breath on Earth. There were also babies being born who are taking their very first breath, which makes this moment sacred.
When you wake up tomorrow, wake up with the understanding and the appreciation that that is a sacred moment. It’s a holy moment when you take that breath, because people will be taking their last breath in that moment. There is a very important purpose for you being here and a very important reason. Regardless of whether you know what that is, you can sit in in a moment of gratitude and appreciation for the breath you’re taking. Step one, you wake up. That’s what I want you all agree to do, everybody on your own, nod up and down, raise your hand, whatever it is and say, “Yes, I’m going to wake up. I’m going to wake up my consciousness and I’m going to wake up metaphorically and physically. I’m going to be in appreciation in that moment for that waking breath.”
Lastly, if you’re inclined, if you feel like, if you want to do it, declare out loud something that will change your life in so many ways that has changed my life. I’ve been saying it for about ten years. I’ve gotten to share it with so many people around the world and the words that I declare every day are, “I love my life, I love my life, I love my life.” I hope you do as well. I am so blessed and feel so grateful and gracious that word’s coming up to grace by the fact that you are part of this community. Our community is growing wildly and in so many ways because people are being so authentic, so vulnerable.
If you want to be even deeper into this community and if you haven’t subscribed to the podcast, go and do that. Please leave a review on iTunes. We’re going to be doing a really cool sweepstakes for those reviews in the beginning of one of our amazing programs. Come on board at our Facebook community group. You will be blown away by some of the really cool stuff you’re going to learn and ways that you can receive great tools and resources and you can also give which we know how great it feels to be a giver. You can go there by going to PivotFB.com. That’s the Start My PIVOT Community on Facebook. I look forward to connecting with all of you there. I love you. I’m sending you lots of love.
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About Colin Morgan
Colin is a professional golfer turned successful Entrepreneur who now runs the company Plan2Profit with his father Paul Morgan and hosts the popular podcast, The Daily Grind Business Podcast. Colin is an expert at utilizing storytelling in sales to gain new customers and ultimately increase sales.