Have you ever felt like you’re not where you’re supposed to be and there is something more to life? If so, this episode will inspire an inner transformation to realize your true calling. Host, Adam Markel, sits down with Richard Taubinger, writer, digital advisor and marketing strategist who serves conscious business leaders, authors and teachers. Richard shares his own inner transformation, providing insights on how to get out of what he calls the “imposter syndrome” so that we too can learn where we can be of the highest service to others. On facing the challenges ahead, Richard and Adam discuss resilience and adaptability and why they’re essential to pivoting.
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Inner Transformations For Your Highest Calling With Richard Taubinger
I am feeling very blessed. My own little internal voice is going, “You said that last time.” I find that I say that a lot when I think about it. I don’t know that every moment of the day I’m feeling blessed. When I think enough at this moment how it is that I want to feel and what’s the true expression of what’s going on inside of me, I do feel blessed. At any given moment I may complain, I might get angry, I might like to lose my shit, which happens from time to time in an airport but less and less with that. If I ask that question of myself, I do feel blessed because there’s no getting around the fact that it’s good to be alive. I don’t think it’s any more complicated than that. Jokingly, the alternative is not an alternative that most of us want to consider.
There are some that are saying that there are a lot of people that are in pain, that are considering those things and have considered them. I’ll say straight up, I’ve had my dark days, my dark nights and times when I thought, “There’s too much work. This is too hard,” or whatever it is. It’s important that I be reminded of and we all be reminded of how blessed we are to truly be alive regardless of any challenges or things that might be going on in a particular moment. I feel lucky as well that I’ve got a guest that I’ve already hit it off. We think this is going to be tremendously valuable to all of you, getting to know him better and maybe extract some nuggets, some wisdom and good things for us to think about.
Richard Taubinger started Conscious Marketer to serve conscious businesses, entrepreneurs and publishers create and launch products and services on the internet. He is a graduate of the University of Chicago School of Business and is a chartered financial analyst. He has worked in the fields of investment management, venture capital and higher education. His passion is working in partnership with brands and movements to help people with inner transformation as well as writing about conscious marketing and business. He lives in Maine with his family. He travels to work with clients globally. It’s such a pleasure to have you, Richard. Thanks for being with us. I appreciate your time.
Thanks for having me, Adam. It’s a great honor to be with you here talking.
The next thing isn't always given to you before you make the decision. Share on XWhat a great exercise to write a bio maybe, like some hypothetical bio for your life or some introduction with nothing that’s something you’ve already done. Maybe the only rules of the process would be that you’re writing your own intro, your own bio, but nothing you’ve done to this point gets to be included.
That’s a huge pivot. That would be a conscious pivot to recreate your own personality. It reminds me of the show, Imposters, or even just the field of acting where you have to step in and be a completely different person than what you are.
To riff on that, Richard, people have imposter syndrome. I’ve heard this term used a number of times where folks that are in a pivot of some kind, whether it’s moving out of one career into another. I was a lawyer for many years and all of a sudden, I’m a speaker, trainer and author. What BS is that? It’s was such a different thing. That whole imposter syndrome where you feel like a fraud is a real thing. I don’t know where your career started. It might be one of those wonderful things that we can create a trajectory that takes us now with you. Maybe the lead into that will also be the question of where along the way, if any place did you have imposter syndrome? Did you feel like you’re living or trying to live a life that’s maybe not exactly your own? I don’t know if that’s ever been relevant for you. First of all, has that ever been the case?
Different people live different lives, but I feel I’ve had three or four big pivots. The last position before I started my own business was many years ago. I’ve been basically self-employed for many years running a marketing agency but it was for a hedge fund. I was co-managing a $150 million hedge fund. To go from a hedge fund into more of a marketing position, that’s a big pivot, I would imagine. It’s not always easy. I don’t know what yours was, but my experience was the next thing isn’t always given to you before you make the decision. It’s like the universe wants you to make the decision first to be all in. You have to almost have this gap period or space has to be created. In that between space, you can do the work that’s required for the next thing to come in. We want to have the next thing to come in before the old thing ends. Normally, that’s not what happens or that hasn’t been my case, at least.

Inner Transformations: If you can change how somebody experiences the world, then they become a different person.
I was in Asia for several years and I was a trader for most of those years. At the time, I loved it but I knew I needed to get into something where I wasn’t trading numbers all day and making money, which I became pretty good at. I knew I needed to move into something else. I came back to the US and took a job at Stanford University as an intern. I remember one of my jobs was placing all of the MBA students in international positions. The funny thing was that a lot of the students were trying to get the job I had left. I remember going through almost thousands of job positions. I feel in a little bit like a lost soul. I was like, “What’s my thing?” I was happy to be of service to the students, but I also knew that probably wasn’t an end game for me. There was more that I could do for the world.
I remember getting quiet one day and I heard that inner voice says, “You care about inner transformation.” I was seeing jobs like save the rainforest or go work at McKinsey. What I cared about was helping like individuals go inside, know who they were, find their true purpose and bring that into the world. When I was in my 20s and 30s, I was like, “You have to create a big movement and you have to reach millions of people.” If you think about somebody like Gandhi or Martin Luther or any great person, it comes from a single individual. I realized at that time was one of the pathways to that was to help authors and transformational teachers, spiritual teachers to reach more people. That’s when I knew I needed to move forward with starting an agency doing some consulting and bringing a lot of the experience I had into that world.
Creating something of a ripple effect or as a Bucky Fuller used to call it, the precession. Is that more of your inclination than to be the leader of a movement?
It’s changed from the inside out. I’m trying to push transformation onto people. Generally, it doesn’t work for anything or trying to push sales. If you can change how somebody experiences the world through meditation or through movement exercise or through whatever it is, then they become a different person. That changes everything around there, especially if it’s somebody who’s leading a company or running a family or teaching students versus a technique or reading a book. It’s like, “What creates the inner transformation?” That became the question.
If you run your life from a place of service, from servant leadership, then it's hard to go wrong. Share on XYou and I in many ways are very simpatico because I went from something the practice of law, in particular litigation, a little subset of the overall space of legal work that’s possible. That’s very adversarial and very much about certain types of outcomes and then to move into the work I was doing that is so different, maybe even antithetical to it. You are involved in something in Asia, in the finance space and the work that you ended up doing is very different. What was it like for you to make that decision as you said? When you think about a pivot of that magnitude, it doesn’t typically happen overnight. There are two ways I look at that. It’s either pivot by design or pivot by disruption.
The book, Pivot, was all about, can you design a pivot? I had a theory about what I knew what had worked for me and that was what I was sharing. Theoretically, it could work for people. It’s not anecdotal now. We know from lots of other people that have written to us and all that stuff that we know that it does work. It has a place but it’s not the only pivot. The pivot you’re describing is much more of a pivot by disruption, which can happen in a variety of ways. You can get fired from a job, your business can go bad or somebody can die. There are so many things that can disrupt your status quo. You’re in a position where you are like, “The floor has been pulled out from under me. I’m going to do something about it.” As you said in that moment or in that situation, there’s not necessarily a plan in place to start executing it on. You’re creating the bridge as you’re walking over it.
In consulting, they call it as building the plane on the runway.
What was that like for you? If I’m going to be bold enough to say this in the tongue in cheek way, but you were cut a bit of more of the anal-retentive cloth. You’re more of a left-brain guy by your training, by what you had done in school, what you had studied and what you ended up being in career. Yet the change you made and the place you went to find the guidance to make that change because you weren’t fired or anything. You consciously elected to transition out of your position. Was there an internal conflict there for you between the training, the way you had been approaching life and career to that point and this other work that you felt inspired to do?

Inner Transformations: Sometimes, you don’t know why you’re put into positions, but then when you look back at the things you’ve done in your life, you can see that there’s a thread between everything.
The fund I worked for was a global macro fund and before that, I was a filler trader. I started in Chicago. I was one of the guys in the pits before everything went electronic. I became a pretty good electronic trading.
You’re the guy screaming with the cards and all that kind of stuff?
Yeah, and in futures markets so it was pretty high risk and high stress. If you know anything about trading, it’s a real internal game. You have to be very mindful or have the awareness of what’s going on and train yourself to find the edge and not get emotional. Human nature would be to cut your winners and hold losses. You have to go against that. I would trade during the day, read the meditation and all kinds of books, especially being in the East. What I wanted to say is sometimes you don’t know why you’re put into positions, but when you look back at the things you’ve done in your life, you can see that there’s a thread between everything. I call that a soul thread. You know you’re there and you’re meant to do it at the time. At the time, I was enjoying trading. I chose to be in Asia into trading, but when I came back, I was looking to pick up the thread somewhere and I knew that it was the next step. That was many years ago.
What’s interesting is one of my clients now runs an algorithmic hedge fund, which is a big fund. One of the unique features of his fund is he requires every investor to give 10% of all the winnings to a good cause or charity. It’s the only a hedge fund that I know that has that requirement. It’s built into the fund. His premise is, “If I can double your money, and we’re talking tens of millions of dollars here, and you’re not willing to give away 10% of your capital to make the world a better place, I don’t want you in the fund.” I’m one of the few marketing agencies that understand his business but also understand how to market in a different way. I wouldn’t have thought that would come back around, but it has in my business many years later. It’s interesting. It’s part of the soul thread.
Nature is constantly reflecting back the greater truth of our existence. Share on XWhat you’re saying is that there wasn’t so much attention inside. I’m thinking of some of the people that have had those urges to leave what they’re doing or that they’ve had those moments where they have clarity or looking in the mirror where they go, “What I’m doing sucks, my heart is not in it.” I’m being dramatic because that was my conversation. I was like, “I’m doing this.” At a certain point, I was able to be so transparent with myself that I said, “I’m doing this for the money.” I’ve got four kids. Randi, my wife, and I, we have a life and that’s not going to put all that in at risk and I’m not going to jump ship. That sounds like crazy for me, but I also realize this is probably killing me on some level. It’s certainly depleting me of something valuable that I wouldn’t have called it my soul at the time, but now that’s what it was. It was a soul-sucking siege as Tom Cruise said in Jerry Maguire. It was the daily experience of doing work.
There are all kinds of wakeup calls. It could be a trauma or an illness. It could be death. It could be a birth, a divorce or it could be your own choice. However, as it comes about for me, it’s two thoughts that helped me along the path that so that they might help the reader. When we came back, we ended up in Hawaii. We lived in Hawaii for five years. As a digital marketer, I can work from anywhere. I was like, “Let’s birth our children in Hawaii and let’s go live in Maui. That sounds like a good thing.” We did that for five years. One of the teachers that I’ve helped out there wrote a book called Spirit Walker.
One of the concepts that the Hawaiians have is a concept called kuleana. Aina means land, but kuleana, the derivation of that word is, “What’s yours to do.” You don’t know why, but you know that it’s part of your path. It’s part of what you’re meant to do. It’s called the kuleana. Sometimes when I’m at a major point, I’ll go, “Is this my kuleana?” It can be as simple as giving some money or serving on a board somewhere or adopting a child. You don’t know why you’re meant to do it, but you know inwardly that you’re meant to do it. To have that insight, you have to quiet the mind and listen to your higher guidance.
You have to do that however you want to do that, whether you do it through sports or running, meditation. There are all different kinds of ways, but it doesn’t normally come from the mind. It comes from something that drops in the mind. It’s a whisper. If you study enough great creators or great authors, you’ll find that they say things like, “I heard this inner calling. I heard this voice. I had the sudden insight or I had this vision.” It comes from outside their thinking mind. The search for your own personal kuleana in moment to moment is important. That’s one thing. The second thing I’d say and I learned this from an author named Stuart Wilde. His prayer used to be like, “Show me how I can be of highest service.” I try to ask that as many times as I can because before you go on stage and you’ve helped people do that or before you interact with a client or before I got onto this show, my question was, “How can I be a service to the readers?”

Inner Transformations: You can be resilient by being adaptable to whatever’s happening around you and being almost immune to it.
If you run your life from a place of service, from servant leadership or whatever you want to call it, it’s hard to go wrong. It takes out that mental chatter of you talked about the imposter syndrome. For me, the number one thing to do to get out of imposter syndrome and go, “How can I be of service?” It’s not about you anymore. If there’s somebody out there that needs your help or it’s your moral obligation, it’s a choice but you can help them. If you want to withhold that, then that’s not the right thing to do. For me, find the kuleana and keep listening to that to be of highest service and whatever shows up.
I respect the idea that you’re looking at a question like, “What’s mine to do? What’s my work to do or what’s my service?” It changes your perspective immediately. We started this by asking. My internal question was, “How do I feel in this moment?” That led me to also want to explore and even express how I want to feel. I want to feel grateful at this moment. It’s the same thing with service. How do I want to show up in the world? I want to show up in service. I want to show up in a way that helps other people. That makes it very much about others and not about yourself.
We share sometimes with public speaking training a phrase that loosely translates into it’s not about me. If it’s about me, it puts us in that default mode network of the right brain where looking at, where can we remain safe, how do we stay safe? Even how the layers, the textures of that are many times about, how do I look good? What will people think of me and all that? That takes us way out of our hearts and puts us very much in our heads. I appreciate the way you led us down that road. You’re not one of those people that had one of those ‘get in the fetal position’ moments, “I can’t believe this is happening.”
My pivot away from Asia was I did go through a divorce. I was leaving something, but it wasn’t because of financial ruin or anything like that. I had some events happen, but I also knew that I wanted to be of greater service in the world. I knew that even turning on a computer to look at a trading screen almost made me physically ill. I know I couldn’t do it anymore. I remember one of the last times I walked in to trade, I walked in and I almost threw up. My body wasn’t able to do it and I knew it. I almost knew that if I tried to override that, I would lose a part of myself and potentially die. It was so not what I was meant to do. I was off my soul thread. I was off track. I needed to get back on with what my kuleana was in life, which is more about service, more about changing consciousness and helping people. It’s hard to do that in front of a trading screen. You can make some money and you can employ that money elsewhere. At that point, that wasn’t my path. For some people, that is their path, which is okay.
The essence of a pivot is adaptability. Share on XIt’s a season. We see the seasons come and go in our lives all the time. Physically around us, nature is constantly reflecting back the greater truth of our existence anyway or at least the nature of the universe. You can’t hang on to summer. You can’t hang on to spring or winter if you’re a winter person. You can’t hang on to any of those things. They’re all impermanent. It’s not necessarily even mourning. I mourned a bit when I closed my law practice. That was one of those moments for me. I remember my Jersey office had been cleared out. I’d already moved out of Manhattan. We had a shredder truck sit outside my office for three days.
It was so much and I only was required to hold on to seven years of documents by law or whatever. Everything else was getting shredded. It took days to do it. I remember being in that office with no furniture. Everything cleared out and something came over me. I got down on the ground. I was writhing in pain, tears flowing and all the rest of it. It was a pretty good messy moment because it was a passing of a season. I still feel this. I was like this when I was a kid. When the summer was over, I would be depressed for a while. When I was an adult and we would go to this beautiful island that we love to take the kids to. We’d be there for a couple of weeks and later on for the better part of a month, we’d come back and I would mourn the passing of that. This was one of those tendencies I had to look at a time. The fact is it’s part of the whole process.
It’s tough to know while we’re going through something what it means. It’s almost impossible. Martin Luther King used to use that analogy of walking up a dark staircase. There’s no way to know that the stairs are all going to be sequenced in the right order. Everything’s going to lead you to the top of that staircase. When at some point you look back down, as you do at any moment in your life, you look back. Everything seems to be so perfectly aligned to get you right where you are. Here you are, you’re no longer trading and you followed this guidance. When you’re lucky enough to have a physical reaction the way you did that doesn’t turn into a diagnosis because sometimes, we wait long. We don’t hear the whispers. I’ve often heard and some greater method of getting your attention sometimes shows up, but you followed that guidance. It leads you to something very new and different. Throughout that process, we’re quite resilient. What are your thoughts of resilience? How would you define resilience and where has that been valuable to you?
It’s interesting because I started digital marketing in 2005. Those were pretty early days. There aren’t many dinosaurs like me left. We have eight values of my company and I added adaptability, which goes back into what you were saying before. Adaptability would be the word I would choose. You can look at those two words together, but how do you be resilient? You can be resilient by being adaptable to whatever’s happening around you and being almost immune to it. If something happens, you can change. That’s the essence of a pivot is adaptability.

Inner Transformations: The accelerated way to growth is to have massive failures or learning experiences and have a lot of change.
Adaptability, what you have to realize is that your amygdala and your brain, everything is wired to keep you safe. Your whole nervous system is wired to keep you out of danger and to avoid failure. That’s one side. You’ve looked at the other side of that, which is the accelerated way to grow is to have massive failures or to have learning experiences and to have a lot of change. Your physical system and your energetic system are completely wired to grow the most in life. It’s still a process that’s involved now, but it’s embracing adaptability and reframing everything that happens as a most fantastic opportunity to grow and to learn quickly.
Not that I want to strive for failure per se, although in something like maybe working with my body. I have a trainer every day. Maybe that’s what I need to do. In business, it’s taking some big swings and trying new things, but then very quickly learning and going to the next level. Most people will either never take the risk or they’ll take the risk, get hammered, get clobbered, give up and say, “This doesn’t work,” or they’ll take the risk but shrink and inwardly collapse. The true warriors, whether it’s a spiritual war, business or whatever war you are at, it’s that they view everything and they train themselves to embrace resilience and adaptability. I will share a few stories. In ‘07 and ‘08, I remember my wife turned to me and go, “We were having a hard time,” because I was helping poor spiritual teachers at the time, which is not a good market segment to help.
We were living in Mill Valley in California. It was a pretty high, expensive place back then. It seems affordable now but back then, it was high and we had our first child who was one. She’s like, “You go back to trading.” Out of my mouth came, “If I go back to trading, I’ll die.” I don’t say that. I’m careful with my language. I normally don’t say that, but it came out and that’s what it felt like in my body. I had the resilience to go through. If you’ve followed the digital space in ‘07, ‘08, there were no social media. We were recording on a tape and then converting it to digital. There was no like one click membership site. Facebook had just come out. In fact, Gmail only came out in ’07 and ‘08. It’s only until 2012 that you could put ads on Facebook. If you look at how fast the online world has developed, if you haven’t been adaptable and quick, you’ve either missed opportunities or you’ve given up. It’s not the easiest game to play. That being said, there’s more opportunity than ever before.
You can’t win a race you don’t finish. Being able to go the distance, when we talk about resilience, it’s a very similar philosophy and elements of it that you described. This idea of, “How do you reframe?” Because in every situation, there’s the possibility of a more mindful way of looking at it or at least spawned from a place of mindfulness. That reframe is so key. You’re going to recalibrate. There’s an opportunity there to not only revision or recalculate like you would with a GPS. Some of those adjustments, they’re micro changes in your trajectory. You have to be in the game long enough and learn from a humble place to be able to make those adjustments, to be able to at some point figure out what does work.
You can't win a race you don't finish. Share on XIf you’re not around long enough, you can’t figure out what does work unless you’re lucky enough to snag the beast on the first go and that’s not usually going to be the case. The odds are way out of favor for something like that. That’s why we talk about resilience because in this community, in lots of entrepreneurial communities, the tendency of people to become despondent or to not have any gunpowder left, to lose and not have any money, no resources, be under-resourced financially and emotionally in so many ways, it leads them to go to quit. They would become sad about it. That doesn’t have to be the case and yet it’s pretty prevalent too. Let me ask you a plus or add another layer to resilience. You’ve got a resilience recipe. You recognize how important it’s been in your own development. What’s one ritual that is part of your daily routine that helps you to maintain resilience or create resilience?
For me, a lot of resiliency is being focused on what I’m best at in the world. Coming into each day with three things I know I need to do to go to the next level. It’s easy to get outside your lane. It’s not so much a ritual, but there’s useful pain and there’s an unnecessary pain. Unnecessary pain is me trying to do the tech side of my business, trying to do it all or trying to save money there. For me, it’s being resilient in the areas that I want to be best in the world at. That’s my focus area. I’m a great strategist. I’m incredible with copy, spending time with clients. Those are good uses of my time. Project management, I prefer to outsource that and tech outsource. There’s a lot of areas. It’s surrounding myself with people that support my strengths and making sure that the things I’m working on every day are making me better at the things I’m best at.
A side note to that is I pay a lot of money every year for mentors and for people to help me out and if somebody else has solved the problem before me or somebody else can give me the advice to take the right path. I know you do a lot of mentoring, masterminds and things like that. Those are 10X strategies to get in groups of people that can see the things that you can’t see. Those kinds of meetings, environments, they prevent the un-useful pain. You don’t have to do it wrong the first time. You can do it right. The useful pain is that you launched and maybe the market turns and you have to try again or the useful pain is learning something that’ll help you in the next launch. Un-useful pain is taking a strategy that maybe wasn’t the best strategy to start with and you could have hired somebody to mentor with that could have helped you create a better strategy so you have better success.
Richard, you said so many things there that I wish we had the time to dig into more of them. The contrast between unnecessary pain and what is necessary for our growth and development is a great principle for people to think about. I do believe that suffering in many ways is optional. It’s something people who are addicted to struggle. People struggle in so many ways and I look at where am I struggling unnecessarily? Where am I experiencing unnecessary pain? That’s a great inquiry. Knowing that you can’t say that all pain is a bad thing because as we said at the very beginning part of our growth.
It’s one of those fine lines that make life such a wonderful paradox is that there is an element of pain that’s very much in our favor, that does help us to grow. That’s an independent exploration and something I highly recommend everybody to consider that. Where is that line in the sand for you between those two things? Lastly, with regard to mentorship, masterminds and things like that, I’m a part of some of those groups as well as the fact that I do mentor people. I’m also mentored, and to be mentor-able is a big deal. One of the greatest values of it is that you see things to be in the seat so to speak and literally as well. To be a student, to be able to see things with an apprentice’s eyes or a beginner’s eyes.
I highly recommend that if you’ve not yet gotten yourself committed to a book or looked at hiring a coach or mentor or get into a program that you’ve always wanted to. Maybe it’s a mindfulness program. I’ve finished reading a book that was out several years ago and I’m not always following the trends that way. When it crossed my path, I was like, “I’m going to dig my teeth into this book, 10% Happier.” Dan Harris wrote this great book about mindfulness. It’s interesting stuff. I have enjoyed our conversation. I’m very happy that we got that.
We have so much to talk about. I’m sorry it’s so short. We probably could have taken any one of the things we talked about and done a whole entire episode on it.
It’s so true, which is teeing up maybe the next opportunity we get to continue. People would love that and comments are always helpful. This is me talking directly to our community. Please leave the comments that you’ve got questions that you might have for Richard or me. Let’s look forward to part two of this conversation because Richard can go down so many beautiful paths. I will remind everybody as I’m reminding myself to this moment that gratitude is like a miracle drug. It’s better than a miracle drug. It is truly the most instantaneous self-help I’ve encountered yet. I’ve been doing this work for a long time. I worked with a lot of people and there are a lot of shiny pennies and promises that industry-wide is made to people to change their lives for the better. This is as simplistic as it gets, but it also never fails to work.
I’m grateful in this moment for you, Richard. I’m grateful to be here with all of our community. We’ll think about tomorrow morning because if you’re here right now as you are, reading, for sure when you went to bed last night that it was not a guarantee you’d wake up, that you’d have this particular day. I am optimistic and also prayerful that all of us get to wake up again tomorrow. For sure, when you’re taking that first conscious breath of the day, you can be aware that there are people all over this globe that will be taking their very last breath at that moment. That makes that moment not an ordinary moment. If you’re framing it, if you’re looking at it through that lens and for no other reason, you can be grateful right then and there.
If you’re inclined to also put some words to it, at the beginning of the day, the ritual to start your day is fundamentally the most important thing you can do. How you begin the day is in all likelihood the trajectory you’re going to be on until something happens where you pivot and change that trajectory. This is my question to all of us, “Why not start out with the best possible outcome right out of the gate?” For me, that’s four words. It could be something else that you say to yourself, some other statements, some other mantra. I know a wonderful woman, Judy Whitcraft. She loves to start her day by asking this question, “I wonder what miracles are coming?” That’s her question. I’ll ask you, Richard, do you have a question or a statement that you start the day with?
I say sometimes, “How can I be of the highest service?” I listen right after that to know what’s the most important thing I can do that day. Sometimes it’s an unexpected answer. It’s a variation of that question that I said before.
I know with Reverend Michael Beck, he likes to ask, “What’s my assignment?” That’s his question. My statement is, “I love my life no matter what.” With that, we will say ciao for now. This has been a wonderful time of blessing.
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About Richard Taubinger
Richard Taubinger is a writer, digital advisor and marketing strategist who serves conscious business leaders, authors and teachers through consulting, mentoring and online training programs.
He is passionate about serving those who are helping humanity by bringing more consciousness into all areas of their life and work through meditation and other practices. His audacious goal is to help 1 billion people learn and integrate meditation during his lifetime.
Through his company, Conscious Marketer, he advises many leading brands in the conscious business, self-transformation and publishing space. He helps them create sustainable digital business models, navigate the shifting online environment and launch online courses such as virtual summits, membership sites and high-ticket program offerings.
He has been behind many of the largest online launches in the conscious industry including Eckhart Tolle’s School of Awakening (with Sounds True); The Servant Leadership Online Summit (with Berrett-Koelher Publishers and Ken Blanchard); and Power of Awareness and The Meditation Certification Training (with Sounds True, Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach).
Through his Creator Mastermind Program has been able to help lessor known teachers and authors build their platforms and create 6 and 7-figure online businesses.
He lives in Maine, with his wife and two daughters, loves to read, meditate and travel.