Financial resilience is one key aspect of resilience that we don’t usually talk about. In this solocast episode of Change Proof, Adam Markel discusses how we can change our attitude towards money, see it for its true value, and use it to build true resilience in this changing world. This is an extremely relevant topic now that we are facing unprecedented inflation and a possible recession on the horizon. Most people have very little to no education when it comes to managing personal finances, so financial resilience is something that not many people really have or even understand. Even if you think you understand it, there is always something more to unpack. Start doing that by tuning in.
Show Notes:
- 01:17 The True Value of Money
- 08:20 The Vital Importance of Financial Resilience
- 11:14 Lessons from Pain
- 15:39 Greater Consciousness
- 21:06 The Psychology of Wealth
- 35:44 Slow and Steady Wins the Race
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How do we leverage continuous uncertainty to thrive in this unprecedented new world?
The answer is to build the resilience we need to power us through the challenges we face so that we become “Change Proof.” Prepare to tackle the future with confidence by reading Adam’s latest book Change Proof: Leveraging the Power of Uncertainty to Build Long-Term Resilience.
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Financial Resilience: Understanding The True Value Of Money Is The Key To Getting More Money
In this episode, I’m not only your host but I’m also going to be your guest. I love it when I get the chance to do a little solo casting and that’s the term that we use for no-goes, just me. As we embark on this brand new 2023, which is freaky just to say that out loud, I thought about talking about resilience in connection with something that’s so vital to all of us, and so important in our lives.
It’s something that we often have difficulty talking about and understanding. We have very little education or no education in this area that is otherwise vital to our survival in the world. It’s certainly key to many aspects of happiness. As the old saying goes, “It won’t buy happiness but it can sure rent some at least for a short while.”
The True Value Of Money
I’m a proponent and advocate for somebody that appreciates the value of money. That is not to say that I love money more than I love things that have great importance in my life like people, family, health, and peace of mind. I also think that a part of what we are taught and trained and programmed to think about money from the time that we’re very young is that somehow it’s an unlovable thing.
It’s something that we should be sometimes fearful of because of its potential to destroy things, to destroy our lives, or to destroy other people’s lives that it is, as the old saying goes, “the root of all evil.” I think that that old Aramaic saying that is also in the Bible is that the love of money is the root of all evil, not that money itself is the root of evil.
Even in that sense, what does it mean to put money at the top of the list of things that you love? It can create tremendous conflict. It can create a lack of harmony. It can affect and even infect the way you think. Even in that idea of the love of money is the root of all evil, you have to take the words that face value as is so much the case in any allegory, whether they’re biblical allegories or any other narrative where symbols are being used.
You have to look below the surface. You have to look behind even the seemingly obvious words or the meaning of the words being used. In that context, to me, it means placing an inordinate amount of importance on money and putting money ahead of your ethics, your values, of people, or other things that are of great importance in the world but money itself is neutral.
Money is not itself good or bad. It is not something that has any inherent value, truly. It’s what we’ve assigned and described of value to it but by itself, it means nothing. It’s not until you and I show up and give it meaning that it takes on some importance. It’s important to have it. It’s important to have as much of it as you are comfortable having.
The love of money is the root of all evil. But money itself is neutral. It’s neither bad nor evil. It doesn’t have any inherent value apart from what we assign to it. Share on XIn many respects, the money we have is a reflection of our comfort level around money. It doesn’t mean that you won’t have a lot more money at some later time when you are more comfortable with it. Until you get comfortable with money and you’re comfortable with what it means to you, what you’re willing to do to acquire it, until you are at a level where you are able to retain more of it, you’re able to use it in a wise way and ethical ways, where you’re able to do intelligent things with it. That until you are at that place, we’ll call that place a state of consciousness. Until such time, then you’re probably likely not to get a lot more money and you’re also likely not to keep a lot of the money even that you do happen to acquire.
That’s fundamentally something that I wish I had known many years ago. As opposed to trying to do things to get money, whatever those things might be, choosing a vocation or a career or an investment strategy or any number of other things, sometimes those things include selling yourself or your soul for that almighty dollar. I know what that’s like because I have done that in my past, in my history as well.
If I’d have known that to raise my consciousness around money and around other things that I would have more money as a result of that, it would’ve been more of a point of direction, a North Star, if you will. I was lacking that because again, nobody ever said that to me in high school. They didn’t say it to me in college, when I went to law school, or growing up. I didn’t hear my parents talk about it. I didn’t hear my friends’ parents talk about it. I didn’t read it in the paper or see it on TV or anything.
This is knowledge through experience and then ultimately through finding the kinds of people and information that would expand my understanding and lead me to ask a lot of questions. Often, questions are not asked because we feel humbled by questions. If we’re the ones asking questions, it means we don’t know the answers or we don’t have the answers. Our egos don’t like that vulnerable place to be and it feels disempowering.
We don’t know much about a lot of things and we don’t ask questions for some reason. I also believe in the cause and effect between questions and answers. I don’t know if you all can relate to this but to me, you cannot ask a question and not get an answer. It’s the equivalent of cause and effect. The only thing that’ll stop you from getting answers in your life to the important questions in your life is the questions you don’t ask.
The Vital Importance Of Financial Resilience
Again, we don’t ask a lot of questions about money growing up. Often, even the people that we’re asking those questions don’t know any more than we know, so it’s the blind leading the blind when it comes to that. I thought as we start this new year, I want to be even more resilient today, tomorrow, and in the future. I know you all do too. Part of our resilience is that you cannot overlook the fact that our financial resilience is vitally important.
The context, the timing of this conversation, and of this episode is coinciding with a very tricky, uncertain time in our economy. There are great many unknowns. There are people predicting recessions of all kinds, small, medium, and large. There are people who are predicting that things will not reach that level. We will avoid and avert that type of downturn. We’re seeing the markets on a daily basis in a rollercoaster of up and downs.
Again, there’s a lot that people are feeling anxious about. Maybe they’re anxious. Maybe you are anxious at this moment about the state of your portfolio or your investments. Maybe you’re anxious about the state of your career, your job, where you’re working, how that company’s doing, and whether they’re considering tightening their belt and committing to a reduction in force. That might impact you and others around you.
It could be your own business that you’ve started or the one that you’ve wanted to start. The timing of that is relative to how people are seeing the economy and where they are financially and whether their own decisions about spending money will impact your business, your sales, etc. There are so many of those unknowns. Our financial resilience is top of mind for me this season. Not just the season in the economy that I am a part of but also the season of my own life and where I am at and where my family’s at, where Randi and I and our kids find ourselves at this moment.
I thought it was a great opportunity to open up this space, open up this conversation, and share a couple of things with you that have been impactful for me. As I said, anything I do share has been shared out of my own experience and my own learning. Often, it is the case that the better the learnings, the greater the price that we pay for them. What do I mean by that?
Lessons From Pain
The price you pay for some things is often pain. When you want to get great results in the gym, you’re going to experience some pain in exchange for those results. That’s the fact. You don’t get them cheaply. It shouldn’t be any different or you shouldn’t expect that it’s any different when it comes to other important lessons in life, including money and that’s the conversation we’re having about money.
Some of my greatest lessons, the ones that inform my perspective, my understanding, and my outlook now were lessons that were learned in heaps of pain, piles of pain, and major pain. Usually what we’re talking about to be again one more layer deep here, the pain of losing it, the pain of wasting it, of squandering, of not having the consciousness to grow it, to hold it, and to keep it, as I said before. That takes every manner of shape and form you could think of.
I’ve been involved in businesses that have gone belly up. Thankfully, not too many but the ones that have were pretty epic in their failure and I lost money in those ventures, some large sums. I’m talking about investment decisions, where the partnership or the partners that I was involved with were not a great partner fit for me. Even some folks were not terribly ethical or honest or both.
There was lack a of due diligence on my part, even being a lawyer and doing that work for other people. Sparing myself the same good counsel led to mistakes, things that could have been seen and weren’t. Again, all these things, all these lessons were incredibly valuable. The price of those lessons was money. It wasn’t just money. It was money, time, and resources.
It was exponential because when we spend our time, energy, and resources in one area that isn’t a fruitful area for us, we’re also not spending that same time, energy, and resources in an area that could have been fruitful. There’s a magnitude to it. It’s like if you travel 10 minutes in the wrong direction, it’s not just the 10 minutes that you lost going in the wrong direction. It’s the 10 minutes it takes you to get back to where you were and the 10 minutes in the direction that you should have been. That’s overall twenty minutes.
Again, it’s exponential. I say this because the scars have long since healed. It doesn’t mean I can’t still beat myself up about it. I have a moment where I should’ve, would’ve, or could’ve on myself but it’s far enough in the rearview mirror that I can look back and say, “I understand what the mistakes were, why they were made, what my part was in it, what could be done differently, and what would never happen again as a result of having learned those lessons.”
Again, there’s one thing above all that I didn’t learn growing up and I know now like I do know my own name is Adam. We have to expand our consciousness in any area that we wish to see greater results. If you want greater relationships, intimate relationships, more loving relationships, better relationships with people that you work with or with your family and your children, you have to expand your consciousness in that area.
That will produce that greater consciousness with your health, greater health, greater consciousness in your finances, in things to do with your investing philosophy, your psychology around money, or your relationship with money. Greater consciousness in that area or any area like that will produce returns that you wouldn’t otherwise see.
Greater Consciousness
The first thing I’d say here is that we’ve got to have greater consciousness. Part of greater consciousness is, as I said at the beginning, seeing money for what it is and not for what it is not. It is nothing by itself. It doesn’t have any meaning. It is the meaning we give it. It is a magnifier. I’ve heard people say, “Money makes people different than they were,” and I call BS on that. That’s just crap.
Money is a magnifier, however. If somebody is a kindhearted, gentle, compassionate person, a generous person, then more money will only make them that much more generous and kindhearted and give them access to share their compassion using that money. People who are different from that, not as generous, maybe even are stingy, people that are angry, take advantage of others, or bullies, etc., then more money only creates the opportunity for more of those activities and behaviors.
Money is a magnifier. That’s a distinction that we have to get right out of the gate. Don’t look at money as the enemy. Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself, “Who are you?” If you know that you are a person who could do good things with money, then what on earth would get in the way of you having more money? Why on earth would you get in the way of your own ability to acquire more money? You’ll only do better and better things or have a way to fund those good deeds.
Again, we have some conflicts around. We know that we could do good things with money but we’ve been told that money is bad or that too much of it will make you bad. I’m going to tell you that you can trust yourself. I know that it’s tough for me to say or tough for you to believe because I don’t know you personally. Many of you I do perhaps but many of you not, but it’s a truthful statement nonetheless.
You have to trust yourself with it. Until you can trust yourself with it, why would you expect that anyone else would trust you with it? Certainly, you wouldn’t expect that the universe would give you more money if you don’t trust yourself that you would do good things with it. A lot of times people make mistakes and they made mistakes in the past with money. Maybe they’ve made poor investment choices. They tend to feel bad about those things and also lack ongoing trust.
In fact, their confidence level shrinks because of those mistakes. If you’ve made mistakes as I did in the past, you have to get past them. You have to be able to acknowledge that they were mistakes that were made and what your part in them was, and you have to let them go. You have to forgive. If you want, whoever was involved, first and foremost, yourself and others, then you have to also let it go, whether that includes your forgiveness or not so that you can move on.
You move on stronger. You move on wiser. Often, the best lessons cost the most. If you’ve got a costly lesson, well then, the only thing that would be a shame is if you didn’t, at some other point, get a return on that lesson. What is the return on the lesson? If you’ve gotten, at this point, not much return on the lessons of the past, now’s the time to be more conscious of that and allow yourself to apply those lessons so that you can gain the benefit that was intended all along.
The universe is a loving, kind, and generous thing. I don’t believe there’s any unifying principle. There’s no source that has it in for us. The only one that has it in for us is for ourselves before we have it in for anybody else. You got to get past that stuff. You got to get over it and move into a place where you can try to do better because that’s all we have.
Years ago, a coach of mine said, “When you know better, you can do better.” That’s fundamentally true. I’m sure that if you haven’t heard these things before, they intuitively make sense to you. The truth is easy to remember. It was Play-Doh that said that, “All learning is remembering,” and the truth is easy to remember and it’s also easy to forget. That’s why we need reminders. Hopefully, these words are serving as a reminder to you all as well.
When you know better, you can do better. Share on XThe Psychology Of Wealth
Some of the things that we can also be aware of are the kinds of strategies. Fundamentally, the difference between rich people and people who are not rich is the philosophy, the psychology of wealth, and the psychology of money. A lot of what I’ve shared with you so far is around that psychology because if we have the wrong psychology or the wrong consciousness, we won’t be able to succeed in that area. If we have a limited consciousness, limited capacity, we will likely not succeed. If our capacity is greater, our consciousness is greater, again, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that our results will be better. That’s as simple as it is on the surface then there are the little details, the kinds of things that you do.
If our capacity is greater, our consciousness is greater, and our results will be better. Share on XI’ll share with you a few of the things that I’ve been doing and some of the things that I think make sense. I’m not going to be giving any financial advice here. No counsel in terms of what you all should do with your own funds. I’m not saying that so much as a disclaimer, just as it’s obvious that that’s not the purpose of this episode.
If you do decide that you’re going to do anything with your money, I highly recommend that you speak to somebody who may have a greater consciousness than you do about that like a financial advisor, a CPA, a CFP or Certified Financial Planner, a lawyer, or someone else, for sure. I’m going to stick to some things that are tried and true and are quite safe and even things that have a guarantee but even in those situations, I don’t have a crystal ball.
I don’t know what the government’s going to do from day to day any more than you do. For example, I’ve invested and so has my wife, in something called an I bond. People have heard of savings bonds and for years, we know that there was very little interest being paid on bonds and the like but the US government has something called an I bond that’s based on, as I understand it, inflation and the cost of living.
As we all have heard, you’d have to be living in a hut, I suppose, with no electricity, no internet, no nothing, for the last couple of years not to have heard that inflation has been on the rise. Historically speaking, it’s not all that high in terms of aberration. It’s never happened before because it has happened before. We have had periods of higher inflation. Certainly, when I grew up in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, we had some pretty high levels of inflation then.
We’ve been living in a relatively very low period of inflation up until a couple of years ago. In that environment, the cost of living increases as it’s published by the government for the purposes of adjusting social security benefits and other benefits and things. Those adjustments have been relatively small, minor, and the amounts have been relatively low. A lot of people figured out that they could get higher returns on their money invested in areas like real estate, stocks, or other things.
In the last couple of years, we’ve seen inflation on the rise and cost of living increases have been much higher. I bond will pay a higher rate of interest. This is something that is backed by the US government. Again, could the US government default? Theoretically, it’s possible. My own personal view is that if the US government defaulted on bonds, treasuries, or things like that, we would have bigger problems than whether we lost money at that moment.
We don’t anticipate, nor would we want to anticipate that would happen. It could happen but highly improbable. An I bond is something that would pay a higher rate of interest. I’m not sure what the interest rate now is. I was able to get an I bond in April of 2022, just for historical reference for when you might be reading this episode. That I bond, at that time, paid about 9%, which is exceedingly high.
At the time that delivering this episode now, I think I bonds are pegged around 6%, still very high. I bond is one vehicle. There’s a limit to how much you can invest. At the moment, it’s $10,000 per person and there are some other little details, fine print, and ways in which you could increase that based on tax refunds and other important details. You can go to Google and type in US I bond or United States I bond. You can get a lot more information about that and what the requirements are and limitations are but it’s super simple.
It pays very high interest relative to other vehicles that are also relatively guaranteed and safe. It’s worth looking into now. That’s the first thing. Again, limits, at the moment, are about $10,000 per person. That could change. It could be different when you’re reading this. Also, we have been utilizing for some years now something that our son introduced us to and that is online banking.
That is a bank that is not a brick-and-mortar bank like you can go stop in and meet the teller and all that thing. It’s a platform that is purely digital, has real people, and real people work. There’s one particular bank that we’ve been using called Marcus. Again, I’m not invested in Marcus or its parent company. I just have investment dollars with Marcus because it makes sense to have money in a bank account that earns more interest than other places where you could have it and it’s FDIC insured.
It’s not 100% guaranteed but it’s guaranteed and backed by the United States of America up to $250,000 per account. That is also something to consider because this time, the interest rate payable on a Marcus account is somewhere around 4%. That also has made sense to us and you can look into that yourself too. We look at US Treasuries and there’s a bit of a higher level of sophistication that might be needed and you want to find out more about this.
You can look at US Treasuries as being an area that is also worth exploring because the interest that’s payable on some of these is quite substantial relative to what you could get in a standard bank account. Also, I think is in excess of what you’d even get in many of the online banks like the one I mentioned a moment ago. There are many of these online banks, so feel free to do research, but the US Treasury is also backed by the United States government.
I have full faith in their ability to make good on that contract and contracts can be short or long term. We typically choose about six months. Twenty-six weeks is the term that we typically look at and that means that your money is relatively liquid and you can get to it. In a moment, you can take it out. There are some small penalties involved if you needed to take it out early but six months is usually a pretty good time horizon to determine whether you’re going to need that money or not for liquidity purposes.
Some portion of the pie, if you will, goes into those things. Real estate has always been a very good investment depending on when you get in and depending on how long you’re willing to stay in. There are the three rules or the three letters that everybody always knows when it comes to real estate LLL or Location, Location, Location. I agree that LLL is very important when it comes to real estate. What’s also important is when you decide to get in and how long you’re going to stay in.
To me, the latter, how long you’re going to stay in almost makes the former irrelevant. If you are prepared to buy real estate, whether it’s single-family, multifamily, residential, or commercial and you’re willing to be in that real estate, you’ll continue to own it, operate it, pay the insurance, the taxes, and everything else, the upkeep, and all of that. Your time horizon is 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, or 50 years. It doesn’t matter, in my humble opinion, when you buy it because over that time horizon of 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, or 50 years, that real estate is likely to be considerably higher in value than when you initially bought it.
If your time horizon, however, is only 10 years or 5 years, then it matters greatly when you buy. Whether you’re buying at the height of a market, in the middle of a market, or when the market is at the bottom, nobody knows that. Nobody has that crystal ball, so it makes it a bit more complicated to choose your timing. Again, like so many things, if your timing is forever, then it almost doesn’t matter when you’re getting into a real estate investment.
Similarly with stocks, for the most part, and if I were recommending to anybody now how to get involved in the stock market, it would be through index funds. These are not, by the way, when you talk about index funds like the S&P 500 or something that tracks the S&P or tracks the total market as an index, these are not guaranteed by anybody. They’re not guaranteed by the government. They’re not backed by anybody’s full faith in credit.
They’re investments. You can lose money, you can lose the entire amount of your investment, and all that. Looking again, historically, at the total market or at an index of a segment of the market like the S&P 500 over a horizon of 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, or 50 years, what you see is a market that is always seemingly on the rise.
If you look at any period of time within that 20, 30, 40, or 50-year time horizon, you look at 5 years. You can look at 10 years. You can look at 15 or 20 years. You can find places where the market was flat or down. Certainly, when you’re looking at the market, which is made up of different companies. Any one or more of those companies can be succeeding, failing, go bankrupt, so picking companies or choosing to try to pick companies makes the task even that much more difficult. The timing becomes that much more difficult and treacherous as well.
That said, there’s an old expression, “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago and the next best time to plant a tree is now.” That’s the way I look at using and utilizing our money. Whether it’s $1, $100, or $100 million, whatever it might be. The best next time other than twenty years ago to invest is now and that is to do it in a way that makes common sense.
If you don’t have money to lose, then don’t put money at risk. If you’ve got money that could be lost and would not change your lifestyle, it would not make you have to leave your home or would not keep you from putting food on the table or keep you from paying for your kids’ dance lessons or any number of other things that are important to you. If you’ve got that money, sometimes it’s referred to as a disposable income or disposable portion of your savings, then any number of the things that I’ve mentioned could become safe investing opportunities.
It’s also possible to earn a return and earn a return safely and still have liquidity for contingencies for things that might happen that you don’t plan on, whether it’s a car breaking down and the need for a repair, a new boiler within the home, or any number of other things. It’s so important that there be those contingency funds. I also think it’s vitally important that you look at the opportunity to grow your money as being a way to fund so many things in your life.
If you are committed to investing now, then 10 years, 15 years, or 25 years from now, that money will have grown and it will have grown in many respects sizably because the benefit of interest is that things compound over time. When there’s compound interest, you get an exponential return on your investment. That money that compounds at 8% will double approximately every eight years. It takes a little longer than that but approximately, every eight years, money will double it at about that rate.
Slow And Steady Wins The Race
It’s a long game that we want to play. Being resilient in our finances is to do it. As my wife likes to say, “Slow and steady.” That’s truly the way that you win the race. If I was going to go back and whisper to my 25-year-old self, it would be to do it the slow and steady pace, commit to doing that, take a portion of whatever I was earning, 10%, 15%, or 20%, and off the top, pay that to myself or to our investing accounts.
Had I done that, had any of us done that when we were 20 or 25 years old and continue to do that until we were 40, 50, or 60 years old, we have more money than we would ever want and need. That money would continue to grow and would be a massive value to us in helping other people, pursuing our passions in life, our projects, the things that we want to do that often we don’t do because we don’t have the time freedom or we don’t have the money freedom to do those things.
All these things are so interconnected. Our resiliency and the feeling of being able to weather whatever the storms are of life or the storms are in the economy or the storms in business are relate to this foundational base that we can create by doing more with our money, raising our consciousness, and elevating our money psychology or money mind. When we do that, then we have options that we otherwise don’t have.
I don’t think that there’s anything that is worse in terms of the problems that you see in great prevalence than hopelessness when it comes to life and the pursuits that will bring us joy and the things that will create harmony within us. The lack of hope is punching. It’s like a big gaping hole in the balloon of our lives. We need to have hope. Hope is the thing that balloons with fresh inspiration.
The hope is that there are ways for us to get to the place we want to get to. Without that sense that there’s an option. There are ways for us to get to where we want to get but we lose hope. Often, it is the case that when we don’t have the financial resources to get to the place we want to get to, then we feel hopeless. We can’t move. We can’t create a better life for our kids.
We can’t pursue the work that we want to do in the world because it would be risky financially to leave the job we’ve got or we wouldn’t have the ability to take the chance or the shot, which often means sometimes funding our own pivots or these reinvention projects that we’re interested in but we don’t have the funds. If we don’t have the research and development money to lose, frankly, then it’s difficult for us to perform those pivots or to even start those pivots.
We have to have that house money, if you will, in order to sometimes have the boldness and the courage to move in those directions. When we don’t have that, when we lack that confidence, we lack that hopeful heart, as my wife Randi would say, “It steals so much of our life force.” That is the place where we can use this information, and take this conversation to heart. Our resiliency is a product of our feeling.
The options that we feel are within reach, even if it’s a stretch. Even if it’s something that we got to work 3 years or 5 years for to get to a place where we have the money for the things we want. Whether it’s to become a homeowner, invest in our own business, give money to the people that we love, the charities, and organizations that we want to support. Whatever those things are, if we can see even at the end of a long tunnel of 3 years, 5 years, or maybe even a little longer than that, that those things are attainable, then we have the hope and the resilience to keep moving forward and moving toward them.
We are met by the universe, which rewards that activity. It rewards that movement and momentum. Bodies in motion tend to stay in motion. That’s physics. Bodies at rest tend to stay at rest. That’s physics. We have to utilize these things to our advantage. That’s what inspired me to want to turn on the old recording device and do a solo cast with you all, talk about this area of resiliency, that being money that we don’t often talk about.
I thank you for your time as always. I thank you so much for your willingness to share your thoughts with us. If you want to leave a comment about this particular episode, you can go to and leave a comment there for me. I will be the one to respond to it, just so you know. We don’t have any bots set up for that.
Also, maybe you believe that this is information that would help someone else that you know that might be struggling in the area of money or not thriving in the way that they’re capable of. Maybe they’re angry with money. They have a bad relationship with it or whatever the case might be, feel free to share this episode. If we want it to reach more people, there’s one way to do that. I get that it’s a bit of a self-serving ask here but if you leave a 5-star review, we love those 5-star reviews because they tell the algorithm to put this particular content in front of more people.
Whatever platform you’re using, you can use that platform to leave a review for this show and that will also help us greatly. Lastly, if you want to get more information yourself about becoming more resilient, I wrote a book called Change Proof: Leveraging the Power of Uncertainty to Build Long-term Resilience. You can go to Amazon to buy it and that’s fine and well. If you go to, even if you bring your Amazon receipt to that site, you can get yourself some of the bonuses that we’re happy to provide to you.
Once you see money for its true value and its potential to magnify the best parts of yourself, then there is no doubt you will have more of it very soon. Share on XAlso, you can find out more information about our Change Proof digital product and digital program on that website, as well and you can get your own free resilience assessment. It’s a snapshot in time. It takes three minutes. If you’re not a person who’s got a great deal of time for surveys and things, this thing has 16 questions and takes 3 minutes. It’s going to spit out a report that’s designed to help you to learn where you are currently at, how resilient you are, where your great strengths in resiliency, mentally, emotionally, physically, and even spiritually are, and where you can become even stronger in those areas.
You can go to directly to get that yourself. There is a free assessment of your own level of resilience, as well as some free resources that come after you get emailed your own personal report. That’s it for now. Wishing you a very beautiful, blessed, happy, healthy, and prosperous 2023 and beyond.
If you’re receiving this even well into the future, whatever year you’re in, I hope it is even more prosperous than your wildest imagination. I tend to think that if you follow some of this guidance, raise your consciousness around money even more, bless that which you want in life instead of negating those things, and you don’t carry resentment about money but you see it for its true value and its potential to magnify the best parts of yourself, then I have no doubt that you will have more of it very soon. Sending you all the love and all the blessings that I can.