PR Tanya | Embracing Change


It takes guts for anyone to strongly embrace the changes around them and not suck at it. Tanya Memme is someone you can look up to when it comes to embracing change and loving oneself unconditionally even through the worst circumstances in life. She is an Emmy-nominated TV Host, lifestyle expert, an international on-camera, video, and on-stage coach for executives, and the Founder of Life Masters, a talk show/podcast/web-based platform where visionaries, mentors, healers, life coaches and speakers share life changing stories, inspiration, and wisdom. All of her titles are proof of how she never gave up on her goals and learned how to climb the ladder of success without letting fear take over. This interview with her teaches you the power of accepting the worst case scenario and learning to move away from it. For Tanya, acceptance of the challenges does not happen overnight, but it can eventually happen when you find the cause and forgiveness.

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Embracing Change And Accepting Worst Case Scenarios with Tanya Memme

I’m feeling peaceful, actually blessed and grateful of course, as I’m constantly reminding myself how grateful I am. That sounds odd. Even to say it feels a little strange. I’ve got to remind myself that I’m grateful, but I feel like that’s the real of it. That’s the truth because there are so many things, whether it’s aggravation over the way some technology is not performing or maybe it’s a person or it’s someone on your team or on my team or whatever it is that you’re wanting something to happen quicker or whatever it is. There’s all that stuff going on in all of our lives and sometimes there are more profound challenges like health challenges or money or relationship challenges, which are the hardest to deal with. 

There’s also this underlying current of wellbeing, this current of what is the essence of our lives. When I’m able to tap into that current, I feel great. Regardless of whether it will instantaneously turnaround the frustration or turn around the challenge, sometimes miracles happen too, but often those things resolve themselves a little bit behind that curve, that need for the immediate change. In the interim between the changing of something or the resolution of something, I still have to be with myself and be in my body. In this moment I’m acknowledging that when I’m grateful, I am better positioned in my body to enjoy my life while those other things are working themselves out. I feel blessed as well to be with a great guest. We’re going to have a terrific conversation.  

I’m already excited about the opportunity to have fun and play with this person. For me, she’s a new friend. She’s somebody introduced by a third party. Somebody that I love and respect introduced us. This is terrific. It was funny, actually this is take two because in full transparency, I started off on the normal way I begin the podcast. I realized I hadn’t asked this lovely being how to pronounce her name and often I’m interviewed, it could be on TV, it could be radio, it could be so many different areas where even an experienced host will not ask me how to pronounce my name. I cringe when they do that because I don’t look on some level care less how they pronounce my name, but people that are in our communities who know how to pronounce someone’s name then cringe for that person. Somebody on your staff or maybe you should have done that little bit of research to figure out how to pronounce someone’s name properly. As Shakespeare said, “What’s in a name?” Everything because it’s your reputation, it’s what you’ve spent a lifetime establishing a good name hopefully or repairing the name. It got dinged up as we’ve all experienced things like that too. Tanya Memme is our guest. 

Tanya is an Emmy-nominated TV host, lifestyle expert, actress and speaker. She’s an international oncamera, video, on a stagecoach for executives. She is the Founder of Life Masters, a talk show podcast, web-based platform where visionaries, mentors, healers, life coaches and speakers, share lifechanging stories, inspiration and wisdom. Tanya is most famous for her role as the host of the Emmy-nominated show, Sell This House, on A&E for fifteen yearsTanya is a big giveback person. In fact, she makes trips to Guatemala with her dad to help Wells of Hope build schools and bring clean water to remote communities. She has a daughter, Ava, who also appeared on the Hallmark channel’s Home & Family for four years. Tanya, welcome to the show. Thanks so much for making the time and being with us. 

I’m glad that we could make this happen. I’m excited. 

No matter what happens in your life, always try to weather your storm. Share on X

That wasn’t exactly a mouthful, but it was a mouthful for me. Your credits are long. In fact, I didn’t even read the entire bio and intro and all that. What I want to know, and I know our people love this, is what’s not written in your bio, what’s not in the introduction that you would love for people to know about you? 

I love motorcycles. I grew up on a sod farm. We’re not an animal farm with pigs, cows and everything. It’s 400 acres of grass in the middle of nowhere in a tiny town in Canada. The only thing that we could do is drive our motorcycles in the summer and our snowmobiles in the winter, and that’s what I did. I’m a total tomboy at heart. 

Do you still ride a bike? 

I love dirt bikes, so I do when I can, but I have not ridden one in a long time. 

You’ve got to be prepared to get dirty and then you get time to clean up. There are a couple of moving parts involved. Can you make a commitment right here that you’re going to get on that dirt bike soon?  

Yes. I’ll do it. I’ll send you some videos and pictures.  

Do that and be safe though. You learned this when you were a kid. For you, this is a little bit like getting on a bicycle because it’s something early on right. 

I have done it for many years. For about ten years, I rode bikes.  

This is The Conscious PIVOT, and the essence of that is a show about change, people who are reinventing themselves. You being in the entertainment space, you must have reinvented yourself I would say more times that I have hair on my head. People are laughing. Those of you that have never actually seen a picture of me, then you could laugh because I don’t have any hair. Tanya has a lot of hair, long dark hair. I was going to say my wife has hair like yours. There are lots of hair, lots of changes, I’m guessing.  

Why don’t we dig into something juicy? Lots of people are dealing with change these days because there’s disruption all around us in the business space, in the career space, in the entrepreneurial space and then you add to that politics. You add to that relationships and health. There are a lot of things people are working through. It would be helpful if you shared maybe a time in your life or even a couple if you want where you didn’t have exactly the easy solution to the pivot and what was that like for you? How ugly did it get? What did you do about it? Any place you want to go there would be terrific. We’d like to get dirty. 

The one that everybody asks me about and I know which one I’m talking about. I’ve been on television for 25 yearsI was on the A&E Channel for fifteen years. I did four shows for them like Entertainment Tonight. I ended up on a show called Home & Family on the Hallmark Channel. It’s still on. I loved my job. I was on it with my daughter and I was on it for four years. At the time, I will say that it’s different now because I’m sure people like me or other people that got involved changed the environment. I was in a situation where I felt like there was no other way that I could get out of being so unhappy on set and my job than to leave the show. It broke my heart. It was very difficult.  

I had left my marriage eight months before that and my show on A&E was winding down. It had winded down, and I wasn’t on that show for probably about a year. I saw my career winding down a little bit, but I’m on this other show and there was a lot of toxicity in the environment, things that I felt I couldn’t get around with emotionally and mentally. I was dealing with that and then going home to a marriage that wasn’t very good for me and coming to work for a situation that wasn’t good for me. I don’t know what you believe out there, but I believe that the universe gives you massive signs to show you the direction that sometimes you need to go in life. No matter how much you fight it, no matter how much control you have, I believe that all of that happened because I was supposed to go in another direction.  

I promised myself that if I ever got completely yelled at one more time and obliterated at work one more time by my executive producer, I would quit. After four years of dealing with it, it happened another time. I quit the show. I’m a single mom and I don’t get much support from my ex because it was my decision to take less to have an amicable relationship, whatever he was happy with so that I could have a good relationship with him and therefore my child would have a good relationship with us. That was a choice. That’s the whole thing.  

I walked off the show and it was very difficult and scary and it still is. I was supposed to screen test for a couple of shows and you wonder how the ripple effect happens in Hollywood, but it was a very tough decision. I don’t know how else to put it in that. On the other end I said to myself, “If you do this, you’re up for a tough few years.” You prepare yourself and say, “It’s not going to be peaches and cream on the other end. It’s going to be hard.” Going through divorce is hard enough and then putting your job on top of it is difficult as well. We all know how hard it is to get jobs in this town, especially as a host because we’re a craft in the past now. Unless you’re an expert or you have over three million followers on social media, it’s hard to get hosting gig anymore. 

PR Tanya | Embracing Change

Embracing Change: The universe gives massive signs to show you the direction that sometimes you need to go in life.


You have to decide what’s right for you on. I knew deep down inside that I could do more. People that want to do more in life it comes to them fairly early in their life and it happened to me when I was eleven and I knew that I was going to do more than what I was doing with my life at that time wasn’t enough. I was like, “No matter what happens financially, no matter what happens in my career, I’m willing to weather the storm.” If you’re willing to weather it, then walk forward and go through it.  

It’s an interesting thing because first of all, we’re not taught early on in our lives how to handle change. That’s not a course in elementary, high school, college or any of that. It’s certainly not something that we’re even necessarily taught at home from our parents because a lot of the ways that they weathered the storms of life with heart attack or cancer, anger or other things that showed up where people weren’t necessarily their shining highest selves when the crap was hitting the fan. What’s interesting to me is I’m thinking about the loops that we’re opening in, the ones that we’ll be able to close on the show, because these are deep topics both personally for you and also the topics in how this is relatable to other people. You’ve chosen more of an elegant expression or path to express how it is that you were going to deal with those situations. 

In divorce for certain you can resist, you can object, you can oppose. I was a lawyer for eighteen years. I know what opposition looks like on the lawyers perspective. The lawyers perspective is opposition means money in my bank. I’m saying that in a way that’s not honoring the fact that as lawyers we didn’t create the problems. People came with the problems. I believe there’s an ethical obligation to at least walk this fine line between having a conversation with your client that says, “There might be a graceful way out of this.” The graceful way out might be that you actually don’t get as much as you could get. You’re not going to destroy the other person in the process of getting what you think you ought to get, what you feel is justifiable and all that. 

It’s taking it from DEFCON down a notch or two. There are clients who would be like, “You’re not my lawyer, because what I want is somebody that’s going to come in and scorch the Earth for me, be my advocate and get in that ring and knock the other person out unconscious. A lot of the time, the lawyer is like the way they say dogs sometimes look like their owners and their owners looked like their dogs. The lawyer and the client relationship is very similar to that. You took an elegant approach. 

It wasn’t easy though. It was very difficult to take that approach.  

Did you see Ellen had her comedy special come out?  


It’s on Netflix. Ellen is so great at discussing serious things in a very funny way, including things that are deep and personal to her. When she decided to come out at a time when that was not nearly as accepted or honored as it is now, it’s the opposite of that. You probably remember she lost her show, she lost her sponsors, lost their support, lost her friends, all the pseudo friends and people who hang around when you’re a rising star or whatever it is. 

I know what that feels like. 

Those people disappear. Here she is left two years without a show and worrying that she’s going to somehow maybe lose her house, not have enough money to even pay bills right here, and then along comes somebody in The Ellen Show. It puts her back on the map. For that new opportunity, she was in a pretty serious downward spiral from taking a stand for something. She didn’t have to come out, she didn’t have to say anything but she chose to. It sounds like you came to a point where you drew a boundary line. 

I also wanted to set an example for other people on the show at the time that were going through the same thing. It was difficult. It was a very toxic environment. It’s interesting, I have a whole other perspective on it now. I did a lot of selfhealing. The first thing that we all go to is, “It’s not my fault, it’s theirs.” We blame, “He did it to me. That person did it to me, the network did it to me. They didn’t do this, they didn’t do that.” There were things like at the time there was no HR department. We couldn’t go to the heads of the network or else we knew that you’re going to get fired anyway. There was a lot of that going on. 

Hallmark has come a long way now to create a different environment now, which I’m happy to hear about. I’m still friends with some of the people on the show that still want to be my friend. I’m on the sidelines now being a cheerleader for the show and when they get nominated for Emmys, I couldn’t be happier. It took me about a good three years to come to peace with the fact that it was my decision to leave and the reasons why I left. That person that caused a lot of the toxicity on set, I’m sure that he’s battling his own demons himself. For whatever reason, he treated people that way is the reason that he treated. 

Forgive people in your whole world that you have anger and bitterness towards because it doesn't help. Share on X

I have forgiven the entire experience. I had to work hard to do that. I had to go and find myself and figure out what I did to contribute to this happening in my life. A big part of it is taking your own path to healing when you’re so angry and so bitter towards the things that have happened or, “This person took this away from me.” I haven’t worked until I started this new show, Life Masters. I started a subscription box business. That didn’t work because I partnered with the wrong people. I started an Amazon business, and I partnered with the wrong people. That didn’t work. I was flailing for three years trying to figure it out, because I didn’t even want to host anymore. It was so traumatic for me that I started panicking on set. 

Whenever the camera would go on, this was back then right after I quit, I got a job on HSN. I got another job with the endorsement deals for companies. Every time, it would psychologically affect me. I put up the little white flag. I was like, “I need to surrender here and not be afraid I’m going to lose all my money.” I wake up in the middle of the night having panic attacks, “What am I going to do? I’m on my own.” It’s hard. I know that there are a lot of people out there going through this and they don’t know where to go. They don’t even know what their passion is anymore or what any of it means. You don’t know what to do or who to go to. 

Let’s go to the middle of the night thing. This is not a place that gets spoken about enough. There’s a reason for that. It’s because it sucks. The middle of the night wake up, that moment of anxiety or panic or the repetitiveness of those thoughts of, “Everything is about to hit the fan or burn up. 

I worked through that for probably two and a half years where every single night I woke up in a panic attack. I was on television for 25 years. I’ve always had a show. When one ended, I started another one but that never happened. In a way I’ve been very spoiled, but I also worked so hard to create that. When you’re in it, you think, “This is going to last forever. I’m always going to be on TV.” Then life happens. In the middle of the night, this is the first time in my life where I’m single and I’m a mom. If I was on my own, it would be different. When you have another little being to take care of, but I’m also a go-getter and I’m used to having success. When it’s not going your way, you go to the worstcase scenario as a human being. We all think about, “I’m going to lose everything and be homeless.” We’d naturally go there and it’s awful.  

In the middle of the night, for some reason, it’s a hormone imbalance at night when I’ve discovered everything seems so much more intense. I used to wake up every night at 2:30 in the morning and in a total panic, sweating. It’s not healthy at all. Finally I said, “I need to stop everything, stop trying so hard to control life.” I was trying to do this business and that business and I was trying to do this. Everything was in a panic. I came to the point where it’s time to stop, feel again and rediscover me and what I wanted to do and what resonated with me. You can’t be afraid of the worstcase scenario. You have to try to embrace it and then set little goals on how to move away from this without putting too much pressure. You’ve got to forgive yourself too and forgive people in your whole world that you have anger and bitterness towards because it doesn’t help.  

Embracing is counterintuitive. In fact, the working title for our next book was changed. The fact of the matter is that there’s a core element of it that we have this choice all the time how we handle that feedback that we’re getting in the middle of the night or in the morning or whenever it is. We can push it away, resist it. We can accept it. Acceptance is something that’s interesting because acceptance is important. A serenity prayer has a lot to do with acceptance and then there’s something that’s an acceptance on steroids, which is this embracing piece because you can still accept and be resentful. You could still accept and be gritting your teeth the whole way through. It’s what it feels like to live accepting things that have hurt you and the energy is still one of like, “I’m a victim,” versus something you embrace. You have an element of control that you’ve taken back or you’re in your power in the moment that you embrace something like embracing forgiveness or letting go of the past or embracing people that have hurt you, but still you have a way to compassionately embrace the humanity. Somebody who is causing you harm is probably in a great deal of harm themselves. They’re in pain themselves. It’s tough to get to that place, but there’s an element of that. 

The quality of our lives equal to two things - the quality of our relationships and the quality of the things that we do on a habit basis. Share on X

Time heals so much too. I have a lot of layers. People think I’m not very complicated on the outside, but I am complicated and I’m always on a self-discovery path. Everybody that was involved that I feel was contributed to me leaving, I have completely found forgiveness within it, but it took me almost four years. I called one of the executives on the show and I was like, “How are you doing?” She was so happy that I called. It was nice to be on the other end and I shared with her, “Time heals. I want you to know that I’m happy for everything that’s going on.” She’s like, “Good.” It’s all good, but it doesn’t happen overnight and it happens with constantly forcing yourself to find the forgiveness and to find it because it’s not hard. It goes against every ounce of your being. What you would naturally want to do is lay in the bitterness and lay in the unhappiness of it all and lay in bed for hours at a time, which I did. I did all of that.  

When I was on television for 25 years, what I discovered is that I equated my selfidentity to my success on television, a lot of it. When this happened, I had to rediscover who I am. Even going on social media and being vulnerable like this, I have never been this open before because I’m a TV host. My entire world has been, “Here are your lines. This is what you say. This is how you feel. This is where you sit. That’s where you get your hair done. There’s your makeup artist and your script. There’s the director and the teleprompter guy. Go.” This has been the first time in my life where I’m thinking, “Now it’s up to me to show up on time and have a schedule. What do I do?” I don’t know how to do this. I don’t know how to be a business person. 

It’s you unscripted. 

This is how my new show, Life Masters, all came about, was that I was searching and I couldn’t find myself. I was on the internet and I’m like, “I want to get a coach, someone who I can trust and work with.” There are so many out there but there’s not one place to go and find one except for the Tony Robbins and the more prominent ones, they’re all over the place. I can’t afford to hire one of them. Most of us can’t. I decided to start Life Masters because I want to interview people that change lives for people like me, that were where I was at. I wanted to take in and learn what they’ve been through in life, some commonality. I wanted to learn how they got themselves from the hardest, most difficult moments of their life to the success that they have now.  

Willie Gault was on my show, the NFL football champion. Blake Leeper was on my show. He was born with no legs and he’s qualifying now for the Olympics running against men with legs. When you talk to people who have gone through stories that can only inspire you, it’s changed my life. Also, all the life lessons that have been said was, “Do what you’re good at. I was trying to start a subscription business. I was trying to start this and that. I don’t know how to choose a business partner. I know now, but you learn. 

Don’t make me show you my scars on that one. Choosing the right business partners can be a very interesting series of life lessons. I want to turn the tables on. I want you to interview yourself. You’ve been with these life masters and you yourself because how you’ve been resilient in the face of all that stuff that was going on and all those pivots and the adversity of it. Mostly like you say, the adversity isn’t necessarily something that’s on the outside working against us. That’s the perception that we legitimately feel at times. With time, what we realize is that adversity is on the inside. We’re in our way, we’re our worst enemy at times and we’ve even attracted to showing up, which is tough to take. It’s tough to swallow that too. Interview yourself now. Ask yourself the toughest question and then go ahead and answer it for us. If I was on your show, you put the screws to me. It’s transparency. Do you have the ability to stand in the light of full transparency and be good with it? That’s when other people get to learn something when we do that. 

You want me to talk about something that I have never mentioned before on any podcast ever before or TVIs that what you’re asking for?  

If you want to. There are no requirements here. I want you to interview yourself because this is going to be fun. 

How did Life Masters come about? 

PR Tanya | Embracing Change

Embracing Change: Somebody who is causing you harm is probably in a great deal of harm themselves.


I want to know what’s the most significant lesson that you’ve learned. You have a daughter and we model for so many people, we model for our kids and for other people. One essential thing that in the midst of two and a half years of waking up at 2:30 AM that you learned that you’d want your daughter to know. The truth is she’s going to have her challenges, you count on it. What do you want her to know in the face of those challenges? 

People may look at it and say, “You’ve had this much success,” but it’s knowing your self-worth. It was that that pulled me that day when I was being obliterated at work one more time. The things that were said constantly to me, the emotional and psychological damage that has done at the time. The only shed of light, especially going home to a marriage that wasn’t working for me and everything was wrong. It was that little thing inside of me deep down inside that was like, “I’m worth more than this.” It was hard to find that tiny little thing in there because it’s something I’ve always never embraced. 

May 15th, four years from the day I left the show, it’s like, “I cannot have people in my life that don’t know my value, what I bring to the table as a friend, as a lover, as a girlfriend, whatever that might be.” If they don’t understand my selfworth and what I bring because I’m the person where I’m always looking and I always see what other people have to offer. I’m always there for other people. I always compliment them too and make them see what they have too, because sometimes we don’t embrace our own selfworth, but I see it so much in other people. I’ve ended relationships. I’ve ended friendships. There are even certain family members I don’t talk to so much anymore and it all comes down to me owning my selfworth. I cannot surround myself with people that don’t see what I bring to the table. 

That’s a mic drop for me. I say that because truthfully when they think about what the name of the show, the name of this show is embracing self-worth. That’s the fun part about this. There’s a collapsing of time and space we hear, but people are going to be reading this months and years from the moment that we spent talking about this life for us. There’s no distance between those two time and space moments. They collapse in that moment. It’s happening for the first time for people right now. This is an embracing selfworth moment.  

I literally had to hit rock bottom to somehow find that little thing inside to dig me out. If anyone out there is reading and they have hit that place or they’re in that place, you’re worth it. Get people out of your life that you feel are not there for you in the way that you need in any way because that has a lot to do with it. This is the people you surround yourself with, at work in your family, your friends and your relationships. It’s also where you decide to be. For example, if I have a whole day where I know I’m going to be on the computer, I’m not going to go to a rundown coffee shop. I’m going to go to a hotel lobby where I feel good and inspired. Put yourself in an environment that inspires you and that helps so much because you’re worth it. 

Yogananda said, “Environment is stronger than will.” You can have the will to succeed and still be in an environment for failure. That could be the environment that you’re in. I use our oldest daughter, Chelsea, as an example who’s a Millennial and she’s all about curating environment for herself. She wants to be in these beautiful environments for everything she’s doing, including the work that she’s putting out in the world. She wants that to have a beautiful impact. When she’s working virtually, as a lot of people do these days, she’ll go over to La Costa to this beautiful Omni Resort we’ve got five minutes from our house. She’ll chill there. It’s a different environment than hitting up the local corner cup of joe place or whatever. 

The last thing I want to ask you about, and I love this conversation, is about your rituals, about the practices that you’ve got. I believe that the quality of our lives equal to two things primarily, the quality of our relationships and the quality of the things that we do on a habit basis, but not unconsciously the way we drive home in a certain path every time or whatever. It’s the conscious habits we create that we call rituals. It’s a way to look at what are you doing intentionally to support everything that you’ve learned through this whole process. It’s not like we’re ever out the other end because it’s always a challenge or thing, but you’re in a very different state, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually maybe out of three years of coming out of abuse, the other side of abuse. What’s a ritual for you that helped you?  

I’m constantly a selfseeker of positive stuff, especially when I am not doing okay. I’m reading a book called The Surrender Experiment. Have you read it?  

It’s on my book of permanent favorites. It started for me with his first book, which is called The Untethered SoulIt’s a different lifestyle, but the way he manifested from a place of surrender. 

When I’m doing my makeup in the morning or like anytime that I have, I get excited. I love Mel Robbins. I’m Mel Robbins’ biggest fan. I’m going to put it out there. I’m going to have Mel Robbins on my show and that will be the day I know I made it, if I have Mel Robbins on the show. I listened to people like that and they really have a way of putting things in perspective. A massive ritual for me is I’m constantly listening to videos that resonate with me while I’m doing my makeup, while I’m driving in the car on the way to work, any time where I can be listening to something. It’s a wealth of information that way. That’s a big thing that I do, especially when I’m not doing okay. I will put on something to fill my brain to switch my ways of thinking and to snap me out of that. 

The truth is the future doesn’t exist. The present exists and the past does not exist. It makes no rational sense at all to think about the future and to think that you’re going to lose this, you’re not going to be that or this because you don’t know what’s going to happen. You get a call tomorrow, it can change your life. It’s usually what happens. A lot of the more epic things that have ever happened in my life have come totally out of the blue. It was never a plan. It was never, “I’m going to plan A, B, C, D, E and then I’m going to get this.” Life never goes as you plan. You might think, “I thought I was going to be a movie star. I thought I was going to be the next Catherine ZetaJones.” I ended up as a TV host and there’s a reason why I went down that path. 

The adversity isn't necessarily something that's on the outside working against us. Adversity is on the inside. Share on X

Dr. King had a great description for what we’re talking about, which he said, “Life is a bit of a dark staircase and it’s difficult when you’re looking up and seeing that there’s very little you can see. When you climb that stairs and you get to some other place where you look backward, you can see that all the stars lined up perfectly, that there’s nothing but pure connection and all of that. Yet it was dark and fearful and you had no clue where you’d end up.” As we’re winding this down, I’ll share the ritual that our community has come to expect. If you’re new to the community, then maybe you’re learning it for the first time, which is the waking ritual. I believe that the most powerful moment for me in my life is the first few thoughts of the day. 

My grandmother used to say, “Leave the house on the right foot.” I miss her dearly every day. She had great wisdom and that’s one of those things that when I’m leaving the house to go pretty much for almost anything, but often if it’s a business thing and I’m on a speaking engagement or a tour of some kind, I want to always leave intentionally with my right foot. The equivalent of that is what are the first things you’re doing? The first thoughts are the things you’re doing in the morning. When you wake up, you’re lying in bed, your mind gets filled with some thoughts about the day. It could be what you’ve got to do or maybe you’re behind time already or it’s the craving for coffee or whatever is going to hit you first thing. You’ve got to run to the bathroom. In many ways, the first step, those are the seeds that you’re planting using a different analogy for it. The TED Talk I gave was all about the embracing of change and our ability to love ourselves unconditionally, which is a path of great magnitude for me and for all of us. It’s a ten-second waking practice that would simply put you in the right state to lead with your right foot. I’m going to ask you the question. Tanya, did you wake up?  


Sometimes people say, “I don’t know. I’m not so sure. I’m still waking up. I need more coffee.” You did, you definitely did. I clearly got that as a yes. Was it guaranteed when you went to sleep last night that you would wake up today? 

In my mind it was, but in reality, no. 

PR Tanya | Embracing Change

Embracing Change: It makes no rational sense to think about the future and to think that you’re not going to be that or this because you don’t know what’s going to happen.


It wasn’t for me or any of us. When we woke up, it was unexpected and it was a gift in a big way. If you don’t believe that you’re waking up today was a gift, know that as you took your first breath this morning, there were people taking their last breath in that very same moment. Even as we’re taking our breath in this moment, there are people who are taking their last breath right now. Regardless of whether it’s an easy path at this moment, the place you are in, the present is easy or it’s difficult, it’s a blessing. It’s something we can’t take for granted or be too flippant about the fact that it’s not guaranteed. The hope and the prayer I’ve got is that we all get to wake up again tomorrow. Are you willing to wake up tomorrow?  

I am willing to wake up tomorrow.  

That’s our spiritually waking up or waking ourselves up to being something more forgiving tomorrow. Maybe waking up to the assignment that we’ve got. We don’t even know what that is. It could be that we’ve got a great pivot, something miraculous is going to happen tomorrow. Tomorrow when you all wake up, as I wake up as well, that first conscious breath, we can feel gratitude and appreciation in that moment knowing that it’s special. From your bed or when your feet hit the floor, you can even declare out loud if you’d like to say these words because they’re powerful, “I love my life. I love my life.” What are those words, Tanya?  

I love my life.  

For everybody out there, we hope you love this conversation and we love your feedback. Feel free to leave a comment and we’ll respond. You can leave a review on iTunes, which we absolutely love when you do that as well. Our Facebook group and that community is growing and we love all the interaction among people who are pivoting and being vulnerable and honest with their communications. You can go to and get to the front of the Facebook page door. It’s been a blessing. Until we come together again, ciao for now. 

Thank you, Adam. 

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About Tanya Memme

PR Tanya | Embracing ChangeTanya Memme is an Emmy Nominated TV Host, Lifestyle Expert, Actress, Speaker and an International On Camera/ Video & On Stage Coach for Executives. She is the founder of “Life Masters” a Talk Show/Podcast/web-based Platform where Visionaries, Mentors, Healers, Life Coaches & Speakers share life-changing stories, inspiration & wisdom.

Tanya is most famous for her role as the host of the Emmy nominated show, “Sell This House” on A&E for 15 years. She also hosted popular shows like “Sell This House Extreme” and “Move This House” on A&E, FYI and BIO Channel. Her recent TV appearances include “Home & Family” on Hallmark Channel, Awesomeness TV, “Best Vacations and (syndicated travel show) ET CANADA on Global TV. Tanya was crowned Miss CANADA in 1994 and competed for the coveted title of Miss World in Sun City South Africa.

She has traveled the world giving motivational speeches and with World Vision filming and uncovering the truth about Child Trafficking and Child Labor. She was the DirectTV Customer news Anchor for 7 years and has hosted over 50 infomercials. Recently she was cast as an actress in an international commercial to launch Google’s new phone. Tanya is big into giving back and makes trips to Guatemala with her dad to help WELLS OF HOPE build schools and bring clean water to remote communities. She has a 7-year-old daughter Ava who also appeared (crafting with her mommy) on Hallmark Channel’s “Home & Family” for 4 years.