I feel so fortunate to have so many incredible people in my life. And Lisa Garr is one of them! Lisa is the creator and host of The Aware Show, a talk radio program focusing on self development in all areas of life, for healing and achievement. Lisa’s lifelong work is a key catalyst behind what I’m calling “the Mainstreaming of Consciousness” – the realization by society that consciousness is a critical aspect of success in all areas of life and no longer just the bastion of personal development. Lisa and I discuss how the conversations within corporate America are shifting toward this trend, Lisa’s own reinvention story, as well as discovering your unique contribution to the world by first becoming aware of who you are … versus who you want to be … and more!
Learn more about the Aware Show and all of Lisa’s media programs, visit www.Awareshow.com, where you can also show your support and subscribe to the aware movement.
For more about Adam, to enjoy podcasts and interviews, or to accelerate your own business or life “PIVOT”, visit www.AdamMarkel.com and www.startmypivot.com.
I’m so happy and jazzed up to be with you and share somebody really special with you. I have such a blessed life in so many ways. You know my story. I won’t get into the gushing about my wife my kids, and all that stuff. I am blessed because the friendships, the business collaborations that I have been able to get, the universe has sent my way, have been so spectacular. It is truly divine and God is definitely shined down with was just beautiful souls, amazing big hearted people that are also brilliant. I get to share one of these big hearted brilliant people with you right now. We’re going to talk about pivoting. We’re all pivoting. Everybody’s reinventing their lives, their businesses, in so many levels. It’s just so deep and so profound. This gorgeous being that I get to introduce you to, her name is Lisa Garr. She’s become quite a good friend and somebody that I’m excited we’re collaborating on some pretty exciting things. We’re cooking up some amazing things. I want to say some things about Lisa so you can learn from this is absolutely incredible goddess.
Lisa Garr has dedicated her life to the awareness of herself and her surroundings. Based on a desire to live in a more conscious world, Lisa created The Aware Show. Many of you people I’m sure have been following and listening to it for years and years. The Aware Show, a talk radio program focusing on self-development in all areas of life for healing. She’s also the host of the most popular Aware Teleseminars which present thought leaders of our world. For the past ten years, Lisa has hosted an hour of radio programming, featuring bestselling authors and experts in the field of natural health and personal growth. She’s considered an expert in the field of lifestyle and transformational programming.
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Consciousness in the Mainstream & Discovering Your Unique Gifts with Lisa Garr
I love what you’re doing in the world, Lisa, and the people that you’re sharing with the world through your Hay House Radio programs to The Aware Show. Would you catch us up? I know you’re one of these amazing people that can elegantly, gracefully, balance family life, being a wife, being a mother, having several businesses, being an entrepreneur. You’re doing something, you’re a walking, talking expression of this pivot, the ability to pivot in business to create more value, to create transformational opportunities, and transformational leadership, which of course results in having vibrant business, having money, having success. You’re attracting beautiful things to yourself. Would you share a little bit about what you’re up to, catch us up on some of your doings?
It’s been such an amazing journey that I’m still on. I’m still on eighteen years of doing conscious media. I am still doing it because it’s a part of who I am. It has to do with the mission. It has to do with passion. It has to do with not what I want to be, but discovering who I am and bringing that out every single day. That is something that you know very well. I started off eighteen years ago because of that brain injury that I had. This has started not because I wanted to be on radio. It started because I was suffering from a traumatic brain injury. I was a competitive mountain bike racer. I crashed right before the finish line of a series final, a California State Championship Race. I cracked my helmet, shredded my helmet thirteen different places, and experienced such severe brain damage that it is an absolute gift that I can actually speak and put words together most of the time today because of the damage that I incurred. It took me such a long time to figure out that I had even damaged my brain, because you don’t know that inside your head. Your world gets very small.
I was able to find experts and incredible people that were able to help me realize the damage. They were helping children with seizures have no seizures, and just incredible things with neurofeedback and different types of modalities. Anyone who’s ever had a brain injury or ever had a concussion knows that it’s not a one-time fixes all solution. This is a daily practice to this day for me. That’s why I do what I do. The Aware Show is my daily practice of firing and wiring my brain. Firing and wiring every single day I get to. I’m interviewing this brilliant lady. She’s a rocket scientist. She’s like the real hidden figures. I just love what I do. I absolutely love that I get to bring brilliant people in the world. I started off by bringing on my acupuncturist. She’s just genius, fifth generation Chinese healer. The guy that was working with the neurofeedback on my brain just started. I was working in with mediumship and intuition because I really cracked open that part of my brain as well, which was not alluded. I damaged the physical part of my brain, but I woke up the conscious part of my brain. I just got off line, that critical, analytical thinker, and what was left was pure consciousness, that’s ultimately who we are. I have daily pursuit to find that pure consciousness.
I say this to people, but I don’t know if they think I’m BS-ing them or what, but it’s a daily vigilance. It’s no different than working out. I don’t care what great physical workout you can ever get for yourself. You’re good for a little while. That buys you another day really.
The moment we had before the show was me just saying, “Thank you God for knowing Adam Markel.” What a great conversation we had, two like-minded, high vibrational souls that speak on a totally different level. Aren’t we lucky, right?
Blessed, yes.
That’s why I do what I do. I have this conversation every day where I get to spark a new awakening within somebody else listening or within the person I’m interviewing. Now I reach about two million people a month on the various platforms that I’m on, between Hay House Radio and Coast to Coast, and I do KBFK in LA, New York, my YouTube channel, and I’ve probably forgotten most of them, a lot of great stuff. That’s what we do.
I know that YouTube channel’s exciting. Where do they go, the folks who want to join the YouTube?
Go to my website which is TheAwareShow.com. You’ll see my YouTube shows on there, and you can just click to subscribe to The Aware Show YouTube channel, because your subscription is a vote for conscious media to YouTube. I’m on this campaign here that they have to know conscious media has numbers. It’s important.
We’re getting to a tipping point. One of the things you said was this is an important time in our world right now, to have this greater level of consciousness. This podcast is called The Conscious PIVOT. This is all about that conscious awareness.
The catalysts that we have right now is our political situation, it’s such a great catalyst. It is forcing Americans to become awake in so many areas. We now know more about our political system than we’ve ever known. We’re voting for things that we didn’t even ever know existed. That’s why conscious media is on the rise because it’s all about listening to your own truth.
Hay House is a catalyst for transformation.
Everybody knows that who’s been through it, who’s been through their own level of chaos, and you’ve always come out of it with a learning.
You had a traumatic brain injury and you needed to do some process through that. That process is what we call a pivot. Would you share a little bit about that? What was that like? What did you learn from that? What was that take? You’ve been pivoting many times.
I don’t think we stop, Adam. That’s just what growth is. Growth is going off to a certain way down a road that you think is the right road, and then you keep going and keep going, and then you crash into something because you have to go into different directions. That’s what I was doing was working in television production and starting my own company in the entertainment industry at the same time in my late twenties. I just kept going 24/7,producing during the day, starting this company meeting at night, selling audiences for television shows, the company. I just kept going and then I got into mountain bike racing from some friends in TV. I was on a treadmill that wasn’t going to stop. You can still be on that treadmill as long as it’s got purpose.
I was on a treadmill with no purpose, and that’s the distinction of spinning your wheels and burning the candle at both ends for no reason. That will burn you out. I love Dr. Bruce Lipton, the cellular biologist, and he talks about the study of the biology of positive thoughts. If are putting your body through extremes and there’s a purpose attached to it, you will actually regenerate the cells faster. The cell can never be in growth and in degeneration at the same time. It can either be in one or the other. We’re either growing or dying is basically what that says. I love that concept. If you’re burning yourself out without a purpose, it’s leaning more towards the degeneration. If you’re excited and moving forward every day and having stimulating conversations, that moves you towards regeneration and keeps you alive, fun, youthful and excited.
People forever and ever, at least as long as this subject’s been out there in the mainstream, people are looking for their purpose. Part of what I love about the work that we both do is that we help people to uncover their purpose. At very root level, at a cause of caused level even. Your purpose can be just the searching for greater awareness, greater consciousness. You might want it to be more clarified, bigger, or somehow more defined than that, but it doesn’t have to be. You said something to me which is it’s so important to define who we are versus figuring out who we want to be. It’s very basic, defining who you are, becoming more consciously aware of yourself.
I’ve watched trends happen for years now in consciousness and in the audience. I used to get a lot of phone calls from people saying, “Who are my guides and where are my angels?” and those types of calls. Now, for example, on my Hay House show I had one lady, she’s working at Boeing, and she has a strong sense of intuition. She takes a lot of classes on intuition and developing psychic development, and so for which she never shared this at her job. She’s not going to quit her job, she’s got a great job, a high paying job at Boeing. She’s more in the engineering department which involves the creativity and probably her intuition.
The conversation now isn’t, “Should I quit my job and become an intuition coach?” The conversation now is, “Can I start an intuition class at Boeing?” That is such a great concept. Another lady called in and said she’s a finance person and had a great job at a finance firm in New York City. Her passion is she wanted to start a tea leaf reading shop. I love this idea. She wants to read tealeaves at tea shop that has tea leaf readers, a tea shop in New York City. She does not have to quit her job to do this. It’s a passion of hers. She wants to create and start something that she would want to go to. We worked it out on the show about how she can keep her job, and then fund this tea shop and have somebody start the shop with her. She doesn’t have to work there until she wants to be there.
This is one of these areas that I’m so glad you brought up, because it stops people dead in their tracks from having that purpose driven life, because this was my thing, right? That was 80 hours a week lawyering, and on the treadmill working it and all that stuff. Now I work as much as I ever did but I love what I do. It was the lack of a purpose driven activity that was depleting me and stripping me of the resilience and the energy that comes from doing heart-based work. One of the things that stops people from going down that road is the belief that they have to either jump ship or burn the ships even. That’s one of the six myths that we talk about that stop people from creating clarity in their pivot.
My brother’s a great example. He’s a full-time New York City litigation attorney, but he loves art. He doesn’t love just any art, he loves street art. He would have loved to have created a gallery, but couldn’t do it while still being a lawyer. He has four kids as responsibilities. What did he do? He created a pop up gallery. For a couple of months, he had a pop up gallery in Soho in Manhattan and featured incredible street artists. They all did well financially, but more than the money, he was doing something that was very purposeful. When you do purposeful work, work that’s from the heart space, it replenishes you. It’s a part of the recipe for resilience. In the world that we’re living in, with all the stressors, whether they’re money or political environment or any of these things, we need to be super resilient in our relationships.
Also, it teaches you. This whole idea of this side hustle that we’ve been talking a lot about, when you take, for example, the woman who wants to start the tea business, the tea company, or even your brother, when you start to pursue that level of your passion, you’re signing up for massive growth curves in your life. All your shadows come out, all your old pictures, the ways of doing things, surface, all that gritty crap that you really thought you needed, it surfaces. It says, “I’m here to show myself to you, and to make you choose whether or not you want to do this.” Do you want to have a scarcity perspective here? Do you want to think that you can’t have your passion or your dream? Do you want to think that you have blocks in the road that prevent you from being your full self?
[Tweet “When you start to pursue that level of your passion, you’re signing up for massive growth curves in your life. “]
All your old self-esteem issues, all your crap about your self-confidence and things you believe in, all shows up. You get to make a profound choice right there. For folks that maybe didn’t catch that term that you dropped on them, side hustle, or if you’ve been following it lately we call it pivot-preneur. It’s a Lisa and Adam term. I want to also recommend something. I’m reading The Presence Process. Have you read that book at all?
I have the physical book, but I’ve also been listening to it on Audible as well when I walk the pups. Michael Brown, The Presence Process.
What’s it about?
It’s about becoming present and how it is that we are stealing. We’re stealing so much from ourselves because we don’t know how to be present. When people talk about it, and if you’re in the personal development space, it’s definitely, “Be here now.” We all get that. We’ve heard it. The ability to be present, to create presence, and to be present is something of both a science and an art. I’m fascinated with that Yin and Yang in front and back of things.
One of the things I love about my shows is they are my oasis, where I get to focus 100% on what that person is saying, and I intuit the audience. It’s all this beautiful space of focus. The rest of my day can be multitasking, phone calls, and whatever, but that is my time where I just get to focus. I can’t imagine multitasking during an interview. That would be impossible because so much is happening in this moment, with you and I. I’m seeing you in different ways, I’m thinking about this energy exchange together, who might be hearing this. It’s such a beautiful moment. There’s so much happening in this moment that why would you paint it with anything else?
All of our power and all of our opportunity lives in this moment. Everything else is, I think Osho wrote years ago, “Everything else is dead. Everything in the past is dead, and anything in the future doesn’t exist anyway, so it’s all just a figment.” It’s super powerful. One thing that I’ve already gotten glean from it is in regard to emotion. He does some really great teaching on the distinction between reaction and response. He also talks about emotional resiliency and emotional agility. When we talk about pivoting, we talk about awareness and consciousness topics that we so love. Resilience is so key, it’s just so powerful, to understand how you can cultivate your emotional resilience and agility. So much is going on, so much is passing before your consciousness or your awareness. Your mind doesn’t cease, it doesn’t stop, it doesn’t relent in going forward and fast forwarding or just playing the reverse tape. Just track it for a little while. It’s part of this process. It’s tracking.
Being able to bounce back too. An example, there were people that were on there like callers. They were having a hard time at work because they didn’t either like their coworker or their boss, that their situation wasn’t creative, but through finding this other passion, it enabled them to handle those situations with a lot more resilience. To find those tools of compassion, or a different perspectives or awareness, all of that it nominalizes. It diminishes when you have purpose, when you have something that means something to you. Purpose builds resilience. To be honest, it does. It strengthens resilience, because the more you have meaning in something, it enables you to be more resilient in other situations. It’s a good precursor to resilience.
The last thing I want to touch on with you would be some of the rituals and practices that you’ve adopted to create that resilience. I look at rituals as being fundamental in being able to maintain momentum. Part of that pivot process is that we create this greater awareness, greater clarity, and vision, and then we got to do something. We want to do something because we want our lives to be an expression or an active act of love. It’s an act, it’s a war, it’s something in motion. To create that motion and sustain that motion, we have to have things that support us. If you want to have a great body, our ritual practice will be walking, running, lifting weights, whatever it is, and many other things. What are some of the practices and rituals that you’ve used to have multiple businesses, being an entrepreneur, being a mother, a great wife, a great human, and still have problems and challenges to overcome every day?
I’m a huge exercise fanatic. Every single morning, that is my ritual beyond. I have to move my body. I have seven days a week. I have various things that I do between. I have an amazing trainer. I’m a huge mountain biker. I always loved the mountains because there’s so many analogies in the mountains for life. I think of this all the time. First of all, you get out of the city vibe and you go into nature, which automatically changes your frequency. When you start to do that, you let go of the lower vibrational frequencies and you get right into those super-high creative, vibrational frequencies. When you’re around nature, that’s going to happen. Then I start looking at the ruts as being a symbol of life. When there’s ruts in life, there’s cliffs you can fall off of, there’s uphill battles, but when you get to the top, you feel great, and then it’s all downhill from there. I’ve done this analogy, but most of what I do when I mountain bike is I completely have a full on conversation with God. I mean full on. Luckily nobody’s really around me. I’m having this great conversation and I talk about the bigger picture of things. Not the minutiae that I deal with during the day but where are we going with this? How is this being supported?
I talk a lot about The Aware Show and how the industry and how conscious media is reaching a tipping point, and what is my role really in this massive movement, and how can I make it better? I really get the macro perspectives when I get on a mountain. It’s gorgeous scenery out there right now, it’s green. It’s more green than it’s ever been in California. I just kept admiring and smelling this beautiful smells of spring right now. It’s gorgeous out there. I deal with snakes and I deal with rabbits, I deal with nature. It’s really fun. I have this image the last time I was out. There were two cliffs on either side of me, and I was on the fire road between the two cliffs that I could see them on either side of me. I thought this is a beautiful analogy for there’s no bridge there. How many times have you looked for the bridge? The planks have only appeared as much as you’re willing to see them. They’re not there if you cannot see them. They’re only there when you can see them, and then when you see them, it appears just as your foot lands on them. Just as your foot is landing on the next piece and the next piece, and that’s when your steps to where you are and where you want to be appear only as you’re able to see them.
Is it as you’re able to see them or is it as you’re preceding in faith that they will appear?
Both. I started making this analogy for life. One of the things that I was recently going through and learning is the true value of who I am and what I’ve done in the world, and the lives that I’ve changed and will change, and really truly valuing the movement that I am a part of, and the creator that I am. As I started to really recognize that, I was humbled by the value that I bring to the world. That is such a peaceful state, and that plank appeared. The next piece to that was really learning how I can receive because I’m a giver. Many people in this world are giving and giving and I’ve almost over given in some ways. Receiving is the other piece of that. When you realize your value, which is my first plank, when I realized that I am actually able to receive, and when I got that the receiving that I received was incredible, that was the next plank that got me to the next piece, which was huge.
When you start to understand your value, we start to let receiving in, stillness is the next plank that appeared. That stillness is such a big piece. You have to listen. You have to be able to listen. The guidance that comes in and we were understanding the value of yourself, and being able to receive, and that stillness that follows that is the next plank. In that state of listening, so much guidance comes in. Your action steps come in, your blocks and your barriers are shown to you, everything is shown to you along the way after that, and then ultimately the last plank to the other precipice is gratitude. This beautiful bridge that showed itself to me of value, receiving, stillness, action, and gratitude, was this bridge that formed and I just saw this beautiful image and I probably an hour and a half went by of me out in that mountain riding, before I even realized I was still on my bike. It’s really cool, it’s a three-hour ride. I just had the best time.
Thank you for sharing that. I want to riff on that just a little bit here. I was with Fernando Flores. I was at the ATL meeting or the Association of Transformational Leadership. We were there and Fernando Flores was speaking about historic offerings about your historical offer, the offering that is yours to give the world. When you talk about value, that value is that offering that we all have. There’s nobody listening, watching, that does not have yet own offering to make to the world that has a real, true tangible value. That’s incredibly special to know that you have that value. It’s so beautiful that that was your first plank because there’s so much self-esteem and self-confidence that sits in that.
It’s great the way the universe just directs, the directing part comes from part of this, this recipe or the order of things that you said. You talked about value, and then you talked about receiving stillness, and then the action that you take and also then leads you in a place of gratitude. There you’re not alone. When you say you’re more of a giver or you’ve been more of a giver, this, I’m sure. We’re taught that giving is so super important.. What clogs up the works, gums up the works is that a lot of people are not terribly great receivers. We can own that, admit that.
It shows you your value. Once you open the receiving door and you’re allowed to come in, even a quarter of what you put out in the world is a wonderful teacher to show you the value of what you’ve done.
[Tweet “When you get to the top, you feel great, and then it’s all downhill from there. “]
A Course in Miracles. It’s a beautiful text. It is truly incredible. I want to refer everybody to Chapter 30, The New Beginning. Just section one is the part I’m referencing, but it’s called Rules for Decision. There’s so much in this. It’s so rich. I’ve started my day for the last couple of days revisiting this text and getting myself back into that space of how I make decisions. We’re making decisions continuously, consciously, or unconsciously, and we’re making them in collaboration, in union, in partnership. We’re either making them with fear as our partner, or with love as our partner, with God as our partner, or as whatever you consider to be the opposite of God’s spirit universe as partner. You’re making them, I’m making them in union with one of those two things, those antithetical things all the time.
I want to invite folks to check out this text, but relative to what you said about receiving, I’ve loved this part and I’ve been teaching this for years now, that it’s so important that we are able to receive it. In this it says that, “As we receive, so shall we give,” not, “As we give, so shall we receive,” which is more often what we’ve been taught and programmed to believe. As we receive, so shall we give. The love that you give yourself is the love that is your gift, your offering to the world. When you talk about Fernando Flores and our historic offering, and so many people are clogged up in their lives and feel lack of energy and they don’t have a great deal of resilience because they lack purpose. The purpose is you’re offering.
If you’re not able to extend that offering, everything just shrivels up and closes up. Like you say, you’re dying. You’re not living, you’re in a process of dying. In this it says, “As we receive, so shall we give,” to, “As we receive love, so shall we give it. As we received peace, so shall we give it.”To deprive yourself of love, or to have your love for yourself be conditional, that’s what you’re offering, that’s the historical offering you’re giving to the world. Whether you know it or not, the judgment that you meet out to yourself, is a judgment that you extend in the world. That becomes your offering. Judgment or anger, or resentment or confusion, or whatever it is. That receiving piece is so key. You want to receive inspiration, want to receive love, and want to receive forgiveness because that becomes your offering to the world.
Most of us give without ever even knowing how much we’re giving. We don’t keep tabs and, “I’ve given this, I’ve given this.” If you look up one day and you realize if I can receive in the level I’ve given, then it completes the circle. It’s well rounded.
Thank you for joining us on The Conscious PIVOT Podcast and Pivot Radio. Check us out. You can find our blogs at AdamMarkel.com. You can also go to StartMyPivot.com for six incredible questions that will kick start your pivot wherever you are right now, whether it’s in your health, relationships, your business, maybe you want to take on that side hustle, you want to create that purposeful and purpose-driven side business, while you’re keeping your day job. You’re not burning the bridges or burning the ships or what have you. Go to StartMyPivot.com and begin that process right there. Lisa, I love having you. Check out The Aware Show and you can go to TheAwareShow.com and check out the YouTube channel, you’ll find interview with me there. Please subscribe so you can put your vote in for this Conscious Radio, which is movement and it’s hitting the tipping point and we want to put it right over.
Just let him know that we exist, and that it’s increasing in numbers and that people want to hear more conscious, conscious media.
Ciao for now.
Important Links
- Lisa Garr
- The Aware Show
- Hay House Radio
- Coast to Coast
- Lisa Garr’s YouTube
- TheAwareShow.com
- The Presence Process
- The Presence Process on Audible
- A Course in Miracles
- Adam Markel’s interview
About Lisa Garr
Lisa Garr has dedicated her life to the awareness of herself and her surroundings. Based on a desire to live in a more conscious world, Lisa created The Aware Show, a talk radio program focusing on self development in all areas of life, for healing and achievement. She is also the host of the most popular Aware Teleseminars, which present the thought leaders of our world. For the past ten years, Lisa has hosted an hour of radio programming featuring best-selling authors and experts in the fields of natural health and personal growth. She is considered an expert in the field of lifestyle and transformational programming.
As Lisa says, “I created this show to bring balance to my own life, between my passion for personal growth and working in the entertainment industry. I am learning, just like many listeners, and I make it a point to have guests give examples of how to apply their philosophies to everyday living. I bring into my conversations real-life situations, even aspects of my own life that will help clarify concepts. And with so many different angles presented by the different guests, I invite the listeners to hear what philosophies resonate with them and become empowered by making conscious choices”.
The Aware Show airs on KPFK 90.7 FM (one of the largest radio stations west of the Mississippi) from 1:00-2:00 PM Pacific Time, Wednesday and Thursday. The program is also heard on KTLK AM 1150 from 9:30-10:00 AM Pacific Time, Sunday. The show has been so tremendously received by the listeners that the station receives calls and letters from people who have had incredible healing experiences as a result of the information they have heard on The Aware Show.
Lisa is currently in the process of obtaining a Master’s degree in Transformational Psychology from The University of Philosophical Research. Lisa has also studied at the Southern California Psychic Institute, where she learned varieties of healing modalities, she is a certified practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming through The Christopher Howard Companies. In addition, Lisa prides herself in being a consummate athlete. Sponsored by Brave Soldier, she was ranked first in the state in cross-country mountain bike racing in 2000.
In 2002, Lisa and her husband welcomed their first child to their family.
In addition to Lisa’s background in the healing arts, she comes from a long line of entertainers, including her aunt, actress Teri Garr, and her grandmother, Phyllis Garr, an original Radio City Music Hall Rockette. Lisa’s youthful vitality, energetic spirit and wealth of knowledge proves to be a dynamic and inspirational combination to the success of The Aware Show.