I’m so excited to be launching a podcast series called The Conscious PIVOT Podcast. This first podcast is what I’ll call a “trailer” of what is to come in future podcasts. I’ll be bringing to you powerful insights, interviews, stories and actionable advice on all topics related to creating greater impact in your personal and business life. Topics will range from entrepreneurship, reinvention, leadership, and money – to purpose, spirituality and relationships.
I firmly believe that in order to create greater impact, you need to have greater vision. Any successful “pivot” requires taking advantage of the 360-degree view afforded by the act of pivoting. This 360-degree view encompasses not only the technical skills that will allow you to succeed, but the awareness and self-mastery ability that forms a solid foundation on which to build your success.
I hope you’ll join me for a much needed dose of energy, HEART and real talk as I and many of my guests delve into topics that will allow you to create “Greater Impact Through Greater Vision”.
From my heart,
Listen to the podcast here
The Conscious Pivot Podcast – The Trailer
I’m going to give you a little bit of a teaser of some of the things that we’re going to be speaking about. We’re going to have some live interviews with some of the most incredible thought leaders around the world, people that are experts in business, in specific areas of business such as sales and marketing. We’re going to talk about the place of leadership and how to become the most incredible leader in your own life as well as in your business. I’ll give you a sampling of some of the subjects that we’re going to be talking about. First, I want to share with you that this is absolutely one of the most blessed moments for me. I feel so lucky to be able to spend some time with you in this in this new arena for me. I’ve never done a podcast before. Many of you have probably been to a training of mine, been to a live seminar or workshop. If you haven’t and if you don’t know much about my story, I’ll quickly tell you. I’m a recovering attorney. I spent eighteen years as a New York City litigation attorney. I also handled many commercial transactions as well. I’m a serial entrepreneur since the age of fifteen.
I’ve owned many different businesses, commercial real estate, residential real estate, restaurants, title insurance company, and my law practice as well as a personal development training company called New Peaks where we’ve trained and helped people to transform their lives for many years. Our company’s been around for more than twenty years and trained more than 2 million people worldwide under the name Peak Potentials, which was our former name. I’ve been blessed to be a trainer with that company, blessed to be the CEO of that company, blessed to create programs and content that is literally making its way around the world.
We do seminars on relationships. We do seminars on business, on marketing and specifics. We talk about how it is that you can transform the way you think about money in regard to your life direction to be able to create money with meaning. Wouldn’t that be great to not only do something that is meaningful and fulfilling and it fills you up on the inside, makes your heart swell, but it’s also a powerful financial vehicle in the world. I absolutely love the work that I’ve been doing at New Peaks for many, many years. I love business. I love personal development.
What’s special about this podcast, The Conscious PIVOT, is that we’re going to work on the integration of those two oftentimes separate disciplines. There are people that that spend time reading books, self-help books, attending trainings, maybe listening to podcasts or going to webinars, and that kind of thing purely to make their own lives feel better, to get more clarity in their own life. Then there are people that attend and are invested in business trainings, professional training, and in continuing education for their business. In particular, maybe even a certification that will help them earn more money or increase the speed at which they can climb the corporate ladder. Perhaps, they’re entrepreneurs. Many of you might be entrepreneurs or might be open to the idea in the future of becoming an entrepreneur.
All of those topics are going to be tackled in this time that we spend together. I’m going to let right out of the gate that while I have a very specific agenda on the shows that I’m going to be leading, it’s also going to be free-flowing, meaning we’re going to allow the universe to guide us. We’re going to have guests that will share their expertise with you for the purposes of teaching and giving. I also lead and run a mastermind that is global in nature, meaning that we run them all over the world, and we have people come from all the world to attend them to network, to gain business insights, to find solutions to challenges, issues, and problems. We use the definition that Napoleon Hill came up with to define a mastermind and that is two or more people coming together in harmony with a specific purpose. I’ll ask you if you know what that specific purpose is. Two or more people coming together in harmony with a specific purpose and their purpose is to create plans for them for the betterment of our lives.

The Conscious Pivot Podcast: Napoleon Hill’s Outwitting the Devil: The Secret to Freedom and Success
The inspiration for me in going into that area long ago was Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich, but then I found this other incredible book that has made its way onto the scene in 2011. It was written in 1937 and unfortunately wasn’t able to be published because it was quite controversial. That book is called Outwitting the Devil. It’s in that book that Napoleon Hill explains the concept of drifting. Drifting is something that is an epidemic in our world like mediocrity and settling for the status quo. Napoleon Hill defined drifting as people that did not have the skill of planning, and because they did not have the skill of planning, they could not execute on their dreams or their desires, their wants, in other words. Even if they knew what they wanted, they didn’t have the skill to be able to achieve what they wanted because they did not know how to plan.
Why I say that to you is that this podcast is going to be a collaborative experience. You’re going to be on. I’ll take questions in certain segments and we’ll have guests. While we’re speaking, we’ve got what I believe is a mastermind. We’re going to cultivate new thoughts. You’re going to be able to create new thoughts for yourself and have new awareness. What’s special about new awareness is when you become more aware of things, you become clearer. I use this analogy in the very beginning of the book Pivot where I explain that many times people are driving down the road of their life and using the windshield as an example. They’ve got to see out of the windshield to be able to drive, but they’ve got all this dirt and dust and things on it. Things that make it unclear, make it nearly impossible for them to see fully.
Because they can’t see fully they often will drive slowly down the road of their life because that’s the safe approach. We all know that people are for the most part wired the same way. We’re all wired for protection, we’re wired to stay alive, we’re wired for safety, and so they drive safely down the road in a slow and methodical fashion without a lot of passion. Somebody that can clear that windshield and can get that clarity is able to drive much faster in the direction of their dreams, were much faster in the direction of their goals, because they understand that concept of planning and they can create clarity as a result of it. What’s beautiful about when you create more clarity is it leads to greater vision and vision is everything. Because without a vision, without a strong vision for our lives, we perish. We feel like we’re living lives of quiet desperation as Henry David Thoreau said many years ago.
[Tweet “People are wired the same way. We’re all wired for protection, wired to stay alive and wired for safety.”]
The idea here is to create more clarity in your life so that you can create more vision in your life. When you create more vision in your life, you’re inspired to make new decisions. You see the world through a different lens, so therefore you decide how to approach the world and how to respond to the world in a different way. I hope that makes sense to you. It has definitely been one of the most transformative understanding my adult life. Finding the clarity to create the vision to be able to make new decisions and ultimately take new actions. The net result of that are new results that show up in your life which is truly incredible. This idea of how we create these plans together is the genesis of greater consciousness for ourselves, individually and for our planet.
The Conscious PIVOT is going to be a series of podcasts that are devoted to helping you to make small but meaningful changes in your perceptions of the world. Small but meaningful changes in your lens and the way that you see the world, the way you see business, the way you see marketing, the way you see selling, the way you see other people, the way you see things in your relationships, the way you see your health, and how you respond to the world. The purpose of this podcast will be to help you to create that greater vision so that you can plan your life and plan the days ahead and plan for your goals. Because now you’ve got this bigger vision, you’ve got this bolder vision, you’ve got this clarity that didn’t exist before.
Some of the things that we’re going to be talking about, just a sampling of the things that will do in the podcast, are becoming bigger than your obstacles, the key to becoming unstoppable, using accountability to uplift and inspire your team. If you don’t have a team, we’re going to talk about the difference between 10X thinking and 2X thinking and how it is that you can create an unstoppable team. We’re going to talk about your code of conduct, how it is that you create a code of conduct, and how you use it to inspire others to be part of your vision. We’re going to talk about the seven pillars to having the ultimate relationship and I mean ultimate relationship in every way; your personal relationship, your relationship with yourself; your relationship with others, your relationship in business; intimate relationships, etc. The Power and the Art of Alchemy, turning lead into gold.
This is something that I am very committed to these days which is the Law of Utilization. How is it that you utilize the things that happened for you in your life to your absolute benefit, to the service of the world, to the service of yourself, to the service of your family? That is alchemy, turning the cow patty into the fertilizer that it truly is and seeing that it can grow into something unimaginable, using your pain even as your greatest asset in life in many ways, and creating daily rituals. I believe that the quality of your life is equal to the quality of your daily rituals, so what does it take to create new daily rituals for success and how is it that you can create your own hour of power to start the day. We have a podcast just on that subject as well. How to overcome fears, how to reinvent yourself, how to be able to turn your vision into impact, because ultimately that’s what this podcast is about.

The Conscious Pivot Podcast: Turn vision into the impact. The greater your vision the greater your impact in the world.
The Conscious PIVOT enables you to turn vision into the impact. In fact, the greater your vision the greater your impact in the world. What does it take today to thrive as an entrepreneur? How do you craft your unique brand? How do you craft a structure for leadership of a team? How do you attract a team? How do you raise capital? How do you start a business? How do you continue a business? At all times, we’re working in two different spheres; we’re working in the business that we’re currently in, as an employee or as a business owner, and we’re also working in the business that we’re going to be in. Meaning if you’re not working in the future, if you’re not working in an innovative space, then the business that you’re in may be gone tomorrow. It probably won’t surprise you to know that literally out of the Fortune 500 companies from 1955, 88% of those companies are no longer around today. Unimaginable but true.
I’m so excited beyond words to be able to serve you in this way, to be part of this journey with you, and I love the fact that we’re going to have these weekly podcast together. I hope you love your life. I guarantee you if you listen to this podcast, you’re going to love your life very, very soon. I’m sending you out all of my love and can’t wait to connect with you. This is going to be the first of many, many times that we get to spend together in this format. Sending you lots of love, and again, I hope you love your life and I can’t wait to spend more time with you.