Inspire Your Real Estate Team for Maximum Performance
Real Estate Speaker Adam Markel
Empowers Teams with the Tools they Need
to Drive Consistent Success

Adam doesn’t just like his job as a real estate motivational speaker, he loves it!
He’s been spreading smiles and positive energy for more than a decade as a transformational teacher. As a world-renowned speaker for real estate events, a former real estate attorney and serial real estate investor, Adam Markel has taught over and over that resilient people thrive because they have what it takes to be at their best in the most difficult situations.
It’s good to be a real estate agent when things are going smoothly. Every day is different, there are hefty commissions and the freedom of running your own business are all reasons why real estate agents love their careers. But it’s not easy.
There never seems to be enough time in the day. Long hours, slow periods, weekend work and high administration costs are difficult challenges. And when the market takes a nosedive, so can your spirits.
Strong Resilience makes Smart Habits Hard to Break
Now, in these times of rapid change, it’s our responsibility as leaders to put in the effort to help everyone achieve their potential. Team members who are full of pride rather than fear are your greatest assets.
As a resilience keynote speaker, Adam helps companies utilize the collective efforts of their employees through high-impact presentations. These interactive events are carefully designed to inspire and motivate teams to be resilient. And one of the best side effects of resilient teams is competitiveness and high performance.
A major pillar of success is a supportive work environment. Many studies suggest that positive emotions can increase focus while stress can be a major distraction. But what exactly does it take to motivate teams?
As an entrepreneur who’s worked with some of the top global brands, Adam has learned that a “got your back” culture is the fabric of high-performance teams. If you want to hire a motivational speaker who will give you actionable, measurable ways to nurture supportive, high-performance teams, Adam is the right real estate speaker for your next event.
Real Estate Speaker Event Testimonials
Setting the Stage for Success Before the Real Estate Keynote Speaker Event
The definition of success is different for every company. Sometimes there are deep underlying issues that are holding us back from pursuing our dreams. Or it may be that we need to work on our self-discipline. Certain people might need strategies to recover from stress while others may want to increase their energy throughout the day.
This is why we start every event by getting to know your employees so we can curate meaningful, memorable content for the audience. We do this with a Resilience Assessment that addresses the 4 quadrants of resilience.
This questionnaire gives us a snapshot of the individual characteristics of your team members. We use the information attendees share to tailor specific, achievable goals and strategies for each one of your employees.

4-Quadrant Recovery Zones Map –
The Ladder to Personal Success
Adam Markel’s favorite 4-letter word is Love. His simple, honest approach starts and ends with compassion and resiliency. After a lifetime of studying the habits and values essential to success, he’s developed many tools and strategies to attain resilience.
The 4-Quadrant Recovery Zones map covers all 4 areas of resiliency: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. Attendees of the leadership keynote speaker events who fill out the questionnaire will receive a personal recovery roadmap based on their answers.
Engage in the process everyday, and it will drive a commitment to respect and teamwork. Eventually, these good habits add up and trigger a ripple effect of positivity in your organization.
Resilience goes beyond bouncing back. It’s the ability to thrive – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually – regardless of what may be happening in your environment.
– Adam Markel
Adam Markel’s Real Estate Motivational Speaker Events
Adam has worn many hats over the years. Real estate residential and commercial attorney, longtime real estate investor and CEO of one of the largest personal development companies in the world—to name a few.
As a resilience keynote speaker with a compassionate touch, Adam has spent more than 30 years working closely with companies to find out how to turn positivity into profits. He’s also a world-renowned resilience expert and one of the top commercial real estate speakers.
Over the past decade, he has spoken to hundreds of audiences as a leadership keynote speaker. His book, PIVOT: The Art and Science of Reinventing Your Career and Life, is a New York Times bestseller. You can also catch him on The Conscious PIVOT Podcast where he has fascinating conversations about reinvention and the importance of resilience. His newest book, Change Proof: Leveraging the Power of Uncertainty to Build Long-Term Resilience focuses on our ability to handle whatever the future holds by becoming Change Proof.
Hire a Motivational Speaker to Drive Growth
Adam’s ultimate goal as a speaker for real estate events is to provide a method to help people find new levels of success as individuals and as leaders.
When things are going well, it’s easy to handle daily tasks. But when the market plunges, it can be a real gut check. Despite these setbacks, you can fight on. So how do we keep our employees positive and proactive in the face of disaster? What’s Adam’s secret? Resilience.
It sounds easy but it’s not so easy. Resilience is a master skill that’s fundamental to mental fortitude. As a top real estate speaker, Adam has mastered the complex art of keeping it simple. He lays out a specific, achievable plan to accomplish short-term goals and face the future without giving in to fear.
Team building is another pillar of Adam’s message. In today’s ultra-competitive environment it is difficult to build teams in any context. Yet, think about how much more motivated you would be to do something in the presence of good rapport and respect.