My amazing wife, Randi Markel, spent almost 20-years as an elementary school teacher. During that time, the stories she brought home were both hilarious and enlightening. Children view the world through a lens colored by love because that is all they know how to do. Their perspectives are not yet tainted, their emotions not yet jaded.
A group of schoolchildren from California, realizing that the world is a little overwhelmed right now, decided to do something small to make people feel better. They had no idea their recordings, simple pep talks for those who need a smile, would go viral. These resilient kindergartners simply wanted to add some cheer to a world very much in need.
I’m sure you heard about this story and even if you didn’t call the hotline, smiled at the pureness and love behind it. We are craving this right now because every day we’re inundated with much of the opposite. Press 1 if you’re feeling mad, frustrated or nervous.
One student tells callers to “be grateful for yourself” while another suggests you “think of groundhogs if you’re feeling up high and unbalanced”. I think what I love about this is how insightful and spot on the advice is. What a great reminder of how we should take time out of each day to feel love and joy, to remind ourselves what we’re capable of and maybe even giggle a little.
Why Did PepToc Go Viral?
Of course there’s the cuteness factor, but I think this is more than that. These kids reminded us that we are already resilient, capable of making it through the chaos and change that is our reality right now. And we have been from a very young age.
Resilience is something we all have, something we can all tap into and this group of schoolchildren are proof. As are children around the world, who have experienced more life in the past two years than they should have, and have the wherewithal to create something uplifting for strangers. It’s inspiring and heartwarming – but more than that – it’s a glimmer of hope, a foreshadowing of our future generations. And a wonderful reminder of how far reaching the human spirit is, when we choose to love on one another.
One of the teachers who spearheaded the project put it this way, “Their creativity and resourcefulness is something that we need to emulate, because that level of joy and love and imagination is what’s going to save us in the end”, and I couldn’t agree more.
So, this week if you’re feeling down and need to hear kids laughing with delight, press 4. Or if you need encouragement in Spanish, press 5. Or if you come across someone who is struggling, press pause – and take some time to show up just like these kindergartners did.