Leadership Guide for Creating a Trauma-Informed Workplace

Leadership Guide for Creating a Trauma-Informed Workplace

What comes to mind when you hear “safe spaces”? For me, it’s a feeling of comfort, security and knowing I can truly be myself. A sense of being home. For many of us, especially lately, work is home and home is work. We spend so much time working that our coworkers become family and our offices an extension of our living space. We multitask at work with personal chores and pepper our dinner conversations with [...]
How to Build Resilience and Become a Leader that Inspires People to Follow

How to Build Resilience and Become a Leader that Inspires People to Follow

Leaders are often selected because their CV is loaded with accomplishments, experience and degrees. After all, you want the person in charge to know what they’re doing, right?  So why aren’t the most important skills noted on paper? “Soft” skills such as resilience, empathy, courage and authenticity are necessary leadership traits that don’t appear until put to the test. It’s one thing to lead during easy times, but it takes transformational leadership to get your [...]
Did We Shelter-in-Place in a Time Machine?

Did We Shelter-in-Place in a Time Machine?

As a kid, I used to watch the Jetsons and think how cool the future looked. I couldn’t wait to grow up, zip through the sky in my Spacely Space Sprocket, have my chores done by a droid and play with tons of awesome gadgets as part of my important job working from home. We’re now living in the future and I was right. It’s pretty cool. Although it’s not exactly the Jetson life (my [...]
7 Traits to Improve Leadership Quality in 2022

7 Traits to Improve Leadership Quality in 2022

The other day, while I was watching the movie Contagion, I got a call. By the time I hung up, the movie had ended and the news had come on. I watched it for the next twenty minutes, thinking it was still the movie. In that moment it hit me how much our world has drastically changed.  Those changes are big and scary. But they aren’t insurmountable. As a leader tasked with supporting and guiding [...]
Home is Where the Heart (and World) Is

Home is Where the Heart (and World) Is

We’ve all heard the phrase, “home is where the heart is,” but it never hit “home” as hard as it did when home was all we had. During shelter-in-place, our houses became our offices, our gyms, our schools, our libraries, our parks, our movie theaters, our hospitals and our only (virtual) link to our loved ones near and far. Our entire world was narrowed down to four walls and it has forever changed how we [...]